AuthorizationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
AuthorizationException::asNotFound() — Method in class AuthorizationException

Set the HTTP response status code to 404.

$ GateEvaluated#abilityProperty in class GateEvaluated

The ability being evaluated.

$ GateEvaluated#argumentsProperty in class GateEvaluated

The arguments given during evaluation.

$ Gate#abilitiesProperty in class Gate

All of the defined abilities.

$ Gate#afterCallbacksProperty in class Gate

All of the registered after callbacks.

Gate::allowIf() — Method in class Gate

Perform an on-demand authorization check. Throw an authorization exception if the condition or callback is false.

Gate::authorizeOnDemand() — Method in class Gate

Authorize a given condition or callback.

Gate::after() — Method in class Gate

Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.

Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate

Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

Gate::any() — Method in class Gate

Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.

Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate

Get all of the defined abilities.

HandlesAuthorization::allow() — Method in class HandlesAuthorization

Create a new access response.

$ Response#allowedProperty in class Response

Indicates whether the response was allowed.

Response::allow() — Method in class Response

Create a new "allow" Response.

Response::allowed() — Method in class Response

Determine if the response was allowed.

Response::authorize() — Method in class Response

Throw authorization exception if response was denied.

Response::asNotFound() — Method in class Response

Set the HTTP response status code to 404.

AuthManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ AuthManager#appProperty in class AuthManager

The application instance.

AuthServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
AuthenticatableClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ Authenticatable#authPasswordNameProperty in class Authenticatable

The column name of the password field using during authentication.

AuthenticationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
AttemptingClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
AuthenticatedClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
$ GenericUser#attributesProperty in class GenericUser

All of the user's attributes.

GuardHelpers::authenticate() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Determine if the current user is authenticated. If not, throw an exception.

AuthenticateClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
$ Authenticate#authProperty in class Authenticate

The authentication factory instance.

Authenticate::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticate

Determine if the user is logged in to any of the given guards.

AuthenticateWithBasicAuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
$ AuthenticateWithBasicAuth#authProperty in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth

The guard factory instance.

AuthorizeClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
$ PasswordBrokerManager#appProperty in class PasswordBrokerManager

The application instance.

SessionGuard::attemptBasic() — Method in class SessionGuard

Attempt to authenticate using basic authentication.

SessionGuard::attempt() — Method in class SessionGuard

Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.

SessionGuard::attemptWhen() — Method in class SessionGuard

Attempt to authenticate a user with credentials and additional callbacks.

SessionGuard::attempting() — Method in class SessionGuard

Register an authentication attempt event listener.

AnonymousEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
AnonymousEvent::as() — Method in class AnonymousEvent

Set the name the event should be broadcast as.

BroadcastController::authenticate() — Method in class BroadcastController

Authenticate the request for channel access.

BroadcastController::authenticateUser() — Method in class BroadcastController

Authenticate the current user.

$ BroadcastManager#appProperty in class BroadcastManager

The application instance.

BroadcastManager::ably() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Get an Ably instance for the given configuration.

AblyBroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
$ AblyBroadcaster#ablyProperty in class AblyBroadcaster

The AblyRest SDK instance.

AblyBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

$ Broadcaster#authenticatedUserCallbackProperty in class Broadcaster

The callback to resolve the authenticated user information.

LogBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class LogBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

NullBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class NullBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

PusherBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

RedisBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

Batch::add() — Method in class Batch

Add additional jobs to the batch.

Batch::allowsFailures() — Method in class Batch

Determine if the batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch.

ChainedBatch::attachRemainderOfChainToEndOfBatch() — Method in class ChainedBatch

Move the remainder of the chain to a "finally" batch callback.

$ DynamoBatchRepository#applicationNameProperty in class DynamoBatchRepository

The application name.

PendingBatch::add() — Method in class PendingBatch

Add jobs to the batch.

PendingBatch::allowFailures() — Method in class PendingBatch

Indicate that the batch should not be cancelled when a job within the batch fails.

PendingBatch::allowsFailures() — Method in class PendingBatch

Determine if the pending batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch.

$ Queueable#afterCommitProperty in class Queueable

Indicates whether the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.

Queueable::allOnConnection() — Method in class Queueable

Set the desired connection for the chain.

Queueable::allOnQueue() — Method in class Queueable

Set the desired queue for the chain.

Queueable::afterCommit() — Method in class Queueable

Indicate that the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.

Queueable::appendToChain() — Method in class Queueable

Append a job to the end of the current chain.

Queueable::assertHasChain() — Method in class Queueable

Assert that the job has the given chain of jobs attached to it.

Queueable::assertDoesntHaveChain() — Method in class Queueable

Assert that the job has no remaining chained jobs.

UniqueLock::acquire() — Method in class UniqueLock

Attempt to acquire a lock for the given job.

UpdatedBatchJobCounts::allJobsHaveRanExactlyOnce() — Method in class UpdatedBatchJobCounts

Determine if all jobs have run exactly once.

ApcStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ ApcStore#apcProperty in class ApcStore

The APC wrapper instance.

ApcWrapperClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
ArrayLockClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
ArrayLock::acquire() — Method in class ArrayLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

ArrayStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
CacheLock::acquire() — Method in class CacheLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

$ CacheManager#appProperty in class CacheManager

The application instance.

$ CacheTableCommand#aliasesProperty in class CacheTableCommand

The console command name aliases.

DatabaseLock::acquire() — Method in class DatabaseLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

DatabaseStore::add() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

DynamoDbLock::acquire() — Method in class DynamoDbLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

DynamoDbStore::add() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

FileLock::acquire() — Method in class FileLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

FileStore::add() — Method in class FileStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

Lock::acquire() — Method in class Lock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

LuaScripts::add() — Method in class LuaScripts

Get the Lua script that sets a key only when it does not yet exist.

MemcachedLock::acquire() — Method in class MemcachedLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

MemcachedStore::add() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

NoLock::acquire() — Method in class NoLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

RateLimiter::attempt() — Method in class RateLimiter

Attempts to execute a callback if it's not limited.

RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter

Get the number of attempts for the given key.

RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter

Get the number of seconds until the "key" is accessible again.

RedisLock::acquire() — Method in class RedisLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

RedisStore::add() — Method in class RedisStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

RedisTagSet::addEntry() — Method in class RedisTagSet

Add a reference entry to the tag set's underlying sorted set.

RedisTaggedCache::add() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.

Repository::add() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.

Repository::array() — Method in class Repository
Repository::all() — Method in class Repository

Get all of the configuration items for the application.

ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Application::artisanBinary() — Method in class Application

Determine the proper Artisan executable.

Application::add() — Method in class Application

Add a command to the console.

Application::addToParent() — Method in class Application

Add the command to the parent instance.

$ Command#aliasesProperty in class Command

The console command name aliases.

CreatesMatchingTest::addTestOptions() — Method in class CreatesMatchingTest

Add the standard command options for generating matching tests.

InteractsWithIO::argument() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Get the value of a command argument.

InteractsWithIO::arguments() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Get all of the arguments passed to the command.

InteractsWithIO::ask() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Prompt the user for input.

InteractsWithIO::anticipate() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Prompt the user for input with auto completion.

InteractsWithIO::askWithCompletion() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Prompt the user for input with auto completion.

InteractsWithIO::alert() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string in an alert box.

PromptsForMissingInput::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class PromptsForMissingInput

Perform actions after the user was prompted for missing arguments.

ArtisanStartingClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
$ ArtisanStarting#artisanProperty in class ArtisanStarting

The Artisan application instance.

GeneratorCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Determine if the class already exists.

OutputStyle::askQuestion() — Method in class OutputStyle
$ Event#afterCallbacksProperty in class Event

The array of callbacks to be run after the event is finished.

Event::appendOutputTo() — Method in class Event

Append the output of the command to a given location.

Event::after() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to be called after the operation.

ManagesFrequencies::at() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the command at a given time.

$ Schedule#attributesProperty in class Schedule

The attributes to pass to the event.

$ Signals#availabilityResolverProperty in class Signals
AlertClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
AskClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
AskWithCompletionClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
Factory::alert() — Method in class Factory
Factory::ask() — Method in class Factory
Factory::askWithCompletion() — Method in class Factory
AuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Container\Attributes
AuthenticatedClass in namespace Illuminate\Container\Attributes
BoundMethod::addDependencyForCallParameter() — Method in class BoundMethod

Get the dependency for the given call parameter.

$ Container#aliasesProperty in class Container

The registered type aliases.

$ Container#abstractAliasesProperty in class Container

The registered aliases keyed by the abstract name.

$ Container#afterResolvingCallbacksProperty in class Container

All of the after resolving callbacks by class type.

$ Container#afterResolvingAttributeCallbacksProperty in class Container

All of the after resolving attribute callbacks by class type.

Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container

Add a contextual binding to the container.

Container::alias() — Method in class Container

Alias a type to a different name.

Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container

Register a new after resolving callback for all types.

Container::afterResolvingAttribute() — Method in class Container

Register a new after resolving attribute callback for all types.

Util::arrayWrap() — Method in class Util

If the given value is not an array and not null, wrap it in one.

AuthorizableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
Gate::after() — Method in class Gate

Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.

Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate

Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

Gate::any() — Method in class Gate

Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.

Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate

Get all of the defined abilities.

AuthenticatableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
AuthenticatesRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Middleware
StatefulGuard::attempt() — Method in class StatefulGuard

Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.

Broadcaster::auth() — Method in class Broadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

Repository::add() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.

Repository::all() — Method in class Repository

Get all of the configuration items for the application.

ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel

Get all of the commands registered with the console.

Container::alias() — Method in class Container

Alias a type to a different name.

Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container

Add a contextual binding to the container.

Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container

Register a new after resolving callback.

Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem

Append to a file.

Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem

Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).

Filesystem::allDirectories() — Method in class Filesystem

Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.

ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
MaintenanceMode::activate() — Method in class MaintenanceMode

Take the application down for maintenance.

MaintenanceMode::active() — Method in class MaintenanceMode

Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.

AttachableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
CursorPaginator::appends() — Method in class CursorPaginator

Add a set of query string values to the paginator.

Paginator::appends() — Method in class Paginator

Add a set of query string values to the paginator.

Job::attempts() — Method in class Job

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate the URL to an application asset.

UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL to a controller action.

AuthenticatesSessionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Session\Middleware
Session::all() — Method in class Session

Get all of the session data.

ArrayableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag

Add a message to the bag.

MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag

Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.

Loader::addNamespace() — Method in class Loader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

Loader::addJsonPath() — Method in class Loader

Add a new JSON path to the loader.

Validator::after() — Method in class Validator

Add an after validation callback.

Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory

Add a new namespace to the loader.

AddQueuedCookiesToResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager

Register a connection with the manager.

ManagesTransactions::afterCommit() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Execute the callback after a transaction commits.

Connection::affectingStatement() — Method in class Connection

Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.

Connection::allowQueryDurationHandlersToRunAgain() — Method in class Connection

Allow all the query duration handlers to run again, even if they have already run.

ConnectionInterface::affectingStatement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.

ConnectionResolver::addConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver

Add a connection to the resolver.

PostgresConnector::addSslOptions() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Add the SSL options to the DSN.

$ DatabaseManager#appProperty in class DatabaseManager

The application instance.

DatabaseManager::availableDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get all of the drivers that are actually available.

DatabaseTransactionRecord::addCallback() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionRecord

Register a callback to be executed after committing.

DatabaseTransactionsManager::addCallback() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

Register a transaction callback.

DatabaseTransactionsManager::afterCommitCallbacksShouldBeExecuted() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

Determine if after commit callbacks should be executed for the given transaction level.

$ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#afterCommitProperty in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred

Indicates whether the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.

$ Builder#afterQueryCallbacksProperty in class Builder

The callbacks that should be invoked after retrieving data from the database.

Builder::afterQuery() — Method in class Builder

Register a closure to be invoked after the query is executed.

Builder::applyAfterQueryCallbacks() — Method in class Builder

Invoke the "after query" modification callbacks.

Builder::addUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class Builder

Add the "updated at" column to an array of values.

Builder::addUniqueIdsToUpsertValues() — Method in class Builder

Add unique IDs to the inserted values.

Builder::addTimestampsToUpsertValues() — Method in class Builder

Add timestamps to the inserted values.

Builder::addUpdatedAtToUpsertColumns() — Method in class Builder

Add the "updated at" column to the updated columns.

Builder::applyScopes() — Method in class Builder

Apply the scopes to the Eloquent builder instance and return it.

Builder::addNewWheresWithinGroup() — Method in class Builder

Nest where conditions by slicing them at the given where count.

Builder::addNestedWiths() — Method in class Builder

Parse the nested relationships in a relation.

ArrayObjectClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
AsArrayObjectClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
AsCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
AsEncryptedArrayObjectClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
AsEncryptedCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
AsEnumArrayObjectClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
$ AsEnumArrayObject#argumentsProperty in class AsEnumArrayObject
AsEnumCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
$ AsEnumCollection#argumentsProperty in class AsEnumCollection
AsStringableClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
AttributeClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
Collection::append() — Method in class Collection

Append an attribute across the entire collection.

$ HasAttributes#attributesProperty in class HasAttributes

The model's attributes.

$ HasAttributes#attributeCastCacheProperty in class HasAttributes

The attributes that have been cast using "Attribute" return type mutators.

$ HasAttributes#appendsProperty in class HasAttributes

The accessors to append to the model's array form.

$ HasAttributes#attributeMutatorCacheProperty in class HasAttributes

The cache of the "Attribute" return type marked mutated attributes for each class.

HasAttributes::attributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Convert the model's attributes to an array.

HasAttributes::addDateAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Add the date attributes to the attributes array.

HasAttributes::addMutatedAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Add the mutated attributes to the attributes array.

HasAttributes::addCastAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Add the casted attributes to the attributes array.

HasAttributes::asJson() — Method in class HasAttributes

Encode the given value as JSON.

HasAttributes::asDecimal() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return a decimal as string.

HasAttributes::asDate() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return a timestamp as DateTime object with time set to 00:00:00.

HasAttributes::asDateTime() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return a timestamp as DateTime object.

HasAttributes::asTimestamp() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return a timestamp as unix timestamp.

HasAttributes::append() — Method in class HasAttributes

Append attributes to query when building a query.

HasEvents::addObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents

Add an observable event name.

HasGlobalScopes::addGlobalScope() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes

Register a new global scope on the model.

HasGlobalScopes::addGlobalScopes() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes

Register multiple global scopes on the model.

QueriesRelationships::addHasWhere() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add the "has" condition where clause to the query.

QueriesRelationships::addWhereCountQuery() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a sub-query count clause to this query.

BelongsToRelationship::attributesFor() — Method in class BelongsToRelationship

Get the parent model attributes and resolvers for the given child model.

$ Factory#afterMakingProperty in class Factory

The "after making" callbacks that will be applied to the model.

$ Factory#afterCreatingProperty in class Factory

The "after creating" callbacks that will be applied to the model.

Factory::afterMaking() — Method in class Factory

Add a new "after making" callback to the model definition.

Factory::afterCreating() — Method in class Factory

Add a new "after creating" callback to the model definition.

Factory::appNamespace() — Method in class Factory

Get the application namespace for the application.

Model::all() — Method in class Model

Get all of the models from the database.

$ ModelInspector#appProperty in class ModelInspector

The Laravel application instance.

ModelInspector::attributeIsHidden() — Method in class ModelInspector

Determine if the given attribute is hidden.

