Views & Responses
Basic Responses
Returning Strings From Routes
1Route::get('/', function()2{3 return 'Hello World';4});
Creating Custom Responses
A Response
instance inherits from the Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
class, providing a variety of methods for building HTTP responses.
1$response = Response::make($contents, $statusCode);2 3$response->header('Content-Type', $value);4 5return $response;
If you need access to the Response
class methods, but want to return a view as the response content, you may use the Response::view
method for convenience:
1return Response::view('hello')->header('Content-Type', $type);
Attaching Cookies To Responses
1$cookie = Cookie::make('name', 'value');2 3return Response::make($content)->withCookie($cookie);
Returning A Redirect
1return Redirect::to('user/login');
Returning A Redirect With Flash Data
1return Redirect::to('user/login')->with('message', 'Login Failed');
Since the with
method flashes data to the session, you may retrieve the data using the typical Session::get
Returning A Redirect To A Named Route
1return Redirect::route('login');
Returning A Redirect To A Named Route With Parameters
1return Redirect::route('profile', array(1));
Returning A Redirect To A Named Route Using Named Parameters
1return Redirect::route('profile', array('user' => 1));
Returning A Redirect To A Controller Action
1return Redirect::action('HomeController@index');
Returning A Redirect To A Controller Action With Parameters
1return Redirect::action('UserController@profile', array(1));
Returning A Redirect To A Controller Action Using Named Parameters
1return Redirect::action('UserController@profile', array('user' => 1));
Views typically contain the HTML of your application and provide a convenient way of separating your controller and domain logic from your presentation logic. Views are stored in the app/views
A simple view could look something like this:
1<!-- View stored in app/views/greeting.php -->2 3<html>4 <body>5 <h1>Hello, <?php echo $name; ?></h1>6 </body>7</html>
This view may be returned to the browser like so:
1Route::get('/', function()2{3 return View::make('greeting', array('name' => 'Taylor'));4});
The second argument passed to View::make
is an array of data that should be made available to the view.
Passing Data To Views
1// Using conventional approach2$view = View::make('greeting')->with('name', 'Steve');3 4// Using Magic Methods5$view = View::make('greeting')->withName('steve');
In the example above the variable $name
would be accessible from the view, and would contain Steve
If you wish, you may pass an array of data as the second parameter given to the make
1$view = View::make('greetings', $data);
You may also share a piece of data across all views:
1View::share('name', 'Steve');
Passing A Sub-View To A View
Sometimes you may wish to pass a view into another view. For example, given a sub-view stored at app/views/child/view.php
, we could pass it to another view like so:
1$view = View::make('greeting')->nest('child', 'child.view');2 3$view = View::make('greeting')->nest('child', 'child.view', $data);
The sub-view can then be rendered from the parent view:
1<html>2 <body>3 <h1>Hello!</h1>4 <?php echo $child; ?>5 </body>6</html>
Determining If A View Exists
If you need to check if a view exists, use the View::exists
1if (View::exists('emails.customer'))2{3 //4}
View Composers
View composers are callbacks or class methods that are called when a view is rendered. If you have data that you want bound to a given view each time that view is rendered throughout your application, a view composer can organize that code into a single location. Therefore, view composers may function like "view models" or "presenters".
Defining A View Composer
1View::composer('profile', function($view)2{3 $view->with('count', User::count());4});
Now each time the profile
view is rendered, the count
data will be bound to the view.
You may also attach a view composer to multiple views at once:
1View::composer(array('profile','dashboard'), function($view)2{3 $view->with('count', User::count());4});
If you would rather use a class based composer, which will provide the benefits of being resolved through the application IoC Container, you may do so:
1View::composer('profile', 'ProfileComposer');
A view composer class should be defined like so:
1class ProfileComposer {2 3 public function compose($view)4 {5 $view->with('count', User::count());6 }7 8}
Defining Multiple Composers
You may use the composers
method to register a group of composers at the same time:
1View::composers(array(2 'AdminComposer' => array('admin.index', 'admin.profile'),3 'UserComposer' => 'user',4 'ProductComposer@create' => 'product'5));
There is no convention on where composer classes may be stored. You are free to store them anywhere as long as they can be autoloaded using the directives in your composer.json
View Creators
View creators work almost exactly like view composers; however, they are fired immediately when the view is instantiated. To register a view creator, simply use the creator
1View::creator('profile', function($view)2{3 $view->with('count', User::count());4});
Special Responses
Creating A JSON Response
1return Response::json(array('name' => 'Steve', 'state' => 'CA'));
Creating A JSONP Response
1return Response::json(array('name' => 'Steve', 'state' => 'CA'))->setCallback(Input::get('callback'));
Creating A File Download Response
1return Response::download($pathToFile);2 3return Response::download($pathToFile, $name, $headers);
Symfony HttpFoundation, which manages file downloads, requires the file being downloaded to have an ASCII file name.
Response Macros
If you would like to define a custom response that you can re-use in a variety of your routes and controllers, you may use the Response::macro
1Response::macro('caps', function($value)2{3 return Response::make(strtoupper($value));4});
The macro
function accepts a name as its first argument, and a Closure as its second. The macro's Closure will be executed when calling the macro name on the Response
1return Response::caps('foo');
You may define your macros in one of your app/start
files. Alternatively, you may organize your macros into a separate file which is included from one of your start