trait FormatsMessages (View source)
Replace all place-holders for the accepted_if rule.
Replace all place-holders for the declined_if rule.
Replace all place-holders for the between rule.
Replace all place-holders for the date_format rule.
Replace all place-holders for the decimal rule.
Replace all place-holders for the different rule.
Replace all place-holders for the digits rule.
Replace all place-holders for the digits (between) rule.
Replace all place-holders for the extensions rule.
Replace all place-holders for the min rule.
Replace all place-holders for the min digits rule.
Replace all place-holders for the max rule.
Replace all place-holders for the max digits rule.
Replace all place-holders for the missing_if rule.
Replace all place-holders for the missing_unless rule.
Replace all place-holders for the missing_with rule.
Replace all place-holders for the missing_with_all rule.
Replace all place-holders for the multiple_of rule.
Replace all place-holders for the in rule.
Replace all place-holders for the not_in rule.
Replace all place-holders for the in_array rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_array_keys rule.
Replace all place-holders for the mimetypes rule.
Replace all place-holders for the mimes rule.
Replace all place-holders for the present_if rule.
Replace all place-holders for the present_unless rule.
Replace all place-holders for the present_with rule.
Replace all place-holders for the present_with_all rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_with rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_with_all rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_without rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_without_all rule.
Replace all place-holders for the size rule.
Replace all place-holders for the gt rule.
Replace all place-holders for the lt rule.
Replace all place-holders for the gte rule.
Replace all place-holders for the lte rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_if rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_if_accepted rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_if_declined rule.
Replace all place-holders for the required_unless rule.
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_if rule.
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_if_accepted rule.
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_if_declined rule.
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_unless rule.
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_with rule.
Replace all place-holders for the same rule.
Replace all place-holders for the before rule.
Replace all place-holders for the before_or_equal rule.
Replace all place-holders for the after rule.
Replace all place-holders for the after_or_equal rule.
Replace all place-holders for the date_equals rule.
Replace all place-holders for the dimensions rule.
Replace all place-holders for the ends_with rule.
Replace all place-holders for the doesnt_end_with rule.
Replace all place-holders for the starts_with rule.
Replace all place-holders for the doesnt_start_with rule.
Get the validation message for an attribute and rule.
Get the proper inline error message for standard and size rules.
Get the inline message for a rule if it exists.
Get the custom error message from the translator.
Check the given messages for a wildcard key.
Get the proper error message for an attribute and size rule.
Get the data type of the given attribute.
Replace all error message place-holders with actual values.
Get the displayable name of the attribute.
Get the given attribute from the attribute translations.
Get the custom name for an attribute if it exists in the given array.
Replace the :attribute placeholder in the given message.
Replace the :index placeholder in the given message.
Replace the :position placeholder in the given message.
Replace the :index or :position placeholder in the given message.
Get the word for a index or position segment.
Replace the :input placeholder in the given message.
Get the displayable name of the value.
Transform an array of attributes to their displayable form.
Call a custom validator message replacer.
Call a class based validator message replacer.
protected string
replaceAcceptedIf(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the accepted_if rule.
protected string
replaceDeclinedIf(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the declined_if rule.
protected string
replaceBetween(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the between rule.
protected string
replaceDateFormat(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the date_format rule.
protected string
replaceDecimal(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,int> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the decimal rule.
protected string
replaceDifferent(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the different rule.
protected string
replaceDigits(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the digits rule.
protected string
replaceDigitsBetween(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the digits (between) rule.
protected string
replaceExtensions(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the extensions rule.
protected string
replaceMin(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the min rule.
protected string
replaceMinDigits(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the min digits rule.
protected string
replaceMax(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the max rule.
protected string
replaceMaxDigits(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the max digits rule.
protected string
replaceMissingIf(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the missing_if rule.
protected string
replaceMissingUnless(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the missing_unless rule.
protected string
replaceMissingWith(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the missing_with rule.
protected string
replaceMissingWithAll(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the missing_with_all rule.
protected string
replaceMultipleOf(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the multiple_of rule.
protected string
replaceIn(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the in rule.
protected string
replaceNotIn(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the not_in rule.
protected string
replaceInArray(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the in_array rule.
protected string
replaceRequiredArrayKeys(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_array_keys rule.
protected string
replaceMimetypes(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the mimetypes rule.