BelongsTo::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

BelongsTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
BelongsTo::associate() — Method in class BelongsTo

Associate the model instance to the given parent.

$ BelongsToMany#accessorProperty in class BelongsToMany

The name of the accessor to use for the "pivot" relationship.

BelongsToMany::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

BelongsToMany::addWhereConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set the where clause for the relation query.

BelongsToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
BelongsToMany::as() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Specify the custom pivot accessor to use for the relationship.

BelongsToMany::aliasedPivotColumns() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the pivot columns for the relation.

BelongsToMany::allRelatedIds() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get all of the IDs for the related models.

AsPivotClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany

Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.

CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany

Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.

CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManyJoinSubQuery() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany

Add the join subquery to the given query on the given column and the relationship's foreign key.

InteractsWithPivotTable::attachNew() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Attach all of the records that aren't in the given current records.

InteractsWithPivotTable::attach() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Attach a model to the parent.

InteractsWithPivotTable::attachUsingCustomClass() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Attach a model to the parent using a custom class.

InteractsWithPivotTable::addTimestampsToAttachment() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Set the creation and update timestamps on an attach record.

SupportsInverseRelations::applyInverseRelationToCollection() — Method in class SupportsInverseRelations

Set the inverse relation on all models in a collection.

SupportsInverseRelations::applyInverseRelationToModel() — Method in class SupportsInverseRelations

Set the inverse relation on a model.

HasOne::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class HasOne

Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.

HasOne::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class HasOne

Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.

HasOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

HasOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
HasOneOrManyThrough::addConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

HasOneOrManyThrough::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough
MorphOne::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class MorphOne

Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.

MorphOne::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class MorphOne

Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.

MorphOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

MorphOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
MorphTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphTo
MorphTo::associate() — Method in class MorphTo

Associate the model instance to the given parent.

MorphToMany::addWhereConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany

Set the where clause for the relation query.

MorphToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany
MorphToMany::aliasedPivotColumns() — Method in class MorphToMany

Get the pivot columns for the relation.

Relation::addConstraints() — Method in class Relation

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

Relation::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class Relation

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

Scope::apply() — Method in class Scope

Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.

SoftDeletingScope::apply() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addRestore() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the restore extension to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addRestoreOrCreate() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the restore-or-create extension to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addCreateOrRestore() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the create-or-restore extension to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addWithTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the with-trashed extension to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addWithoutTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the without-trashed extension to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addOnlyTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the only-trashed extension to the builder.

MigrationCreator::afterCreate() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Register a post migration create hook.

$ Builder#aggregateProperty in class Builder

An aggregate function and column to be run.

$ Builder#afterQueryCallbacksProperty in class Builder

The callbacks that should be invoked after retrieving data from the database.

Builder::addSelect() — Method in class Builder

Add a new select column to the query.

Builder::addArrayOfWheres() — Method in class Builder

Add an array of where clauses to the query.

Builder::addDateBasedWhere() — Method in class Builder

Add a date based (year, month, day, time) statement to the query.

Builder::addNestedWhereQuery() — Method in class Builder

Add another query builder as a nested where to the query builder.

Builder::addWhereExistsQuery() — Method in class Builder

Add an exists clause to the query.

Builder::addDynamic() — Method in class Builder

Add a single dynamic where clause statement to the query.

Builder::addNestedHavingQuery() — Method in class Builder

Add another query builder as a nested having to the query builder.

Builder::applyBeforeQueryCallbacks() — Method in class Builder

Invoke the "before query" modification callbacks.

Builder::afterQuery() — Method in class Builder

Register a closure to be invoked after the query is executed.

Builder::applyAfterQueryCallbacks() — Method in class Builder

Invoke the "after query" modification callbacks.

Builder::avg() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve the average of the values of a given column.

Builder::average() — Method in class Builder

Alias for the "avg" method.

Builder::aggregate() — Method in class Builder

Execute an aggregate function on the database.

Builder::addBinding() — Method in class Builder

Add a binding to the query.

$ Blueprint#afterProperty in class Blueprint

The column to add new columns after.

Blueprint::addImpliedCommands() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the commands that are implied by the blueprint's state.

Blueprint::addFluentIndexes() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the index commands fluently specified on columns.

Blueprint::addFluentCommands() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the fluent commands specified on any columns.

Blueprint::addAlterCommands() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the alter commands if whenever needed.

Blueprint::addColumn() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a new column to the blueprint.

Blueprint::addColumnDefinition() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a new column definition to the blueprint.

Blueprint::after() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the columns from the callback after the given column.

Blueprint::addCommand() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a new command to the blueprint.

ColumnDefinition::after() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::always() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::autoIncrement() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Grammar::addModifiers() — Method in class Grammar

Add the column modifiers to the definition.

SQLiteGrammar::addForeignKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Get the foreign key syntax for a table creation statement.

SQLiteGrammar::addPrimaryKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Get the primary key syntax for a table creation statement.

IndexDefinition::algorithm() — Method in class IndexDefinition
MySqlSchemaState::appendMigrationData() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState

Append the migration data to the schema dump.

SqliteSchemaState::appendMigrationData() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState

Append the migration data to the schema dump.

Dispatcher::addInterfaceListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher

Add the listeners for the event's interfaces to the given array.

AwsS3V3AdapterClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem

Append to a file.

Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem

Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).

$ FilesystemAdapter#adapterProperty in class FilesystemAdapter

The Flysystem adapter implementation.

FilesystemAdapter::assertExists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Assert that the given file or directory exists.

FilesystemAdapter::assertCount() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Assert that the number of files in path equals the expected count.

FilesystemAdapter::assertMissing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Assert that the given file or directory does not exist.

FilesystemAdapter::assertDirectoryEmpty() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Assert that the given directory is empty.

FilesystemAdapter::append() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Append to a file.

FilesystemAdapter::allFiles() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).

FilesystemAdapter::allDirectories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get all the directories within a given directory (recursive).

$ FilesystemManager#appProperty in class FilesystemManager

The application instance.

AliasLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
$ AliasLoader#aliasesProperty in class AliasLoader

The array of class aliases.

AliasLoader::alias() — Method in class AliasLoader

Add an alias to the loader.

ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
$ Application#appPathProperty in class Application

The custom application path defined by the developer.

$ Application#absoluteCachePathPrefixesProperty in class Application

The prefixes of absolute cache paths for use during normalization.

Application::afterLoadingEnvironment() — Method in class Application

Register a callback to run after loading the environment.

Application::afterBootstrapping() — Method in class Application

Register a callback to run after a bootstrapper.

Application::addAbsoluteCachePathPrefix() — Method in class Application

Add new prefix to list of absolute path prefixes.

Application::abort() — Method in class Application

Throw an HttpException with the given data.

Application::addDeferredServices() — Method in class Application

Add an array of services to the application's deferred services.

AuthorizableClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
AuthorizesRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
AuthorizesRequests::authorize() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Authorize a given action for the current user.

AuthorizesRequests::authorizeForUser() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Authorize a given action for a user.

AuthorizesRequests::authorizeResource() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Authorize a resource action based on the incoming request.

EmailVerificationRequest::authorize() — Method in class EmailVerificationRequest

Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.

$ HandleExceptions#appProperty in class HandleExceptions

The application instance.

$ PendingDispatch#afterResponseProperty in class PendingDispatch

Indicates if the job should be dispatched immediately after sending the response.

PendingDispatch::allOnConnection() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Set the desired connection for the chain.

PendingDispatch::allOnQueue() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Set the desired queue for the chain.

PendingDispatch::afterCommit() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Indicate that the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.

PendingDispatch::afterResponse() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Indicate that the job should be dispatched after the response is sent to the browser.

CacheBasedMaintenanceMode::activate() — Method in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode

Take the application down for maintenance.

CacheBasedMaintenanceMode::active() — Method in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode

Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.

$ ResolvesDumpSource#adjustableTracesProperty in class ResolvesDumpSource

Files that require special trace handling and their levels.

ApplicationBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Configuration
$ ApplicationBuilder#additionalRoutingCallbacksProperty in class ApplicationBuilder

Any additional routing callbacks that should be invoked while registering routes.

$ Middleware#appendsProperty in class Middleware

The middleware that should be appended to the global middleware stack.

$ Middleware#apiLimiterProperty in class Middleware

Indicates the API middleware group's rate limiter.

$ Middleware#authenticatedSessionsProperty in class Middleware

Indicates if sessions should be authenticated for the "web" middleware group.

$ Middleware#appendPriorityProperty in class Middleware

The middleware to append to the middleware priority definition.

Middleware::append() — Method in class Middleware

Append middleware to the application's global middleware stack.

Middleware::appendToGroup() — Method in class Middleware

Append the given middleware to the specified group.

Middleware::api() — Method in class Middleware

Modify the middleware in the "api" group.

Middleware::alias() — Method in class Middleware

Register additional middleware aliases.

Middleware::appendToPriorityList() — Method in class Middleware

Append middleware to the priority middleware.

Middleware::authenticateSessions() — Method in class Middleware

Indicate that sessions should be authenticated for the "web" middleware group.

AboutCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
AboutCommand::add() — Method in class AboutCommand

Add additional data to the output of the "about" command.

AboutCommand::addToSection() — Method in class AboutCommand

Add additional data to the output of the "about" command.

ApiInstallCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
DocsCommand::askForPage() — Method in class DocsCommand

Ask the user which page they would like to open.

DocsCommand::askForPageViaCustomStrategy() — Method in class DocsCommand

Ask the user which page they would like to open via a custom strategy.

DocsCommand::askForPageViaAutocomplete() — Method in class DocsCommand

Ask the user which page they would like to open using autocomplete.

EnumMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class EnumMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

EventListCommand::appendEventInterfaces() — Method in class EventListCommand

Add the event implemented interfaces to the output.

EventListCommand::appendListenerInterfaces() — Method in class EventListCommand

Add the listener implemented interfaces to the output.

EventMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class EventMakeCommand

Determine if the class already exists.

ExceptionMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand

Determine if the class already exists.

ExceptionMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

$ Kernel#appProperty in class Kernel

The application implementation.

$ Kernel#artisanProperty in class Kernel

The Artisan application instance.

Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel

Get all of the commands registered with the console.

Kernel::addCommands() — Method in class Kernel

Set the Artisan commands provided by the application.

Kernel::addCommandPaths() — Method in class Kernel

Set the paths that should have their Artisan commands automatically discovered.

Kernel::addCommandRoutePaths() — Method in class Kernel

Set the paths that should have their Artisan "routes" automatically discovered.

ListenerMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand

Determine if the class already exists.

ListenerMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

MailMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class MailMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

ModelMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

NotificationMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand

Perform actions after the user was prompted for missing arguments.

ObserverMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

PolicyMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

RouteListCommand::asJson() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Convert the given routes to JSON.

TestMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class TestMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

PublishingStubs::add() — Method in class PublishingStubs

Add a new stub to be published.

Exception::applicationRouteContext() — Method in class Exception

Get the application's route context.

Exception::applicationRouteParametersContext() — Method in class Exception

Get the application's route parameters context.

Exception::applicationQueries() — Method in class Exception

Get the application's SQL queries.

BladeMapper::addEchoLineNumbers() — Method in class BladeMapper

Add line numbers to echo statements.

BladeMapper::addStatementLineNumbers() — Method in class BladeMapper

Add line numbers to blade statements.

BladeMapper::addBladeComponentLineNumbers() — Method in class BladeMapper

Add line numbers to blade components.

FileBasedMaintenanceMode::activate() — Method in class FileBasedMaintenanceMode

Take the application down for maintenance.

FileBasedMaintenanceMode::active() — Method in class FileBasedMaintenanceMode

Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.

FormRequest::attributes() — Method in class FormRequest

Get custom attributes for validator errors.

$ Kernel#appProperty in class Kernel

The application implementation.

Kernel::appendMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Kernel

Append the given middleware to the given middleware group.

Kernel::appendToMiddlewarePriority() — Method in class Kernel

Append the given middleware to the middleware priority list.

Kernel::addToMiddlewarePriorityBefore() — Method in class Kernel

Add the given middleware to the middleware priority list before other middleware.

Kernel::addToMiddlewarePriorityAfter() — Method in class Kernel

Add the given middleware to the middleware priority list after other middleware.

Kernel::addToMiddlewarePriorityRelative() — Method in class Kernel

Add the given middleware to the middleware priority list relative to other middleware.

HandlePrecognitiveRequests::appendVaryHeader() — Method in class HandlePrecognitiveRequests

Append the appropriate "Vary" header to the given response.

$ PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance#appProperty in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance

The application implementation.

$ VerifyCsrfToken#appProperty in class VerifyCsrfToken

The application instance.

$ VerifyCsrfToken#addHttpCookieProperty in class VerifyCsrfToken

Indicates whether the XSRF-TOKEN cookie should be set on the response.

VerifyCsrfToken::addCookieToResponse() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Add the CSRF token to the response cookies.

PackageManifest::aliases() — Method in class PackageManifest

Get all of the aliases for all packages.

Precognition::afterValidationHook() — Method in class Precognition

Get the "after" validation hook that can be used for precognition requests.

$ ProviderRepository#appProperty in class ProviderRepository

The application implementation.

ArtisanServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
InteractsWithUniqueJobs::addUniqueJobInformationToContext() — Method in class InteractsWithUniqueJobs

Store unique job information in the context in case we can't resolve the job on the queue side.

AuthServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
EventServiceProvider::addEventDiscoveryPaths() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Add the given event discovery paths to the application's event discovery paths.

$ RouteServiceProvider#alwaysLoadRoutesUsingProperty in class RouteServiceProvider

The global callback that should be used to load the application's routes.

$ RouteServiceProvider#alwaysLoadCachedRoutesUsingProperty in class RouteServiceProvider

The callback that should be used to load the application's cached routes.

InteractsWithAuthentication::actingAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Set the currently logged in user for the application.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the user is authenticated.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertGuest() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the user is not authenticated.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertAuthenticatedAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the user is authenticated as the given user.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the given credentials are valid.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertInvalidCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the given credentials are invalid.

InteractsWithConsole::artisan() — Method in class InteractsWithConsole

Call artisan command and return code.

InteractsWithContainer::asset() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseHas() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert that a given where condition exists in the database.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert that a given where condition does not exist in the database.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseCount() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert the count of table entries.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseEmpty() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert that the given table has no entries.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertSoftDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert the given record has been "soft deleted".

InteractsWithDatabase::assertNotSoftDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert the given record has not been "soft deleted".

InteractsWithDatabase::assertModelExists() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert the given model exists in the database.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertModelMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert the given model does not exist in the database.

$ InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle#appProperty in class InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle

The Illuminate application instance.

$ InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle#afterApplicationCreatedCallbacksProperty in class InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle

The callbacks that should be run after the application is created.

InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle::afterApplicationCreated() — Method in class InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle

Register a callback to be run after the application is created.

DatabaseMigrations::afterRefreshingDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseMigrations

Perform any work that should take place once the database has finished refreshing.

DatabaseTransactionsManager::addCallback() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

Register a transaction callback.

DatabaseTransactionsManager::afterCommitCallbacksShouldBeExecuted() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

Determine if after commit callbacks should be executed for the given transaction level.

$ DatabaseTruncation#allTablesProperty in class DatabaseTruncation

The cached names of the database tables for each connection.

DatabaseTruncation::afterTruncatingDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseTruncation

Perform any work that should take place once the database has finished truncating.

RefreshDatabase::afterRefreshingDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Perform any work that should take place once the database has finished refreshing.

$ Vite#assetPathResolverProperty in class Vite

The custom asset path resolver.

Vite::asset() — Method in class Vite

Get the URL for an asset.

Vite::assetPath() — Method in class Vite

Generate an asset path for the application.

AbstractHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
Argon2IdHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
Argon2IdHasher::algorithm() — Method in class Argon2IdHasher

Get the algorithm that should be used for hashing.

ArgonHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
ArgonHasher::algorithm() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Get the algorithm that should be used for hashing.

DeterminesStatusCode::accepted() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode

Determine if the response code was 202 "Accepted" response.

Factory::allowStrayRequests() — Method in class Factory

Indicate that an exception should not be thrown if any request is not faked.

Factory::assertSent() — Method in class Factory

Assert that a request / response pair was recorded matching a given truth test.

Factory::assertSentInOrder() — Method in class Factory

Assert that the given request was sent in the given order.

Factory::assertNotSent() — Method in class Factory

Assert that a request / response pair was not recorded matching a given truth test.

Factory::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Factory

Assert that no request / response pair was recorded.

Factory::assertSentCount() — Method in class Factory

Assert how many requests have been recorded.

Factory::assertSequencesAreEmpty() — Method in class Factory

Assert that every created response sequence is empty.

$ PendingRequest#asyncProperty in class PendingRequest

Whether the requests should be asynchronous.

PendingRequest::asJson() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate the request contains JSON.

PendingRequest::asForm() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate the request contains form parameters.

PendingRequest::attach() — Method in class PendingRequest

Attach a file to the request.

PendingRequest::asMultipart() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate the request is a multi-part form request.

PendingRequest::acceptJson() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate that JSON should be returned by the server.

PendingRequest::accept() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate the type of content that should be returned by the server.

PendingRequest::async() — Method in class PendingRequest

Toggle asynchronicity in requests.

Pool::as() — Method in class Pool

Add a request to the pool with a key.

Pool::asyncRequest() — Method in class Pool

Retrieve a new async pending request.

InteractsWithContentTypes::accepts() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determines whether the current requests accepts a given content type.

InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsAnyContentType() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determine if the current request accepts any content type.

InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determines whether a request accepts JSON.

InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsHtml() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determines whether a request accepts HTML.

InteractsWithInput::all() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get all of the input and files for the request.

InteractsWithInput::allFiles() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get an array of all of the files on the request.

AddLinkHeadersForPreloadedAssetsClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
$ TrustHosts#appProperty in class TrustHosts

The application instance.

$ TrustHosts#alwaysTrustProperty in class TrustHosts
TrustHosts::at() — Method in class TrustHosts
TrustHosts::allSubdomainsOfApplicationUrl() — Method in class TrustHosts

Get a regular expression matching the application URL and all of its subdomains.

$ TrustProxies#alwaysTrustProxiesProperty in class TrustProxies

The proxies that have been configured to always be trusted.

$ TrustProxies#alwaysTrustHeadersProperty in class TrustProxies

The proxies headers that have been configured to always be trusted.

TrustProxies::at() — Method in class TrustProxies

Specify the IP addresses of proxies that should always be trusted.

Request::ajax() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request is the result of an AJAX call.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::attributes() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Merge the given attributes.

AnonymousResourceCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
$ JsonResource#additionalProperty in class JsonResource

The additional meta data that should be added to the resource response.

JsonResource::additional() — Method in class JsonResource

Add additional meta data to the resource response.

Repository::all() — Method in class Repository

Retrieve all the context data.

Repository::allHidden() — Method in class Repository

Retrieve all the hidden context data.

Repository::add() — Method in class Repository

Add a context value.

Repository::addHidden() — Method in class Repository

Add a hidden context value.

Repository::addIf() — Method in class Repository

Add a context value if it does not exist yet.

Repository::addHiddenIf() — Method in class Repository

Add a hidden context value if it does not exist yet.

$ LogManager#appProperty in class LogManager

The application instance.

LogManager::alert() — Method in class LogManager

Action must be taken immediately.

Logger::alert() — Method in class Logger

Log an alert message to the logs.

ParsesLogConfiguration::actionLevel() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration

Parse the action level from the given configuration.

AttachmentClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
$ Attachment#asProperty in class Attachment

The attached file's filename.

Attachment::as() — Method in class Attachment

Set the attached file's filename.

Attachment::attachWith() — Method in class Attachment

Attach the attachment with the given strategies.

Attachment::attachTo() — Method in class Attachment

Attach the attachment to a built-in mail type.

$ MailManager#appProperty in class MailManager

The application instance.

MailManager::addSesCredentials() — Method in class MailManager

Add the SES credentials to the configuration array.

$ Mailable#attachmentsProperty in class Mailable

The attachments for the message.

$ Mailable#assertionableRenderStringsProperty in class Mailable

The rendered mailable views for testing / assertions.

Mailable::additionalMessageData() — Method in class Mailable

Get additional meta-data to pass along with the view data.

Mailable::addressesToArray() — Method in class Mailable

Convert the given recipient arguments to an array.

Mailable::attach() — Method in class Mailable

Attach a file to the message.

Mailable::attachMany() — Method in class Mailable

Attach multiple files to the message.

Mailable::attachFromStorage() — Method in class Mailable

Attach a file to the message from storage.

Mailable::attachFromStorageDisk() — Method in class Mailable

Attach a file to the message from storage.

Mailable::attachData() — Method in class Mailable

Attach in-memory data as an attachment.

Mailable::assertFrom() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable is from the given address.

Mailable::assertTo() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable has the given recipient.

Mailable::assertHasTo() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable has the given recipient.

Mailable::assertHasCc() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable has the given recipient.

Mailable::assertHasBcc() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable has the given recipient.

Mailable::assertHasReplyTo() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable has the given "reply to" address.

Mailable::assertHasSubject() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable has the given subject.

Mailable::assertSeeInHtml() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the given text is present in the HTML email body.

Mailable::assertDontSeeInHtml() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the given text is not present in the HTML email body.

Mailable::assertSeeInOrderInHtml() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the given text strings are present in order in the HTML email body.

Mailable::assertSeeInText() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the given text is present in the plain-text email body.

Mailable::assertDontSeeInText() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the given text is not present in the plain-text email body.

Mailable::assertSeeInOrderInText() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the given text strings are present in order in the plain-text email body.

Mailable::assertHasAttachment() — Method in class Mailable

Assert the mailable has the given attachment.

Mailable::assertHasAttachedData() — Method in class Mailable

Assert the mailable has the given data as an attachment.

Mailable::assertHasAttachmentFromStorage() — Method in class Mailable

Assert the mailable has the given attachment from storage.

Mailable::assertHasAttachmentFromStorageDisk() — Method in class Mailable

Assert the mailable has the given attachment from a specific storage disk.

Mailable::assertHasTag() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable has the given tag.

Mailable::assertHasMetadata() — Method in class Mailable

Assert that the mailable has the given metadata.

AddressClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Mailables
$ Address#addressProperty in class Address

The recipient's email address.

AttachmentClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Mailables
Mailer::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global from address and name.

Mailer::alwaysReplyTo() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global reply-to address and name.

Mailer::alwaysReturnPath() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global return path address.

Mailer::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global to address and name.

Mailer::addContent() — Method in class Mailer

Add the content to a given message.

Message::addAddresses() — Method in class Message

Add a recipient to the message.

Message::addAddressDebugHeader() — Method in class Message

Add an address debug header for a list of recipients.

Message::attach() — Method in class Message

Attach a file to the message.

Message::attachData() — Method in class Message

Attach in-memory data as an attachment.

ArrayTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
ActionClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
AnonymousNotifiableClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
MailChannel::additionalMessageData() — Method in class MailChannel

Get additional meta-data to pass along with the view data.

MailChannel::addressMessage() — Method in class MailChannel

Address the mail message.

MailChannel::addSender() — Method in class MailChannel

Add the "from" and "reply to" addresses to the message.

MailChannel::addAttachments() — Method in class MailChannel

Add the attachments to the message.

$ NotificationTableCommand#aliasesProperty in class NotificationTableCommand

The console command name aliases.

$ MailMessage#attachmentsProperty in class MailMessage

The attachments for the message.

MailMessage::attach() — Method in class MailMessage

Attach a file to the message.

MailMessage::attachMany() — Method in class MailMessage

Attach multiple files to the message.

MailMessage::attachData() — Method in class MailMessage

Attach in-memory data as an attachment.

MailMessage::arrayOfAddresses() — Method in class MailMessage

Determine if the given "address" is actually an array of addresses.

$ SimpleMessage#actionTextProperty in class SimpleMessage

The text / label for the action.

$ SimpleMessage#actionUrlProperty in class SimpleMessage

The action URL.

SimpleMessage::action() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Configure the "call to action" button.

AbstractCursorPaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
AbstractCursorPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator

Add a set of query string values to the paginator.

AbstractCursorPaginator::appendArray() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator

Add an array of query string values.

AbstractCursorPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator

Add a query string value to the paginator.

AbstractPaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
AbstractPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Add a set of query string values to the paginator.

AbstractPaginator::appendArray() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Add an array of query string values.

AbstractPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Add a query string value to the paginator.

Factory::assertRan() — Method in class Factory

Assert that a process was recorded matching a given truth test.

Factory::assertRanTimes() — Method in class Factory

Assert that a process was recorded a given number of times matching a given truth test.

Factory::assertNotRan() — Method in class Factory

Assert that a process was not recorded matching a given truth test.

Factory::assertDidntRun() — Method in class Factory

Assert that a process was not recorded matching a given truth test.

Factory::assertNothingRan() — Method in class Factory

Assert that no processes were recorded.

Pipe::as() — Method in class Pipe

Add a process to the pipe with a key.

Pool::as() — Method in class Pool

Add a process to the pool with a key.

Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager

Register a connection with the manager.

$ BatchesTableCommand#aliasesProperty in class BatchesTableCommand

The console command name aliases.

$ FailedTableCommand#aliasesProperty in class FailedTableCommand

The console command name aliases.

$ TableCommand#aliasesProperty in class TableCommand

The console command name aliases.

DatabaseFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

$ DynamoDbFailedJobProvider#applicationNameProperty in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

The application name.

DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

FailedJobProviderInterface::all() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

FileFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class FileFailedJobProvider

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

NullFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

InteractsWithQueue::attempts() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

InteractsWithQueue::assertDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Assert that the job was deleted from the queue.

InteractsWithQueue::assertNotDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Assert that the job was not deleted from the queue.

InteractsWithQueue::assertFailed() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Assert that the job was manually failed.

InteractsWithQueue::assertFailedWith() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Assert that the job was manually failed with a specific exception.

InteractsWithQueue::assertNotFailed() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Assert that the job was not manually failed.

InteractsWithQueue::assertReleased() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Assert that the job was released back onto the queue.

InteractsWithQueue::assertNotReleased() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Assert that the job was not released back onto the queue.

BeanstalkdJob::attempts() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

DatabaseJob::attempts() — Method in class DatabaseJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

$ FakeJob#attemptsProperty in class FakeJob

The number of attempts made to process the job.

FakeJob::attempts() — Method in class FakeJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

RedisJob::attempts() — Method in class RedisJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

SqsJob::attempts() — Method in class SqsJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

SyncJob::attempts() — Method in class SyncJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

Listener::artisanBinary() — Method in class Listener

Get the Artisan binary.

Listener::addEnvironment() — Method in class Listener

Add the environment option to the given command.

$ QueueManager#appProperty in class QueueManager

The application instance.

QueueManager::after() — Method in class QueueManager

Register an event listener for the after job event.

QueueManager::addConnector() — Method in class QueueManager

Add a queue connection resolver.

ConcurrencyLimiter::acquire() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter

Attempt to acquire the lock.

DurationLimiter::acquire() — Method in class DurationLimiter

Attempt to acquire the lock.

DurationLimiterBuilder::allow() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder

Set the maximum number of locks that can be obtained per time window.

$ RedisManager#appProperty in class RedisManager

The application instance.

AbstractRouteCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
AbstractRouteCollection::addToSymfonyRoutesCollection() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Add a route to the SymfonyRouteCollection instance.

$ CompiledRouteCollection#attributesProperty in class CompiledRouteCollection

An array of the route attributes keyed by name.

CompiledRouteCollection::add() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Add a Route instance to the collection.

ControllerMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.

CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::assignExpressionToParameters() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints

Apply the given regular expression to the given parameters.

ThrottleRequests::addHeaders() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Add the limit header information to the given response.

ValidateSignature::absolute() — Method in class ValidateSignature

Specify that the URL signature is for an absolute URL.

Redirector::away() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to an external URL (no validation).

Redirector::action() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to a controller action.

ResolvesRouteDependencies::alreadyInParameters() — Method in class ResolvesRouteDependencies

Determine if an object of the given class is in a list of parameters.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceIndex() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the index method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceCreate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the create method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceStore() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the store method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceShow() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the show method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceEdit() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the edit method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceUpdate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the update method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceDestroy() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the destroy method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonCreate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the create method for a singleton route.

ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonStore() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the store method for a singleton route.

ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonShow() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the show method for a singleton route.

ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonEdit() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the edit method for a singleton route.

ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonUpdate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the update method for a singleton route.

ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonDestroy() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the destroy method for a singleton route.

$ Route#actionProperty in class Route

The route action array.

Route::allowsTrashedBindings() — Method in class Route

Determines if the route allows "trashed" models to be retrieved when resolving implicit model bindings.

Route::addGroupNamespaceToStringUses() — Method in class Route

Parse a string based action for the "uses" fluent method.

$ RouteCollection#allRoutesProperty in class RouteCollection

A flattened array of all of the routes.

$ RouteCollection#actionListProperty in class RouteCollection

A look-up table of routes by controller action.

RouteCollection::add() — Method in class RouteCollection

Add a Route instance to the collection.

RouteCollection::addToCollections() — Method in class RouteCollection

Add the given route to the arrays of routes.

RouteCollection::addLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection

Add the route to any look-up tables if necessary.

RouteCollection::addToActionList() — Method in class RouteCollection

Add a route to the controller action dictionary.

RouteCollectionInterface::add() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Add a Route instance to the collection.

$ RouteRegistrar#attributesProperty in class RouteRegistrar

The attributes to pass on to the router.

$ RouteRegistrar#allowedAttributesProperty in class RouteRegistrar

The attributes that can be set through this class.

$ RouteRegistrar#aliasesProperty in class RouteRegistrar

The attributes that are aliased.

RouteRegistrar::attribute() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Set the value for a given attribute.

RouteRegistrar::apiResource() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Route an API resource to a controller.

RouteRegistrar::apiSingleton() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Route an API singleton resource to a controller.

RouteRegistrar::any() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteRegistrar::as() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteUrlGenerator::addPortToDomain() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Add the port to the domain if necessary.

RouteUrlGenerator::addQueryString() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Add a query string to the URI.

Router::any() — Method in class Router

Register a new route responding to all verbs.

Router::apiResources() — Method in class Router

Register an array of API resource controllers.

Router::apiResource() — Method in class Router

Route an API resource to a controller.

Router::apiSingletons() — Method in class Router

Register an array of API singleton resource controllers.

Router::apiSingleton() — Method in class Router

Route an API singleton resource to a controller.

Router::addRoute() — Method in class Router

Add a route to the underlying route collection.

Router::actionReferencesController() — Method in class Router

Determine if the action is routing to a controller.

Router::addWhereClausesToRoute() — Method in class Router

Add the necessary where clauses to the route based on its initial registration.