protected string
replaceMimes(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the mimes rule.
protected string
replacePresentIf(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the present_if rule.
protected string
replacePresentUnless(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the present_unless rule.
protected string
replacePresentWith(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the present_with rule.
protected string
replacePresentWithAll(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the present_with_all rule.
protected string
replaceRequiredWith(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_with rule.
protected string
replaceRequiredWithAll(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_with_all rule.
protected string
replaceRequiredWithout(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_without rule.
protected string
replaceRequiredWithoutAll(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_without_all rule.
protected string
replaceSize(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the size rule.
protected string
replaceGt(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the gt rule.
protected string
replaceLt(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the lt rule.
protected string
replaceGte(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the gte rule.
protected string
replaceLte(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the lte rule.
protected string
replaceRequiredIf(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_if rule.
protected string
replaceRequiredIfAccepted(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_if_accepted rule.
replaceRequiredIfDeclined(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_if_declined rule.
protected string
replaceRequiredUnless(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the required_unless rule.
protected string
replaceProhibitedIf(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_if rule.
protected string
replaceProhibitedIfAccepted(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_if_accepted rule.
replaceProhibitedIfDeclined(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_if_declined rule.
protected string
replaceProhibitedUnless(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_unless rule.
protected string
replaceProhibits(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_with rule.
protected string
replaceSame(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the same rule.
protected string
replaceBefore(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the before rule.
protected string
replaceBeforeOrEqual(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the before_or_equal rule.
protected string
replaceAfter(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the after rule.
protected string
replaceAfterOrEqual(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the after_or_equal rule.
protected string
replaceDateEquals(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the date_equals rule.
protected string
replaceDimensions(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the dimensions rule.
protected string
replaceEndsWith(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the ends_with rule.
protected string
replaceDoesntEndWith(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the doesnt_end_with rule.
protected string
replaceStartsWith(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the starts_with rule.
protected string
replaceDoesntStartWith(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array<int,string> $parameters)
Replace all place-holders for the doesnt_start_with rule.
protected string
getMessage(string $attribute, string $rule)
Get the validation message for an attribute and rule.
protected string|null
getInlineMessage(string $attribute, string $rule)
Get the proper inline error message for standard and size rules.
protected string|null
getFromLocalArray(string $attribute, string $lowerRule, array|null $source = null)
Get the inline message for a rule if it exists.
protected string
getCustomMessageFromTranslator(array|string $keys)
Get the custom error message from the translator.
protected string
getWildcardCustomMessages(array $messages, string $search, string $default)
Check the given messages for a wildcard key.
protected string
getSizeMessage(string $attribute, string $rule)
Get the proper error message for an attribute and size rule.
protected string
getAttributeType(string $attribute)
Get the data type of the given attribute.
makeReplacements(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array $parameters)
Replace all error message place-holders with actual values.
getDisplayableAttribute(string $attribute)
Get the displayable name of the attribute.
protected string|null
getAttributeFromTranslations(string $name)
Get the given attribute from the attribute translations.
protected string|null
getAttributeFromLocalArray(string $attribute, array|null $source = null)
Get the custom name for an attribute if it exists in the given array.
protected string
replaceAttributePlaceholder(string $message, string $value)
Replace the :attribute placeholder in the given message.
protected string
replaceIndexPlaceholder(string $message, string $attribute)
Replace the :index placeholder in the given message.
protected string
replacePositionPlaceholder(string $message, string $attribute)
Replace the :position placeholder in the given message.
protected string
replaceIndexOrPositionPlaceholder(string $message, string $attribute, string $placeholder, Closure|null $modifier = null)
Replace the :index or :position placeholder in the given message.
protected string
numberToIndexOrPositionWord(int $value)
Get the word for a index or position segment.
protected string
replaceInputPlaceholder(string $message, string $attribute)
Replace the :input placeholder in the given message.
getDisplayableValue(string $attribute, mixed $value)
Get the displayable name of the value.
protected array
getAttributeList(array $values)
Transform an array of attributes to their displayable form.
protected string|null
callReplacer(string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array $parameters, Validator $validator)
Call a custom validator message replacer.
protected string
callClassBasedReplacer(string $callback, string $message, string $attribute, string $rule, array $parameters, Validator $validator)
Call a class based validator message replacer.