Router::aliasMiddleware() — Method in class Router

Register a short-hand name for a middleware.

$ UrlGenerator#assetRootProperty in class UrlGenerator

The asset root URL.

UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate the URL to an application asset.

UrlGenerator::assetFrom() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate the URL to an asset from a custom root domain such as CDN, etc.

UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL to a controller action.

ArraySessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
$ SessionTableCommand#aliasesProperty in class SessionTableCommand

The console command name aliases.

DatabaseSessionHandler::addUserInformation() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Add the user information to the session payload.

DatabaseSessionHandler::addRequestInformation() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Add the request information to the session payload.

AuthenticateSessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Session\Middleware
$ AuthenticateSession#authProperty in class AuthenticateSession

The authentication factory implementation.

StartSession::addCookieToResponse() — Method in class StartSession

Add the session cookie to the application response.

$ Store#attributesProperty in class Store

The session attributes.

Store::ageFlashData() — Method in class Store

Age the flash data for the session.

Store::all() — Method in class Store

Get all of the session data.

SymfonySessionDecorator::all() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
AggregateServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
ArrClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Arr::accessible() — Method in class Arr

Determine whether the given value is array accessible.

Arr::add() — Method in class Arr

Add an element to an array using "dot" notation if it doesn't exist.

Collection::all() — Method in class Collection
Collection::after() — Method in class Collection

Get the item after the given item.

Collection::add() — Method in class Collection

Add an item to the collection.

ConfigurationUrlParser::addDriverAlias() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Add the given driver alias to the driver aliases array.

DeferredCallback::always() — Method in class DeferredCallback

Indicate that the deferred callback should run even on unsuccessful requests and jobs.

Enumerable::all() — Method in class Enumerable

Get all items in the enumerable.

Enumerable::average() — Method in class Enumerable

Alias for the "avg" method.

Enumerable::avg() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the average value of a given key.

Enumerable::after() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the item after the given item.

AppClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
App::afterLoadingEnvironment() — Method in class App
App::afterBootstrapping() — Method in class App
App::addAbsoluteCachePathPrefix() — Method in class App
App::abort() — Method in class App
App::addDeferredServices() — Method in class App
App::addContextualBinding() — Method in class App
App::alias() — Method in class App
App::afterResolving() — Method in class App
App::afterResolvingAttribute() — Method in class App
ArtisanClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Artisan::all() — Method in class Artisan
Artisan::addCommands() — Method in class Artisan
Artisan::addCommandPaths() — Method in class Artisan
Artisan::addCommandRoutePaths() — Method in class Artisan
AuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Auth::attempt() — Method in class Auth
Auth::attemptWhen() — Method in class Auth
Auth::attempting() — Method in class Auth
Auth::authenticate() — Method in class Auth
Blade::anonymousComponentPath() — Method in class Blade
Blade::anonymousComponentNamespace() — Method in class Blade
Blade::aliasComponent() — Method in class Blade
Blade::aliasInclude() — Method in class Blade
Blade::applyEchoHandler() — Method in class Blade
Broadcast::ably() — Method in class Broadcast
Broadcast::auth() — Method in class Broadcast
Bus::assertDispatched() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertDispatchedSync() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertDispatchedSyncTimes() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertNotDispatchedSync() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertDispatchedAfterResponseTimes() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertNotDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertChained() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertNothingChained() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertDispatchedWithoutChain() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertBatched() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertBatchCount() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertNothingBatched() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertNothingPlaced() — Method in class Bus
Cache::add() — Method in class Cache
Config::array() — Method in class Config
Config::all() — Method in class Config
Context::all() — Method in class Context
Context::allHidden() — Method in class Context
Context::add() — Method in class Context
Context::addHidden() — Method in class Context
Context::addIf() — Method in class Context
Context::addHiddenIf() — Method in class Context
DB::availableDrivers() — Method in class DB
DB::affectingStatement() — Method in class DB
DB::allowQueryDurationHandlersToRunAgain() — Method in class DB
DB::afterCommit() — Method in class DB
Event::assertListening() — Method in class Event
Event::assertDispatched() — Method in class Event
Event::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class Event
Event::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class Event
Event::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class Event
Exceptions::assertReported() — Method in class Exceptions
Exceptions::assertReportedCount() — Method in class Exceptions
Exceptions::assertNotReported() — Method in class Exceptions
Exceptions::assertNothingReported() — Method in class Exceptions
$ Facade#appProperty in class Facade

The application instance being facaded.

File::append() — Method in class File
File::allFiles() — Method in class File
Gate::allowIf() — Method in class Gate
Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
Gate::any() — Method in class Gate
Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate
Http::allowStrayRequests() — Method in class Http
Http::assertSent() — Method in class Http
Http::assertSentInOrder() — Method in class Http
Http::assertNotSent() — Method in class Http
Http::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Http
Http::assertSentCount() — Method in class Http
Http::assertSequencesAreEmpty() — Method in class Http
Http::asJson() — Method in class Http
Http::asForm() — Method in class Http
Http::attach() — Method in class Http
Http::asMultipart() — Method in class Http
Http::acceptJson() — Method in class Http
Http::accept() — Method in class Http
Http::async() — Method in class Http
Lang::addLines() — Method in class Lang
Lang::addNamespace() — Method in class Lang
Lang::addJsonPath() — Method in class Lang
Log::alert() — Method in class Log
Mail::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mail
Mail::alwaysReplyTo() — Method in class Mail
Mail::alwaysReturnPath() — Method in class Mail
Mail::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertSent() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNotOutgoing() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNotSent() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNothingOutgoing() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertQueued() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNotQueued() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNothingQueued() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertSentCount() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertQueuedCount() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertOutgoingCount() — Method in class Mail
Notification::assertSentOnDemand() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertSentTo() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertSentOnDemandTimes() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertSentToTimes() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertNotSentTo() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertNothingSentTo() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertSentTimes() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertCount() — Method in class Notification
Process::assertRan() — Method in class Process
Process::assertRanTimes() — Method in class Process
Process::assertNotRan() — Method in class Process
Process::assertDidntRun() — Method in class Process
Process::assertNothingRan() — Method in class Process
Queue::after() — Method in class Queue
Queue::addConnector() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertPushed() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertPushedOn() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertPushedWithChain() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertPushedWithoutChain() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertClosurePushed() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertClosureNotPushed() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertNotPushed() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertCount() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertNothingPushed() — Method in class Queue
RateLimiter::attempt() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter
Redirect::away() — Method in class Redirect
Redirect::action() — Method in class Redirect
Request::ajax() — Method in class Request
Request::accepts() — Method in class Request
Request::acceptsAnyContentType() — Method in class Request
Request::acceptsJson() — Method in class Request
Request::acceptsHtml() — Method in class Request
Request::all() — Method in class Request
Request::allFiles() — Method in class Request
Request::anyFilled() — Method in class Request
Request::array() — Method in class Request
Route::any() — Method in class Route
Route::apiResources() — Method in class Route
Route::apiResource() — Method in class Route
Route::apiSingletons() — Method in class Route
Route::apiSingleton() — Method in class Route
Route::addRoute() — Method in class Route
Route::aliasMiddleware() — Method in class Route
Route::attribute() — Method in class Route
Route::as() — Method in class Route
Schedule::at() — Method in class Schedule
Session::ageFlashData() — Method in class Session
Session::all() — Method in class Session
Storage::append() — Method in class Storage
Storage::allFiles() — Method in class Storage
Storage::allDirectories() — Method in class Storage
Storage::assertExists() — Method in class Storage
Storage::assertCount() — Method in class Storage
Storage::assertMissing() — Method in class Storage
Storage::assertDirectoryEmpty() — Method in class Storage
URL::asset() — Method in class URL
URL::assetFrom() — Method in class URL
URL::action() — Method in class URL
View::addLocation() — Method in class View
View::addNamespace() — Method in class View
View::addExtension() — Method in class View
View::appendSection() — Method in class View
View::addLoop() — Method in class View
Vite::asset() — Method in class Vite
$ Fluent#attributesProperty in class Fluent
Fluent::all() — Method in class Fluent

Get all of the attributes from the fluent instance.

InteractsWithTime::availableAt() — Method in class InteractsWithTime

Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp.

LazyCollection::all() — Method in class LazyCollection
LazyCollection::after() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the item after the given item.

Lottery::alwaysWin() — Method in class Lottery

Force the lottery to always result in a win.

Lottery::alwaysLose() — Method in class Lottery

Force the lottery to always result in a lose.

MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag

Add a message to the message bag.

MessageBag::addIf() — Method in class MessageBag

Add a message to the message bag if the given conditional is "true".

MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag

Get all of the messages for every key in the message bag.

MessageBag::any() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if the message bag has any messages.

$ MultipleInstanceManager#appProperty in class MultipleInstanceManager

The application instance.

Number::abbreviate() — Method in class Number

Convert the number to its human-readable equivalent.

$ ServiceProvider#appProperty in class ServiceProvider

The application instance.

ServiceProvider::addPublishGroup() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Add a publish group / tag to the service provider.

ServiceProvider::addProviderToBootstrapFile() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Add the given provider to the application's provider bootstrap file.

$ Sleep#alreadySleptProperty in class Sleep

Indicates if the instance already slept via then().

Sleep::and() — Method in class Sleep

Add additional time to sleep for.

Sleep::assertSlept() — Method in class Sleep

Assert a given amount of sleeping occurred a specific number of times.

Sleep::assertSleptTimes() — Method in class Sleep

Assert sleeping occurred a given number of times.

Sleep::assertSequence() — Method in class Sleep

Assert the given sleep sequence was encountered.

Sleep::assertNeverSlept() — Method in class Sleep

Assert that no sleeping occurred.

Sleep::assertInsomniac() — Method in class Sleep

Assert that no sleeping occurred.

Str::after() — Method in class Str

Return the remainder of a string after the first occurrence of a given value.

Str::afterLast() — Method in class Str

Return the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a given value.

Str::ascii() — Method in class Str

Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.

Str::apa() — Method in class Str

Convert the given string to APA-style title case.

Stringable::after() — Method in class Stringable

Return the remainder of a string after the first occurrence of a given value.

Stringable::afterLast() — Method in class Stringable

Return the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a given value.

Stringable::append() — Method in class Stringable

Append the given values to the string.

Stringable::ascii() — Method in class Stringable

Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.

Stringable::apa() — Method in class Stringable

Convert the given string to APA-style title case.

$ BatchFake#addedProperty in class BatchFake

The jobs that have been added to the batch.

BatchFake::add() — Method in class BatchFake

Add additional jobs to the batch.

BusFake::assertDispatched() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.

BusFake::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class BusFake

Assert that no jobs were dispatched.

BusFake::assertDispatchedSync() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was explicitly dispatched synchronously based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertDispatchedSyncTimes() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was pushed synchronously a number of times.

BusFake::assertNotDispatchedSync() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was dispatched after the response was sent based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertDispatchedAfterResponseTimes() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was pushed after the response was sent a number of times.

BusFake::assertNotDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertChained() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a chain of jobs was dispatched.

BusFake::assertNothingChained() — Method in class BusFake

Assert no chained jobs was dispatched.

BusFake::assertDispatchedWithoutChain() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was dispatched with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertDispatchedWithChainOfObjects() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was dispatched with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertBatched() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a batch was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertBatchCount() — Method in class BusFake

Assert the number of batches that have been dispatched.

BusFake::assertNothingBatched() — Method in class BusFake

Assert that no batched jobs were dispatched.

BusFake::assertNothingPlaced() — Method in class BusFake

Assert that no jobs were dispatched, chained, or batched.

EventFake::assertListening() — Method in class EventFake

Assert if an event has a listener attached to it.

EventFake::assertDispatched() — Method in class EventFake

Assert if an event was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

EventFake::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class EventFake

Assert if an event was dispatched a number of times.

EventFake::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class EventFake

Determine if an event was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

EventFake::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class EventFake

Assert that no events were dispatched.

ExceptionHandlerFake::assertReported() — Method in class ExceptionHandlerFake

Assert if an exception of the given type has been reported.

ExceptionHandlerFake::assertReportedCount() — Method in class ExceptionHandlerFake

Assert the number of exceptions that have been reported.

ExceptionHandlerFake::assertNotReported() — Method in class ExceptionHandlerFake

Assert if an exception of the given type has not been reported.

ExceptionHandlerFake::assertNothingReported() — Method in class ExceptionHandlerFake

Assert nothing has been reported.

MailFake::assertSent() — Method in class MailFake

Assert if a mailable was sent based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertSentTimes() — Method in class MailFake

Assert if a mailable was sent a number of times.

MailFake::assertNotOutgoing() — Method in class MailFake

Determine if a mailable was not sent or queued to be sent based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertNotSent() — Method in class MailFake

Determine if a mailable was not sent based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertNothingOutgoing() — Method in class MailFake

Assert that no mailables were sent or queued to be sent.

MailFake::assertNothingSent() — Method in class MailFake

Assert that no mailables were sent.

MailFake::assertQueued() — Method in class MailFake

Assert if a mailable was queued based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertQueuedTimes() — Method in class MailFake

Assert if a mailable was queued a number of times.

MailFake::assertNotQueued() — Method in class MailFake

Determine if a mailable was not queued based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertNothingQueued() — Method in class MailFake

Assert that no mailables were queued.

MailFake::assertSentCount() — Method in class MailFake

Assert the total number of mailables that were sent.

MailFake::assertQueuedCount() — Method in class MailFake

Assert the total number of mailables that were queued.

MailFake::assertOutgoingCount() — Method in class MailFake

Assert the total number of mailables that were sent or queued.

NotificationFake::assertSentOnDemand() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert if a notification was sent on-demand based on a truth-test callback.

NotificationFake::assertSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert if a notification was sent based on a truth-test callback.

NotificationFake::assertSentOnDemandTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert if a notification was sent on-demand a number of times.

NotificationFake::assertSentToTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert if a notification was sent a number of times.

NotificationFake::assertNotSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake

Determine if a notification was sent based on a truth-test callback.

NotificationFake::assertNothingSent() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert that no notifications were sent.

NotificationFake::assertNothingSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert that no notifications were sent to the given notifiable.

NotificationFake::assertSentTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert the total amount of times a notification was sent.

NotificationFake::assertCount() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert the total count of notification that were sent.

QueueFake::assertPushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedTimes() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.

QueueFake::assertPushedOn() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedWithChain() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedWithoutChain() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedWithChainOfObjects() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedWithChainOfClasses() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertClosurePushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a closure was pushed based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertClosureNotPushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert that a closure was not pushed based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertNotPushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Determine if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertCount() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert the total count of jobs that were pushed.

QueueFake::assertNothingPushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert that no jobs were pushed.

$ EnumeratesValues#averageProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#avgProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::avg() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get the average value of a given key.

EnumeratesValues::average() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Alias for the "avg" method.

InteractsWithData::all() — Method in class InteractsWithData

Retrieve all data from the instance.

InteractsWithData::anyFilled() — Method in class InteractsWithData

Determine if the instance contains a non-empty value for any of the given keys.

InteractsWithData::array() — Method in class InteractsWithData

Retrieve data from the instance as an array.

UriQueryString::all() — Method in class UriQueryString

Retrieve all data from the instance.

ValidatedInput::all() — Method in class ValidatedInput

Get the raw, underlying input array.

ViewErrorBag::any() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Determine if the default message bag has any messages.

AssertClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing
Assert::assertArraySubset() — Method in class Assert

Asserts that an array has a specified subset.

AssertableJsonStringClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing
AssertableJsonString::assertCount() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key.

AssertableJsonString::assertExact() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response has the exact given JSON.

AssertableJsonString::assertSimilar() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response has the similar JSON as given.

AssertableJsonString::assertFragment() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response contains the given JSON fragment.

AssertableJsonString::assertMissing() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response does not contain the given JSON fragment.

AssertableJsonString::assertMissingExact() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response does not contain the exact JSON fragment.

AssertableJsonString::assertMissingPath() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response does not contain the given path.

AssertableJsonString::assertPath() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the expected value and type exists at the given path in the response.

AssertableJsonString::assertPathCanonicalizing() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the given path in the response contains all of the expected values without looking at the order.

AssertableJsonString::assertStructure() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response has a given JSON structure.

AssertableJsonString::assertSubset() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Assert that the response is a superset of the given JSON.

AssertableJsonString::assertJsonMessage() — Method in class AssertableJsonString

Get the assertion message for assertJson.

AssertsStatusCodesClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Concerns
AssertsStatusCodes::assertOk() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 200 "OK" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertCreated() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 201 "Created" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertAccepted() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 202 "Accepted" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertNoContent() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has the given status code and no content.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertMovedPermanently() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 301 "Moved Permanently" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertFound() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 302 "Found" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertNotModified() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 304 "Not Modified" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertTemporaryRedirect() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 307 "Temporary Redirect" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertPermanentRedirect() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 308 "Permanent Redirect" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertBadRequest() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 400 "Bad Request" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertUnauthorized() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 401 "Unauthorized" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertPaymentRequired() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 402 "Payment Required" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertForbidden() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 403 "Forbidden" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertNotFound() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 404 "Not Found" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertMethodNotAllowed() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 405 "Method Not Allowed" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertNotAcceptable() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 406 "Not Acceptable" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertRequestTimeout() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 408 "Request Timeout" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertConflict() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 409 "Conflict" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertGone() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 410 "Gone" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertUnsupportedMediaType() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 415 "Unsupported Media Type" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertUnprocessable() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 422 "Unprocessable Content" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertTooManyRequests() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 429 "Too Many Requests" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertInternalServerError() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 500 "Internal Server Error" status code.

AssertsStatusCodes::assertServiceUnavailable() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes

Assert that the response has a 503 "Service Unavailable" status code.

$ RunsInParallel#applicationResolverProperty in class RunsInParallel

The application resolver callback.

ArraySubsetClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
$ CountInDatabase#actualCountProperty in class CountInDatabase

The actual table entries count that will be checked against the expected count.

AssertableJsonClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Fluent
$ PendingCommand#appProperty in class PendingCommand

The application instance.

PendingCommand::assertExitCode() — Method in class PendingCommand

Assert that the command has the given exit code.

PendingCommand::assertNotExitCode() — Method in class PendingCommand

Assert that the command does not have the given exit code.

PendingCommand::assertSuccessful() — Method in class PendingCommand

Assert that the command has the success exit code.

PendingCommand::assertOk() — Method in class PendingCommand

Assert that the command has the success exit code.

PendingCommand::assertFailed() — Method in class PendingCommand

Assert that the command does not have the success exit code.

TestComponent::assertSee() — Method in class TestComponent

Assert that the given string is contained within the rendered component.

TestComponent::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestComponent

Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the rendered component.

TestComponent::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestComponent

Assert that the given string is contained within the rendered component text.

TestComponent::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestComponent

Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the rendered component text.

TestComponent::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestComponent

Assert that the given string is not contained within the rendered component.

TestComponent::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestComponent

Assert that the given string is not contained within the rendered component text.

TestResponse::assertSuccessful() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has a successful status code.

TestResponse::assertSuccessfulPrecognition() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the Precognition request was successful.

TestResponse::assertServerError() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response is a server error.

TestResponse::assertStatus() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the given status code.

TestResponse::assertRedirect() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given URI.

TestResponse::assertRedirectContains() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert whether the response is redirecting to a URI that contains the given URI.

TestResponse::assertRedirectToRoute() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given route.

TestResponse::assertRedirectToSignedRoute() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given signed route.

TestResponse::assertHeader() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given header and equals the optional value.

TestResponse::assertHeaderMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response does not contain the given header.

TestResponse::assertLocation() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the current location header matches the given URI.

TestResponse::assertDownload() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response offers a file download.

TestResponse::assertPlainCookie() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value.

TestResponse::assertCookie() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value.

TestResponse::assertCookieExpired() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and is expired.

TestResponse::assertCookieNotExpired() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and is not expired.

TestResponse::assertCookieMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response does not contain the given cookie.

TestResponse::assertContent() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string matches the response content.

TestResponse::assertStreamedContent() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string matches the streamed response content.

TestResponse::assertStreamedJsonContent() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given array matches the streamed JSON response content.

TestResponse::assertSee() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string or array of strings are contained within the response.

TestResponse::assertSeeHtml() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given HTML string or array of HTML strings are contained within the response.

TestResponse::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response.

TestResponse::assertSeeHtmlInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given HTML strings are contained in order within the response.

TestResponse::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string or array of strings are contained within the response text.

TestResponse::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response text.

TestResponse::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string or array of strings are not contained within the response.

TestResponse::assertDontSeeHtml() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given HTML string or array of HTML strings are not contained within the response.

TestResponse::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string or array of strings are not contained within the response text.

TestResponse::assertJson() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response is a superset of the given JSON.

TestResponse::assertJsonPath() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the expected value and type exists at the given path in the response.

TestResponse::assertJsonPathCanonicalizing() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given path in the response contains all of the expected values without looking at the order.

TestResponse::assertExactJson() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the exact given JSON.

TestResponse::assertSimilarJson() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the similar JSON as given.

TestResponse::assertJsonFragment() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response contains the given JSON fragment.

TestResponse::assertJsonMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response does not contain the given JSON fragment.

TestResponse::assertJsonMissingExact() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response does not contain the exact JSON fragment.

TestResponse::assertJsonMissingPath() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response does not contain the given path.

TestResponse::assertJsonStructure() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has a given JSON structure.

TestResponse::assertExactJsonStructure() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the exact JSON structure.

TestResponse::assertJsonCount() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key.

TestResponse::assertJsonValidationErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the given JSON validation errors.

TestResponse::assertJsonValidationErrorFor() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert the response has any JSON validation errors for the given key.

TestResponse::assertJsonMissingValidationErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has no JSON validation errors for the given keys.

TestResponse::assertJsonIsArray() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given key is a JSON array.

TestResponse::assertJsonIsObject() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given key is a JSON object.

TestResponse::assertViewIs() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response view equals the given value.

TestResponse::assertViewHas() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response view has a given piece of bound data.

TestResponse::assertViewHasAll() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response view has a given list of bound data.

TestResponse::assertViewMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.

TestResponse::assertValid() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given keys do not have validation errors.

TestResponse::assertInvalid() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the given validation errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionHas() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has a given value.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasAll() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has a given list of values.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasInput() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has a given value in the flashed input array.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has the given errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionDoesntHaveErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session is missing the given errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasNoErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has no errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasErrorsIn() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has the given errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session does not have a given key.

TestResponseAssert::appendExceptionToException() — Method in class TestResponseAssert

Append an exception to the message of another exception.

TestResponseAssert::appendErrorsToException() — Method in class TestResponseAssert

Append errors to an exception message.

TestResponseAssert::appendMessageToException() — Method in class TestResponseAssert

Append a message to an exception.

TestView::assertViewHas() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the response view has a given piece of bound data.

TestView::assertViewHasAll() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the response view has a given list of bound data.

TestView::assertViewMissing() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.

TestView::assertViewEmpty() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the view's rendered content is empty.

TestView::assertSee() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the given string is contained within the view.

TestView::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the view.

TestView::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the given string is contained within the view text.

TestView::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the view text.

TestView::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the given string is not contained within the view.

TestView::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestView

Assert that the given string is not contained within the view text.

ArrayLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
ArrayLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class ArrayLoader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

ArrayLoader::addJsonPath() — Method in class ArrayLoader

Add a new JSON path to the loader.

ArrayLoader::addMessages() — Method in class ArrayLoader

Add messages to the loader.

FileLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class FileLoader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

FileLoader::addJsonPath() — Method in class FileLoader

Add a new JSON path to the loader.

Translator::addLines() — Method in class Translator

Add translation lines to the given locale.

Translator::addNamespace() — Method in class Translator

Add a new namespace to the loader.

Translator::addJsonPath() — Method in class Translator

Add a new JSON path to the loader.

ValidatesAttributes::anyFailingRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Determine if any of the given attributes fail the required test.

ValidatesAttributes::allFailingRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Determine if all of the given attributes fail the required test.

DatabasePresenceVerifier::addConditions() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Add the given conditions to the query.

DatabasePresenceVerifier::addWhere() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Add a "where" clause to the given query.

Factory::addExtensions() — Method in class Factory

Add the extensions to a validator instance.

Rule::array() — Method in class Rule

Get an array rule builder instance.

ArrayRuleClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
$ Can#abilityProperty in class Can

The ability to check.

$ Can#argumentsProperty in class Can

The arguments to pass to the authorization check.

$ File#allowedMimetypesProperty in class File

The MIME types that the given file should match. This array may also contain file extensions.

$ File#allowedExtensionsProperty in class File

The extensions that the given file should match.

$ Validator#afterProperty in class Validator

All of the registered "after" callbacks.

Validator::after() — Method in class Validator

Add an after validation callback.

Validator::addFailure() — Method in class Validator

Add a failed rule and error message to the collection.

Validator::attributesThatHaveMessages() — Method in class Validator

Generate an array of all attributes that have messages.

Validator::attributes() — Method in class Validator

Get the data under validation.

Validator::addRules() — Method in class Validator

Parse the given rules and merge them into current rules.

Validator::addExtensions() — Method in class Validator

Register an array of custom validator extensions.

Validator::addImplicitExtensions() — Method in class Validator

Register an array of custom implicit validator extensions.

Validator::addDependentExtensions() — Method in class Validator

Register an array of custom dependent validator extensions.

Validator::addExtension() — Method in class Validator

Register a custom validator extension.

Validator::addImplicitExtension() — Method in class Validator

Register a custom implicit validator extension.

Validator::addDependentExtension() — Method in class Validator

Register a custom dependent validator extension.

Validator::addReplacers() — Method in class Validator

Register an array of custom validator message replacers.

Validator::addReplacer() — Method in class Validator

Register a custom validator message replacer.

Validator::addCustomAttributes() — Method in class Validator

Add custom attributes to the validator.

Validator::addCustomValues() — Method in class Validator

Add the custom values for the validator.

AnonymousComponentClass in namespace Illuminate\View
AppendableAttributeValueClass in namespace Illuminate\View
$ BladeCompiler#anonymousComponentPathsProperty in class BladeCompiler

The array of anonymous component paths to search for components in.

$ BladeCompiler#anonymousComponentNamespacesProperty in class BladeCompiler

The array of anonymous component namespaces to autoload from.

BladeCompiler::appendFilePath() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Append the file path to the compiled string.

$ ComponentTagCompiler#aliasesProperty in class ComponentTagCompiler

The component class aliases.

ComponentTagCompiler::attributesToString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Convert an array of attributes to a string.

CompilesEchos::addBladeCompilerVariable() — Method in class CompilesEchos

Add an instance of the blade echo handler to the start of the compiled string.

CompilesEchos::applyEchoHandler() — Method in class CompilesEchos

Apply the echo handler for the value if it exists.

$ Component#attributesProperty in class Component

The component attributes.

$ ComponentAttributeBag#attributesProperty in class ComponentAttributeBag

The raw array of attributes.

ComponentAttributeBag::all() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Get all of the attribute values.

$ ComponentSlot#attributesProperty in class ComponentSlot

The slot attribute bag.

ManagesEvents::addViewEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Add an event for a given view.

ManagesEvents::addClassEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Register a class based view composer.

ManagesEvents::addEventListener() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Add a listener to the event dispatcher.

ManagesLayouts::appendSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Stop injecting content into a section and append it.

ManagesLoops::addLoop() — Method in class ManagesLoops

Add new loop to the stack.

Factory::addLocation() — Method in class Factory

Add a location to the array of view locations.

Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory

Add a new namespace to the loader.

Factory::addExtension() — Method in class Factory

Register a valid view extension and its engine.

FileViewFinder::addLocation() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Add a location to the finder.

FileViewFinder::addNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Add a namespace hint to the finder.

FileViewFinder::addExtension() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Register an extension with the view finder.

View::allFragments() — Method in class View

Get all fragments as a single string.

ViewFinderInterface::addLocation() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Add a location to the finder.

ViewFinderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Add a namespace hint to the finder.

ViewFinderInterface::addExtension() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Add a valid view extension to the finder.


$ Gate#beforeCallbacksProperty in class Gate

All of the registered before callbacks.

Gate::buildAbilityCallback() — Method in class Gate

Create the ability callback for a callback string.

Gate::before() — Method in class Gate

Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.

ResetPassword::buildMailMessage() — Method in class ResetPassword

Get the reset password notification mail message for the given URL.

VerifyEmail::buildMailMessage() — Method in class VerifyEmail

Get the verify email notification mail message for the given URL.

$ PasswordBrokerManager#brokersProperty in class PasswordBrokerManager

The array of created "drivers".

PasswordBrokerManager::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Attempt to get the broker from the local cache.

SessionGuard::basic() — Method in class SessionGuard

Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.

SessionGuard::basicCredentials() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the credential array for an HTTP Basic request.

AnonymousEvent::broadcastAs() — Method in class AnonymousEvent

Get the name the event should broadcast as.

AnonymousEvent::broadcastWith() — Method in class AnonymousEvent

Get the payload the event should broadcast with.

AnonymousEvent::broadcastOn() — Method in class AnonymousEvent

Get the channels the event should broadcast on.

BroadcastControllerClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
$ BroadcastEvent#backoffProperty in class BroadcastEvent

The number of seconds to wait before retrying the job when encountering an uncaught exception.

BroadcastExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
AblyBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

AblyBroadcaster::buildAblyMessage() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster

Build an Ably message object for broadcasting.

BroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
$ Broadcaster#bindingRegistrarProperty in class Broadcaster

The binding registrar instance.

Broadcaster::binder() — Method in class Broadcaster

Get the model binding registrar instance.

LogBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class LogBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

NullBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class NullBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

PusherBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

RedisBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

RedisBroadcaster::broadcastMultipleChannelsScript() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Get the Lua script for broadcasting to multiple channels.

$ InteractsWithBroadcasting#broadcastConnectionProperty in class InteractsWithBroadcasting

The broadcaster connection to use to broadcast the event.

InteractsWithBroadcasting::broadcastVia() — Method in class InteractsWithBroadcasting

Broadcast the event using a specific broadcaster.

InteractsWithBroadcasting::broadcastConnections() — Method in class InteractsWithBroadcasting

Get the broadcaster connections the event should be broadcast on.

InteractsWithSockets::broadcastToEveryone() — Method in class InteractsWithSockets

Broadcast the event to everyone.

BatchClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
BatchFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
BatchRepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
BatchableClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
$ Batchable#batchIdProperty in class Batchable

The batch ID (if applicable).

Batchable::batch() — Method in class Batchable

Get the batch instance for the job, if applicable.

Batchable::batching() — Method in class Batchable

Determine if the batch is still active and processing.

BusServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
Dispatcher::batch() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a new batch of queueable jobs.

BatchDispatchedClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus\Events
$ BatchDispatched#batchProperty in class BatchDispatched

The batch instance.

PendingBatch::before() — Method in class PendingBatch

Add a callback to be executed when the batch is stored.

PendingBatch::beforeCallbacks() — Method in class PendingBatch

Get the "before" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.

Queueable::beforeCommit() — Method in class Queueable

Indicate that the job should not wait until database transactions have been committed before dispatching.

CacheManager::build() — Method in class CacheManager

Build a cache repository with the given configuration.

Lock::block() — Method in class Lock

Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.

Lock::betweenBlockedAttemptsSleepFor() — Method in class Lock

Specify the number of milliseconds to sleep in between blocked lock acquisition attempts.

Limit::by() — Method in class Limit

Set the key of the rate limit.

Repository::boolean() — Method in class Repository
$ Application#bootstrappersProperty in class Application

The console application bootstrappers.

Application::bootstrap() — Method in class Application

Bootstrap the console application.

BufferedConsoleOutputClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
$ BufferedConsoleOutput#bufferProperty in class BufferedConsoleOutput

The current buffer.

GeneratorCommand::buildClass() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Build the class with the given name.

CommandBuilder::buildCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder

Build the command for the given event.

CommandBuilder::buildForegroundCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder

Build the command for running the event in the foreground.

CommandBuilder::buildBackgroundCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder

Build the command for running the event in the background.

$ Event#beforeCallbacksProperty in class Event

The array of callbacks to be run before the event is started.

Event::buildCommand() — Method in class Event

Build the command string.

Event::before() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to be called before the operation.

ManagesFrequencies::between() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run between start and end time.

BulletListClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
Factory::bulletList() — Method in class Factory
BoundMethodClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
$ Container#bindingsProperty in class Container

The container's bindings.

$ Container#buildStackProperty in class Container

The stack of concretions currently being built.

$ Container#beforeResolvingCallbacksProperty in class Container

All of the before resolving callbacks by class type.

Container::bound() — Method in class Container

Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.

Container::bind() — Method in class Container

Register a binding with the container.

Container::bindMethod() — Method in class Container

Bind a callback to resolve with Container::call.

Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container

Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.

Container::build() — Method in class Container

Instantiate a concrete instance of the given type.

Container::beforeResolving() — Method in class Container

Register a new before resolving callback for all types.

Gate::before() — Method in class Gate

Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.

PasswordBrokerFactory::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerFactory

Get a password broker instance by name.

SupportsBasicAuth::basic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth

Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.

BroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
Broadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class Broadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

HasBroadcastChannel::broadcastChannelRoute() — Method in class HasBroadcastChannel

Get the broadcast channel route definition that is associated with the given entity.

HasBroadcastChannel::broadcastChannel() — Method in class HasBroadcastChannel

Get the broadcast channel name that is associated with the given entity.

ShouldBroadcast::broadcastOn() — Method in class ShouldBroadcast

Get the channels the event should broadcast on.

QueueingDispatcher::batch() — Method in class QueueingDispatcher

Create a new batch of queueable jobs.

Lock::block() — Method in class Lock

Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.

Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel

Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.

BindingResolutionExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
Container::bound() — Method in class Container

Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.

Container::bind() — Method in class Container

Register a binding with the container.

Container::bindMethod() — Method in class Container

Bind a callback to resolve with Container::call.

Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container

Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.

Container::beforeResolving() — Method in class Container

Register a new before resolving callback.

BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent

This interface is intentionally empty and exists to improve IDE support.

BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Query

This interface is intentionally empty and exists to improve IDE support.

Application::basePath() — Method in class Application

Get the base path of the Laravel installation.

Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the bootstrap directory.

Application::boot() — Method in class Application

Boot the application's service providers.

Application::booting() — Method in class Application

Register a new boot listener.

Application::booted() — Method in class Application

Register a new "booted" listener.

Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application

Run the given array of bootstrap classes.

Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel

Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.

Mailable::bcc() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Mailer::bcc() — Method in class Mailer

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

BindingRegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
BindingRegistrar::bind() — Method in class BindingRegistrar

Add a new route parameter binder.

Manager::bootEloquent() — Method in class Manager

Bootstrap Eloquent so it is ready for usage.

BuildsQueriesClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
ManagesTransactions::beginTransaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Start a new database transaction.

$ Connection#beforeStartingTransactionProperty in class Connection

All of the callbacks that should be invoked before a transaction is started.

$ Connection#beforeExecutingCallbacksProperty in class Connection

All of the callbacks that should be invoked before a query is executed.

Connection::bindValues() — Method in class Connection

Bind values to their parameters in the given statement.

Connection::beforeStartingTransaction() — Method in class Connection

Register a hook to be run just before a database transaction is started.

Connection::beforeExecuting() — Method in class Connection

Register a hook to be run just before a database query is executed.

ConnectionInterface::beginTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Start a new database transaction.

SqlServerConnector::buildConnectString() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Build a connection string from the given arguments.

SqlServerConnector::buildHostString() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Build a host string from the given configuration.

FactoryMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

BaseCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
DatabaseManager::build() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Build a database connection instance from the given configuration.

DatabaseServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider

Bootstrap the application events.

DatabaseTransactionsManager::begin() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

Start a new database transaction.

BroadcastableModelEventOccurredClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred

The channels the event should broadcast on.

BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastAs() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred

The name the event should broadcast as.

BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastWith() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred

Get the data that should be sent with the broadcasted event.

BroadcastsEventsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
BroadcastsEvents::bootBroadcastsEvents() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Boot the event broadcasting trait.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastCreated() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Broadcast that the model was created.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastUpdated() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Broadcast that the model was updated.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastTrashed() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Broadcast that the model was trashed.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastRestored() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Broadcast that the model was restored.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastDeleted() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Broadcast that the model was deleted.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastIfBroadcastChannelsExistForEvent() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Broadcast the given event instance if channels are configured for the model event.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Get the channels that model events should broadcast on.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastConnection() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Get the queue connection that should be used to broadcast model events.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastQueue() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Get the queue that should be used to broadcast model events.

BroadcastsEvents::broadcastAfterCommit() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents

Determine if the model event broadcast queued job should be dispatched after all transactions are committed.

BroadcastsEventsAfterCommitClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
BroadcastsEventsAfterCommit::broadcastAfterCommit() — Method in class BroadcastsEventsAfterCommit

Determine if the model event broadcast queued job should be dispatched after all transactions are committed.

BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
HasEvents::bootHasEvents() — Method in class HasEvents

Boot the has event trait for a model.

HasGlobalScopes::bootHasGlobalScopes() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes

Boot the has global scopes trait for a model.

HasRelationships::belongsTo() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define an inverse one-to-one or many relationship.

HasRelationships::belongsToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a many-to-many relationship.

BelongsToManyRelationshipClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
BelongsToRelationshipClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
$ HigherOrderBuilderProxy#builderProperty in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy

The collection being operated on.

$ Model#bootedProperty in class Model

The array of booted models.

$ Model#builderProperty in class Model

The Eloquent query builder class to use for the model.

Model::bootIfNotBooted() — Method in class Model

Check if the model needs to be booted and if so, do it.

Model::booting() — Method in class Model

Perform any actions required before the model boots.

Model::boot() — Method in class Model

Bootstrap the model and its traits.

Model::bootTraits() — Method in class Model

Boot all of the bootable traits on the model.

Model::booted() — Method in class Model

Perform any actions required after the model boots.

Model::broadcastChannelRoute() — Method in class Model

Get the broadcast channel route definition that is associated with the given entity.

Model::broadcastChannel() — Method in class Model

Get the broadcast channel name that is associated with the given entity.

BelongsToClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
BelongsToManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
BelongsToMany::buildDictionary() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.

InteractsWithPivotTable::baseAttachRecord() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Create a new pivot attachment record.

HasOneOrMany::buildDictionary() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.

HasOneOrManyThrough::buildDictionary() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough

Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.

MorphTo::buildDictionary() — Method in class MorphTo

Build a dictionary with the models.

MorphToMany::baseAttachRecord() — Method in class MorphToMany

Create a new pivot attachment record.

Relation::buildMorphMapFromModels() — Method in class Relation

Builds a table-keyed array from model class names.

SoftDeletes::bootSoftDeletes() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Boot the soft deleting trait for a model.

$ QueryExecuted#bindingsProperty in class QueryExecuted

The array of query bindings.

$ QueryException#bindingsProperty in class QueryException

The bindings for the query.

BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
$ Builder#bindingsProperty in class Builder

The current query value bindings.

$ Builder#beforeQueryCallbacksProperty in class Builder

The callbacks that should be invoked before the query is executed.

$ Builder#bitwiseOperatorsProperty in class Builder

All of the available bitwise operators.

Builder::beforeQuery() — Method in class Builder

Register a closure to be invoked before the query is executed.

$ Grammar#bitwiseOperatorsProperty in class Grammar

The grammar specific bitwise operators.

$ PostgresGrammar#bitwiseOperatorsProperty in class PostgresGrammar

The grammar specific bitwise operators.

BlueprintClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
Blueprint::build() — Method in class Blueprint

Execute the blueprint against the database.

Blueprint::bigIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::bigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new big integer (8-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::boolean() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new boolean column on the table.

Blueprint::binary() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new binary column on the table.

BlueprintStateClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
$ BlueprintState#blueprintProperty in class BlueprintState

The blueprint instance.

BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
Builder::build() — Method in class Builder

Execute the blueprint to build / modify the table.

Builder::blueprintResolver() — Method in class Builder

Set the Schema Blueprint resolver callback.

$ ForeignIdColumnDefinition#blueprintProperty in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition

The schema builder blueprint instance.

MariaDbSchemaState::baseDumpCommand() — Method in class MariaDbSchemaState

Get the base dump command arguments for MariaDB as a string.

MySqlSchemaState::baseDumpCommand() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState

Get the base dump command arguments for MySQL as a string.

MySqlSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState

Get the base variables for a dump / load command.

PostgresSchemaState::baseDumpCommand() — Method in class PostgresSchemaState

Get the base dump command arguments for PostgreSQL as a string.

PostgresSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class PostgresSchemaState

Get the base variables for a dump / load command.

SqliteSchemaState::baseCommand() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState

Get the base sqlite command arguments as a string.

SqliteSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState

Get the base variables for a dump / load command.

$ CallQueuedListener#backoffProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.

Dispatcher::broadcastWhen() — Method in class Dispatcher

Check if the event should be broadcasted by the condition.

Dispatcher::broadcastEvent() — Method in class Dispatcher

Broadcast the given event class.

Filesystem::basename() — Method in class Filesystem

Extract the trailing name component from a file path.

FilesystemAdapter::buildTemporaryUrlsUsing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Define a custom temporary URL builder callback.

FilesystemManager::build() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Build an on-demand disk.

FilesystemServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider

Bootstrap the filesystem.

$ Application#basePathProperty in class Application

The base path for the Laravel installation.

$ Application#bootedProperty in class Application

Indicates if the application has "booted".

$ Application#bootingCallbacksProperty in class Application

The array of booting callbacks.

$ Application#bootedCallbacksProperty in class Application

The array of booted callbacks.

$ Application#bootstrapPathProperty in class Application

The custom bootstrap path defined by the developer.

Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application

Run the given array of bootstrap classes.

Application::beforeBootstrapping() — Method in class Application

Register a callback to run before a bootstrapper.

Application::bindPathsInContainer() — Method in class Application

Bind all of the application paths in the container.

Application::basePath() — Method in class Application

Get the base path of the Laravel installation.

Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the bootstrap directory.

Application::bound() — Method in class Application

Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.

Application::boot() — Method in class Application

Boot the application's service providers.

Application::bootProvider() — Method in class Application

Boot the given service provider.

Application::booting() — Method in class Application

Register a new boot listener.

Application::booted() — Method in class Application

Register a new "booted" listener.

BootProvidersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
BootProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class BootProviders

Bootstrap the given application.

HandleExceptions::bootstrap() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Bootstrap the given application.

LoadConfiguration::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadConfiguration

Bootstrap the given application.

LoadEnvironmentVariables::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables

Bootstrap the given application.

RegisterFacades::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterFacades

Bootstrap the given application.

$ RegisterProviders#bootstrapProviderPathProperty in class RegisterProviders

The path to the bootstrap provider configuration file.

RegisterProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterProviders

Bootstrap the given application.

SetRequestForConsole::bootstrap() — Method in class SetRequestForConsole

Bootstrap the given application.

PendingDispatch::beforeCommit() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Indicate that the job should not wait until database transactions have been committed before dispatching.

ApplicationBuilder::buildRoutingCallback() — Method in class ApplicationBuilder

Create the routing callback for the application.

ApplicationBuilder::booting() — Method in class ApplicationBuilder

Register a callback to be invoked when the application is "booting".

ApplicationBuilder::booted() — Method in class ApplicationBuilder

Register a callback to be invoked when the application is "booted".

BroadcastingInstallCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ChannelMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

$ CliDumper#basePathProperty in class CliDumper

The base path of the application.

ComponentMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

EnumMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class EnumMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

$ Kernel#bootstrappersProperty in class Kernel

The bootstrap classes for the application.

Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel

Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.

Kernel::bootstrapWithoutBootingProviders() — Method in class Kernel

Bootstrap the application without booting service providers.

Kernel::bootstrappers() — Method in class Kernel

Get the bootstrap classes for the application.

ListenerMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

MailMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class MailMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

ModelMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

ModelMakeCommand::buildFactoryReplacements() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Build the replacements for a factory.

NotificationMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

ObserverMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

PolicyMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

RouteCacheCommand::buildRouteCacheFile() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand

Build the route cache file.

RuleMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class RuleMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

ViewCacheCommand::bladeFilesIn() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand

Get the Blade files in the given path.

ViewMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ViewMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

Dispatchable::broadcast() — Method in class Dispatchable

Broadcast the event with the given arguments.

Handler::buildExceptionContext() — Method in class Handler

Create the context array for logging the given exception.

Handler::buildContextUsing() — Method in class Handler

Register a closure that should be used to build exception context data.

$ Exception#basePathProperty in class Exception

The application's base path.

$ Frame#basePathProperty in class Frame

The application's base path.

BladeMapperClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Renderer\Mappers
$ BladeMapper#bladeCompilerProperty in class BladeMapper

The Blade compiler instance.

$ Renderer#bladeMapperProperty in class Renderer

The Blade mapper instance.

$ Renderer#basePathProperty in class Renderer

The application's base path.

$ HtmlDumper#basePathProperty in class HtmlDumper

The base path of the application.

$ Kernel#bootstrappersProperty in class Kernel

The bootstrap classes for the application.

Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel

Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.

Kernel::bootstrappers() — Method in class Kernel

Get the bootstrap classes for the application.

PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::bypassResponse() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance

Redirect the user back to the root of the application with a maintenance mode bypass cookie.

$ PackageManifest#basePathProperty in class PackageManifest

The base path.

PackageManifest::build() — Method in class PackageManifest

Build the manifest and write it to disk.

FormRequestServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FormRequestServiceProvider

Bootstrap the application services.

FoundationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider

Boot the service provider.

EventServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Boot any application services.

RouteServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider

Bootstrap any application services.

InteractsWithAuthentication::be() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Set the currently logged in user for the application.

$ InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle#beforeApplicationDestroyedCallbacksProperty in class InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle

The callbacks that should be run before the application is destroyed.

InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle::beforeApplicationDestroyed() — Method in class InteractsWithTestCaseLifecycle

Register a callback to be run before the application is destroyed.

InteractsWithViews::blade() — Method in class InteractsWithViews

Render the contents of the given Blade template string.

DatabaseMigrations::beforeRefreshingDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseMigrations

Perform any work that should take place before the database has started refreshing.

DatabaseTransactions::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions

Handle database transactions on the specified connections.

DatabaseTruncation::beforeTruncatingDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseTruncation

Perform any work that should take place before the database has started truncating.

RefreshDatabase::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Begin a database transaction on the testing database.

RefreshDatabase::beforeRefreshingDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Perform any work that should take place before the database has started refreshing.

Wormhole::back() — Method in class Wormhole

Travel back to the current time.

$ Vite#buildDirectoryProperty in class Vite

The path to the build directory.

BcryptHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
DeterminesStatusCode::badRequest() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode

Determine if the response was a 400 "Bad Request" response.

$ PendingRequest#baseUrlProperty in class PendingRequest

The base URL for the request.

$ PendingRequest#bodyFormatProperty in class PendingRequest

The request body format.

$ PendingRequest#beforeSendingCallbacksProperty in class PendingRequest

The callbacks that should execute before the request is sent.

PendingRequest::baseUrl() — Method in class PendingRequest

Set the base URL for the pending request.

PendingRequest::bodyFormat() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the body format of the request.

PendingRequest::beforeSending() — Method in class PendingRequest

Add a new "before sending" callback to the request.

PendingRequest::buildClient() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the Guzzle client.

PendingRequest::buildHandlerStack() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the Guzzle client handler stack.

PendingRequest::buildBeforeSendingHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the before sending handler.

PendingRequest::buildRecorderHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the recorder handler.

PendingRequest::buildStubHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the stub handler.

Request::body() — Method in class Request

Get the body of the request.

Response::body() — Method in class Response

Get the body of the response.

InteractsWithInput::bearerToken() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get the bearer token from the request headers.

ContextServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class ContextServiceProvider

Boot the application services.

LogManager::build() — Method in class LogManager

Build an on-demand log channel.

MailManager::build() — Method in class MailManager

Build a new mailer instance.

$ Mailable#bccProperty in class Mailable

The "bcc" recipients of the message.

Mailable::buildView() — Method in class Mailable

Build the view for the message.

Mailable::buildMarkdownView() — Method in class Mailable

Build the Markdown view for the message.

Mailable::buildViewData() — Method in class Mailable

Build the view data for the message.

Mailable::buildMarkdownHtml() — Method in class Mailable

Build the HTML view for a Markdown message.

Mailable::buildMarkdownText() — Method in class Mailable

Build the text view for a Markdown message.

Mailable::buildFrom() — Method in class Mailable

Add the sender to the message.

Mailable::buildRecipients() — Method in class Mailable

Add all of the recipients to the message.

Mailable::buildSubject() — Method in class Mailable

Set the subject for the message.

Mailable::buildAttachments() — Method in class Mailable

Add all of the attachments to the message.

Mailable::buildDiskAttachments() — Method in class Mailable

Add all of the disk attachments to the message.

Mailable::buildTags() — Method in class Mailable

Add all defined tags to the message.

Mailable::buildMetadata() — Method in class Mailable

Add all defined metadata to the message.

Mailable::bcc() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Mailable::buildViewDataUsing() — Method in class Mailable

Register a callback to be called while building the view data.

$ Envelope#bccProperty in class Envelope

The recipients receiving a blind copy of the message.

Envelope::bcc() — Method in class Envelope

Add a "bcc" recipient to the message envelope.

Mailer::bcc() — Method in class Mailer

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

Message::bcc() — Method in class Message

Add a blind carbon copy to the message.

$ PendingMail#bccProperty in class PendingMail

The "bcc" recipients of the message.

PendingMail::bcc() — Method in class PendingMail

Set the recipients of the message.

SendQueuedMailable::backoff() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable

Get the number of seconds before a released mailable will be available.

BroadcastChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Channels
DatabaseChannel::buildPayload() — Method in class DatabaseChannel

Build an array payload for the DatabaseNotification Model.

MailChannel::buildView() — Method in class MailChannel

Build the notification's view.

MailChannel::buildMarkdownHtml() — Method in class MailChannel

Build the HTML view for a Markdown message.

MailChannel::buildMarkdownText() — Method in class MailChannel

Build the text view for a Markdown message.

MailChannel::buildMessage() — Method in class MailChannel

Build the mail message.

BroadcastNotificationCreatedClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Get the channels the event should broadcast on.

BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastWith() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Get the data that should be sent with the broadcasted event.

BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastType() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Get the type of the notification being broadcast.

BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastAs() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Get the event name of the notification being broadcast.

BroadcastMessageClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
$ MailMessage#bccProperty in class MailMessage

The "bcc" information for the message.

MailMessage::bcc() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the bcc address for the mail message.

Notification::broadcastOn() — Method in class Notification

Get the channels the event should broadcast on.

$ NotificationSender#busProperty in class NotificationSender

The Bus dispatcher instance.

NotificationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class NotificationServiceProvider

Boot the application services.

SendQueuedNotifications::backoff() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Get the number of seconds before a released notification will be available.

AbstractCursorPaginator::buildFragment() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator

Build the full fragment portion of a URL.

AbstractPaginator::buildFragment() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Build the full fragment portion of a URL.

PaginationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class PaginationServiceProvider

Bootstrap any application services.

BeanstalkdQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$ BeanstalkdQueue#blockForProperty in class BeanstalkdQueue

The maximum number of seconds to block for a job.

BeanstalkdQueue::bulk() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

Manager::bulk() — Method in class Manager

Push a new an array of jobs onto the queue.

BeanstalkdConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
BatchesTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
DatabaseQueue::bulk() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

DatabaseQueue::buildDatabaseRecord() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Create an array to insert for the given job.

BeanstalkdJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
BeanstalkdJob::bury() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Bury the job in the queue.

Job::backoff() — Method in class Job

The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.

$ ThrottlesExceptions#byJobProperty in class ThrottlesExceptions

Indicates whether the throttle key should use the job's UUID.

ThrottlesExceptions::backoff() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions

Specify the number of minutes a job should be delayed when it is released (before it has reached its max exceptions).

ThrottlesExceptions::by() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions

Set the value that the rate limiter should be keyed by.

ThrottlesExceptions::byJob() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions

Indicate that the throttle key should use the job's UUID.

Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

QueueManager::before() — Method in class QueueManager

Register an event listener for the before job event.

$ RedisQueue#blockForProperty in class RedisQueue

The maximum number of seconds to block for a job.

RedisQueue::bulk() — Method in class RedisQueue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

SqsQueue::bulk() — Method in class SqsQueue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

$ WorkerOptions#backoffProperty in class WorkerOptions

The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.

PhpRedisConnection::blpop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Removes and returns the first element of the list stored at key.

PhpRedisConnection::brpop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Removes and returns the last element of the list stored at key.

PhpRedisConnector::buildClusterConnectionString() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector

Build a single cluster seed string from an array.

ConcurrencyLimiter::block() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter

Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.

ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::block() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available.

DurationLimiter::block() — Method in class DurationLimiter

Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.

DurationLimiterBuilder::block() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder

Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available.

ControllerMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

ControllerMakeCommand::buildParentReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Build the replacements for a parent controller.

ControllerMakeCommand::buildModelReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Build the model replacement values.

ControllerMakeCommand::buildFormRequestReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Build the model replacement values.

BackedEnumCaseNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
ThrottleRequests::buildException() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Create a 'too many attempts' exception.

Redirector::back() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to the previous location.

$ Route#bindingFieldsProperty in class Route

The fields that implicit binding should use for a given parameter.

Route::bind() — Method in class Route

Bind the route to a given request for execution.

Route::bindingFieldFor() — Method in class Route

Get the binding field for the given parameter.

Route::bindingFields() — Method in class Route

Get the binding fields for the route.

Route::block() — Method in class Route

Specify that the route should not allow concurrent requests from the same session.

RouteParameterBinder::bindPathParameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder

Get the parameter matches for the path portion of the URI.

RouteParameterBinder::bindHostParameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder

Extract the parameter list from the host part of the request.

$ RouteUri#bindingFieldsProperty in class RouteUri

The fields that should be used when resolving bindings.

$ Router#bindersProperty in class Router

The registered route value binders.

Router::bind() — Method in class Router

Add a new route parameter binder.

SessionManager::buildSession() — Method in class SessionManager

Build the session instance.

SessionManager::buildEncryptedSession() — Method in class SessionManager

Build the encrypted session instance.

SessionManager::blockDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Get the name of the cache store / driver that should be used to acquire session locks.

BenchmarkClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Collection::before() — Method in class Collection

Get the item before the given item.

Enumerable::before() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the item before the given item.

App::bootstrapWith() — Method in class App
App::beforeBootstrapping() — Method in class App
App::basePath() — Method in class App
App::bootstrapPath() — Method in class App
App::bound() — Method in class App
App::boot() — Method in class App
App::booting() — Method in class App
App::booted() — Method in class App
App::bind() — Method in class App
App::bindMethod() — Method in class App
App::bindIf() — Method in class App
App::build() — Method in class App
App::beforeResolving() — Method in class App
Artisan::bootstrap() — Method in class Artisan
Artisan::bootstrapWithoutBootingProviders() — Method in class Artisan
Auth::basic() — Method in class Auth
BladeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Blade::bindDirective() — Method in class Blade
BroadcastClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Broadcast::broadcast() — Method in class Broadcast
BusClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Bus::batch() — Method in class Bus
Bus::batched() — Method in class Bus
Cache::build() — Method in class Cache
Config::boolean() — Method in class Config
DB::build() — Method in class DB
DB::bindValues() — Method in class DB
DB::beforeStartingTransaction() — Method in class DB
DB::beforeExecuting() — Method in class DB
DB::beginTransaction() — Method in class DB
Exceptions::buildContextUsing() — Method in class Exceptions
File::basename() — Method in class File
Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
Http::baseUrl() — Method in class Http
Http::bodyFormat() — Method in class Http
Http::beforeSending() — Method in class Http
Http::buildClient() — Method in class Http
Http::buildHandlerStack() — Method in class Http
Http::buildBeforeSendingHandler() — Method in class Http
Http::buildRecorderHandler() — Method in class Http
Http::buildStubHandler() — Method in class Http
Log::build() — Method in class Log
Mail::build() — Method in class Mail
Mail::bcc() — Method in class Mail
Password::broker() — Method in class Password
Queue::before() — Method in class Queue
Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
Redirect::back() — Method in class Redirect
Request::bearerToken() — Method in class Request
Request::boolean() — Method in class Request
Route::bind() — Method in class Route
Schedule::between() — Method in class Schedule
Schema::blueprintResolver() — Method in class Schema
Session::blockDriver() — Method in class Session
Storage::buildDiskConfiguration() — Method in class Storage

Assemble the configuration of the given disk.

Storage::build() — Method in class Storage
Storage::buildTemporaryUrlsUsing() — Method in class Storage
LazyCollection::before() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the item before the given item.

$ ServiceProvider#bootingCallbacksProperty in class ServiceProvider

All of the registered booting callbacks.

$ ServiceProvider#bootedCallbacksProperty in class ServiceProvider

All of the registered booted callbacks.

$ ServiceProvider#bindingsProperty in class ServiceProvider

All of the container bindings that should be registered.

ServiceProvider::booting() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register a booting callback to be run before the "boot" method is called.

ServiceProvider::booted() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register a booted callback to be run after the "boot" method is called.

Str::before() — Method in class Str

Get the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a given value.

Str::beforeLast() — Method in class Str

Get the portion of a string before the last occurrence of a given value.

Str::between() — Method in class Str

Get the portion of a string between two given values.

Str::betweenFirst() — Method in class Str

Get the smallest possible portion of a string between two given values.

Stringable::basename() — Method in class Stringable

Get the trailing name component of the path.

Stringable::before() — Method in class Stringable

Get the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a given value.

Stringable::beforeLast() — Method in class Stringable

Get the portion of a string before the last occurrence of a given value.

Stringable::between() — Method in class Stringable

Get the portion of a string between two given values.

Stringable::betweenFirst() — Method in class Stringable

Get the smallest possible portion of a string between two given values.

BatchFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
BatchRepositoryFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
$ BatchRepositoryFake#batchesProperty in class BatchRepositoryFake

The batches stored in the repository.

BusFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
$ BusFake#batchRepositoryProperty in class BusFake

The fake repository to track batched jobs.

$ BusFake#batchesProperty in class BusFake

The batches that have been dispatched.

BusFake::batched() — Method in class BusFake

Get all of the pending batches matching a truth-test callback.

BusFake::batch() — Method in class BusFake

Create a new batch of queueable jobs.

MailFake::bcc() — Method in class MailFake

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

$ PendingBatchFake#busProperty in class PendingBatchFake

The fake bus instance.

$ PendingChainFake#busProperty in class PendingChainFake

The fake bus instance.

QueueFake::bulk() — Method in class QueueFake

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

InteractsWithData::boolean() — Method in class InteractsWithData

Retrieve data as a boolean value.

$ ViewErrorBag#bagsProperty in class ViewErrorBag

The array of the view error bags.

TestDatabases::bootTestDatabase() — Method in class TestDatabases

Boot a test database.

ParallelTestingServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class ParallelTestingServiceProvider

Boot the application's service providers.

$ TestResponse#baseRequestProperty in class TestResponse

The original request.

$ TestResponse#baseResponseProperty in class TestResponse

The response to delegate to.

Email::buildValidationRules() — Method in class Email

Build the array of underlying validation rules based on the current state.

File::between() — Method in class File

Indicate that the uploaded file should be between a minimum and maximum size in kilobytes.

File::buildValidationRules() — Method in class File

Build the array of underlying validation rules based on the current state.

File::buildMimetypes() — Method in class File

Separate the given mimetypes from extensions and return an array of correct rules to validate against.

BladeCompilerClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
$ Compiler#basePathProperty in class Compiler

The base path that should be removed from paths before hashing.

$ ComponentTagCompiler#bladeProperty in class ComponentTagCompiler

The Blade compiler instance.

$ ComponentTagCompiler#boundAttributesProperty in class ComponentTagCompiler

The "bind:" attributes that have been compiled for the current component.

$ Component#bladeViewCacheProperty in class Component

The cache of blade view names, keyed by contents.

ManagesEvents::buildClassEventCallback() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Build a class based container callback Closure.

DynamicComponent::bindings() — Method in class DynamicComponent

Get the names of the variables that should be bound to the component.


$ Gate#containerProperty in class Gate

The container instance.

Gate::check() — Method in class Gate

Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

Gate::canBeCalledWithUser() — Method in class Gate

Determine whether the callback/method can be called with the given user.

Gate::callbackAllowsGuests() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the callback allows guests.

Gate::callAuthCallback() — Method in class Gate

Resolve and call the appropriate authorization callback.

Gate::callBeforeCallbacks() — Method in class Gate

Call all of the before callbacks and return if a result is given.

Gate::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class Gate

Call all of the after callbacks with check result.

Gate::callPolicyBefore() — Method in class Gate

Call the "before" method on the given policy, if applicable.

Gate::callPolicyMethod() — Method in class Gate

Call the appropriate method on the given policy.

$ Response#codeProperty in class Response

The response code.

Response::code() — Method in class Response

Get the response code / reason.

$ AuthManager#customCreatorsProperty in class AuthManager

The registered custom driver creators.

AuthManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class AuthManager

Call a custom driver creator.

AuthManager::createSessionDriver() — Method in class AuthManager

Create a session based authentication guard.

AuthManager::createTokenDriver() — Method in class AuthManager

Create a token based authentication guard.

ClearResetsCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Console
CreatesUserProvidersClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ CreatesUserProviders#customProviderCreatorsProperty in class CreatesUserProviders

The registered custom provider creators.

CreatesUserProviders::createUserProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders

Create the user provider implementation for the driver.

CreatesUserProviders::createDatabaseProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders

Create an instance of the database user provider.

CreatesUserProviders::createEloquentProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders

Create an instance of the Eloquent user provider.

$ DatabaseUserProvider#connectionProperty in class DatabaseUserProvider

The active database connection.

EloquentUserProvider::createModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Create a new instance of the model.

$ Attempting#credentialsProperty in class Attempting

The credentials for the user.

CurrentDeviceLogoutClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
$ Failed#credentialsProperty in class Failed

The credentials provided by the attempter.

GuardHelpers::check() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Determine if the current user is authenticated.

$ ResetPassword#createUrlCallbackProperty in class ResetPassword

The callback that should be used to create the reset password URL.

ResetPassword::createUrlUsing() — Method in class ResetPassword

Set a callback that should be used when creating the reset password button URL.

$ VerifyEmail#createUrlCallbackProperty in class VerifyEmail

The callback that should be used to create the verify email URL.

VerifyEmail::createUrlUsing() — Method in class VerifyEmail

Set a callback that should be used when creating the email verification URL.

CacheTokenRepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
CacheTokenRepository::create() — Method in class CacheTokenRepository

Create a new token.

CanResetPasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
$ DatabaseTokenRepository#connectionProperty in class DatabaseTokenRepository

The database connection instance.

DatabaseTokenRepository::create() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Create a new token record.

DatabaseTokenRepository::createNewToken() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Create a new token for the user.

PasswordBroker::createToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Create a new password reset token for the given user.

PasswordBrokerManager::createTokenRepository() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Create a token repository instance based on the given configuration.

TokenRepositoryInterface::create() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface

Create a new token.

$ RequestGuard#callbackProperty in class RequestGuard

The guard callback.

$ SessionGuard#cookieProperty in class SessionGuard

The Illuminate cookie creator service.

SessionGuard::createRecaller() — Method in class SessionGuard

Create a "remember me" cookie for a given ID.

SessionGuard::clearUserDataFromStorage() — Method in class SessionGuard

Remove the user data from the session and cookies.

SessionGuard::cycleRememberToken() — Method in class SessionGuard

Refresh the "remember me" token for the user.

$ AnonymousEvent#connectionProperty in class AnonymousEvent

The connection the event should be broadcast on.

$ BroadcastManager#customCreatorsProperty in class BroadcastManager

The registered custom driver creators.

BroadcastManager::channelRoutes() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Register the routes for handling broadcast authentication and sockets.

BroadcastManager::connection() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Get a driver instance.

BroadcastManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Call a custom driver creator.

BroadcastManager::createReverbDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

BroadcastManager::createPusherDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

BroadcastManager::createAblyDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

BroadcastManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

BroadcastManager::createLogDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

BroadcastManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

$ Broadcaster#channelsProperty in class Broadcaster

The registered channel authenticators.

$ Broadcaster#channelOptionsProperty in class Broadcaster

The registered channel options.

Broadcaster::channel() — Method in class Broadcaster

Register a channel authenticator.

Broadcaster::channelNameMatchesPattern() — Method in class Broadcaster

Check if the channel name from the request matches a pattern from registered channels.

$ RedisBroadcaster#connectionProperty in class RedisBroadcaster

The Redis connection to use for broadcasting.

ChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
$ Batch#createdAtProperty in class Batch

The date indicating when the batch was created.

$ Batch#cancelledAtProperty in class Batch

The date indicating when the batch was cancelled.

Batch::cancel() — Method in class Batch

Cancel the batch.

Batch::canceled() — Method in class Batch

Determine if the batch has been cancelled.

Batch::cancelled() — Method in class Batch

Determine if the batch has been cancelled.

BatchRepository::cancel() — Method in class BatchRepository

Cancel the batch that has the given ID.

ChainedBatchClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
$ DatabaseBatchRepository#connectionProperty in class DatabaseBatchRepository

The database connection instance.

DatabaseBatchRepository::cancel() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository

Cancel the batch that has the given ID.

$ Dispatcher#containerProperty in class Dispatcher

The container implementation.

Dispatcher::chain() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a new chain of queueable jobs.

Dispatcher::commandShouldBeQueued() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if the given command should be queued.

DynamoBatchRepository::cancel() — Method in class DynamoBatchRepository

Cancel the batch that has the given ID.

DynamoBatchRepository::createAwsDynamoTable() — Method in class DynamoBatchRepository

Create the underlying DynamoDB table.

$ PendingBatch#containerProperty in class PendingBatch

The IoC container instance.

PendingBatch::catch() — Method in class PendingBatch

Add a callback to be executed after the first failing job in the batch.

PendingBatch::catchCallbacks() — Method in class PendingBatch

Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.

PendingBatch::connection() — Method in class PendingBatch

Get the connection used by the pending batch.

$ Queueable#connectionProperty in class Queueable

The name of the connection the job should be sent to.

$ Queueable#chainedProperty in class Queueable

The jobs that should run if this job is successful.

$ Queueable#chainConnectionProperty in class Queueable

The name of the connection the chain should be sent to.

$ Queueable#chainQueueProperty in class Queueable

The name of the queue the chain should be sent to.

$ Queueable#chainCatchCallbacksProperty in class Queueable

The callbacks to be executed on chain failure.

Queueable::chain() — Method in class Queueable

Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.

$ UniqueLock#cacheProperty in class UniqueLock

The cache repository implementation.

ArrayStore::calculateExpiration() — Method in class ArrayStore

Get the expiration time of the key.

CacheLockClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
CacheManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ CacheManager#customCreatorsProperty in class CacheManager

The registered custom driver creators.

CacheManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class CacheManager

Call a custom driver creator.

CacheManager::createApcDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the APC cache driver.

CacheManager::createArrayDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the array cache driver.

CacheManager::createFileDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the file cache driver.

CacheManager::createMemcachedDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the Memcached cache driver.

CacheManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the Null cache driver.

CacheManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the Redis cache driver.

CacheManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the database cache driver.

CacheManager::createDynamodbDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the DynamoDB cache driver.

CacheServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
CacheTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
ClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
$ ClearCommand#cacheProperty in class ClearCommand

The cache manager instance.

ClearCommand::cache() — Method in class ClearCommand

Get the cache instance for the command.

$ ForgetCommand#cacheProperty in class ForgetCommand

The cache manager instance.

$ DatabaseLock#connectionProperty in class DatabaseLock

The database connection instance.

$ DatabaseStore#connectionProperty in class DatabaseStore

The database connection instance.

CacheEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
CacheHitClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
CacheMissedClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
MemcachedConnector::connect() — Method in class MemcachedConnector

Create a new Memcached connection.

MemcachedConnector::createMemcachedInstance() — Method in class MemcachedConnector

Create the Memcached instance.

MemcachedStore::calculateExpiration() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Get the expiration time of the key.

$ RateLimiter#cacheProperty in class RateLimiter

The cache store implementation.

RateLimiter::clear() — Method in class RateLimiter

Clear the hits and lockout timer for the given key.

RateLimiter::cleanRateLimiterKey() — Method in class RateLimiter

Clean the rate limiter key from unicode characters.

$ RedisStore#connectionProperty in class RedisStore

The Redis connection instance that should be used to manage locks.

RedisStore::currentTags() — Method in class RedisStore

Get a collection of all of the cache tags currently being used.

RedisStore::connection() — Method in class RedisStore

Get the Redis connection instance.

RedisStore::connectionAwareSerialize() — Method in class RedisStore

Handle connection specific considerations when a value needs to be serialized.

RedisStore::connectionAwareUnserialize() — Method in class RedisStore

Handle connection specific considerations when a value needs to be unserialized.

$ Repository#configProperty in class Repository

The cache store configuration options.

Repository::clear() — Method in class Repository
ConcurrencyManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Concurrency
ConcurrencyManager::createProcessDriver() — Method in class ConcurrencyManager

Create an instance of the process concurrency driver.

ConcurrencyManager::createForkDriver() — Method in class ConcurrencyManager

Create an instance of the fork concurrency driver.

ConcurrencyManager::createSyncDriver() — Method in class ConcurrencyManager

Create an instance of the sync concurrency driver.

ConcurrencyServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Concurrency
$ Application#commandMapProperty in class Application

A map of command names to classes.

Application::call() — Method in class Application

Run an Artisan console command by name.

CacheCommandMutexClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
$ CacheCommandMutex#cacheProperty in class CacheCommandMutex

The cache factory implementation.

CacheCommandMutex::create() — Method in class CacheCommandMutex

Attempt to obtain a command mutex for the given command.

CacheCommandMutex::commandMutexName() — Method in class CacheCommandMutex

Get the isolatable command mutex name.

CommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Command::configureUsingFluentDefinition() — Method in class Command

Configure the console command using a fluent definition.

Command::configureIsolation() — Method in class Command

Configure the console command for isolation.

Command::commandIsolationMutex() — Method in class Command

Get a command isolation mutex instance for the command.

CommandMutexClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
CommandMutex::create() — Method in class CommandMutex

Attempt to obtain a command mutex for the given command.

CallsCommandsClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
CallsCommands::call() — Method in class CallsCommands

Call another console command.

CallsCommands::callSilent() — Method in class CallsCommands

Call another console command without output.

CallsCommands::callSilently() — Method in class CallsCommands

Call another console command without output.

CallsCommands::createInputFromArguments() — Method in class CallsCommands

Create an input instance from the given arguments.

CallsCommands::context() — Method in class CallsCommands

Get all of the context passed to the command.

ConfiguresPromptsClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
ConfiguresPrompts::configurePrompts() — Method in class ConfiguresPrompts

Configure the prompt fallbacks.

CreatesMatchingTestClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
$ InteractsWithIO#componentsProperty in class InteractsWithIO

The console components factory.

InteractsWithIO::confirm() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Confirm a question with the user.

InteractsWithIO::choice() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.

InteractsWithIO::comment() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string as comment output.

ConfirmableTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
ConfirmableTrait::confirmToProceed() — Method in class ConfirmableTrait

Confirm before proceeding with the action.

ContainerCommandLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
$ ContainerCommandLoader#containerProperty in class ContainerCommandLoader

The container instance.

$ ContainerCommandLoader#commandMapProperty in class ContainerCommandLoader

A map of command names to classes.

CommandFinishedClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
$ CommandFinished#commandProperty in class CommandFinished

The command name.

CommandStartingClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
$ CommandStarting#commandProperty in class CommandStarting

The command name.

MigrationGeneratorCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class MigrationGeneratorCommand

Create a base migration file for the table.

CacheAwareClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
CacheEventMutexClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ CacheEventMutex#cacheProperty in class CacheEventMutex

The cache repository implementation.

CacheEventMutex::create() — Method in class CacheEventMutex

Attempt to obtain an event mutex for the given event.

CacheSchedulingMutexClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ CacheSchedulingMutex#cacheProperty in class CacheSchedulingMutex

The cache factory implementation.

CacheSchedulingMutex::create() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex

Attempt to obtain a scheduling mutex for the given event.

CallbackEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ CallbackEvent#callbackProperty in class CallbackEvent

The callback to call.

CommandBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ Event#commandProperty in class Event

The command string.

Event::callBeforeCallbacks() — Method in class Event

Call all of the "before" callbacks for the event.

Event::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class Event

Call all of the "after" callbacks for the event.

Event::createMutexNameUsing() — Method in class Event

Set the mutex name or name resolver callback.

EventMutex::create() — Method in class EventMutex

Attempt to obtain an event mutex for the given event.

ManagesFrequencies::cron() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

The Cron expression representing the event's frequency.

Schedule::call() — Method in class Schedule

Add a new callback event to the schedule.

Schedule::command() — Method in class Schedule

Add a new Artisan command event to the schedule.

Schedule::compileParameters() — Method in class Schedule

Compile parameters for a command.

Schedule::compileArrayInput() — Method in class Schedule

Compile array input for a command.

$ ScheduleInterruptCommand#cacheProperty in class ScheduleInterruptCommand

The cache store implementation.

$ ScheduleRunCommand#cacheProperty in class ScheduleRunCommand

The cache store implementation.

ScheduleRunCommand::clearInterruptSignal() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand

Ensure the interrupt signal is cleared.

SchedulingMutex::create() — Method in class SchedulingMutex

Attempt to obtain a scheduling mutex for the given event.

ChoiceClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
ComponentClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
Component::compile() — Method in class Component

Compile the given view contents.

ConfirmClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
Factory::choice() — Method in class Factory
Factory::confirm() — Method in class Factory
CacheClass in namespace Illuminate\Container\Attributes
ConfigClass in namespace Illuminate\Container\Attributes
CurrentUserClass in namespace Illuminate\Container\Attributes
BoundMethod::call() — Method in class BoundMethod

Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.

BoundMethod::callClass() — Method in class BoundMethod

Call a string reference to a class using Class@method syntax.

BoundMethod::callBoundMethod() — Method in class BoundMethod

Call a method that has been bound to the container.

ContainerClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
$ Container#contextualProperty in class Container

The contextual binding map.

$ Container#contextualAttributesProperty in class Container

The contextual attribute handlers.

Container::callMethodBinding() — Method in class Container

Get the method binding for the given method.

Container::call() — Method in class Container

Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.

ContextualBindingBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
$ ContextualBindingBuilder#containerProperty in class ContextualBindingBuilder

The underlying container instance.

$ ContextualBindingBuilder#concreteProperty in class ContextualBindingBuilder

The concrete instance.

$ RewindableGenerator#countProperty in class RewindableGenerator

The number of tagged services.

RewindableGenerator::count() — Method in class RewindableGenerator

Get the total number of tagged services.

Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable

Determine if the entity has a given ability.

Gate::check() — Method in class Gate

Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

CanResetPasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
Guard::check() — Method in class Guard

Determine if the current user is authenticated.

Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory

Get a broadcaster implementation by name.

Application::call() — Method in class Application

Run an Artisan console command by name.

Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel

Run an Artisan console command by name.

CircularDependencyExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
ContainerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
Container::call() — Method in class Container

Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.

ContextualAttributeClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
ContextualBindingBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
CastableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
Castable::castUsing() — Method in class Castable
CastsAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
CastsInboundAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
$ ModelIdentifier#classProperty in class ModelIdentifier

The class name of the model.

$ ModelIdentifier#connectionProperty in class ModelIdentifier

The connection name of the model.

$ ModelIdentifier#collectionClassProperty in class ModelIdentifier

The class name of the model collection.

ConditionExpressionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Query
CloudClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem

Copy a file to a new location.

Application::configPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the application configuration files.

CachesConfigurationClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
CachesConfiguration::configurationIsCached() — Method in class CachesConfiguration

Determine if the application configuration is cached.

CachesRoutesClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
Hasher::check() — Method in class Hasher

Check the given plain value against a hash.

Mailable::cc() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Factory::channel() — Method in class Factory

Get a channel instance by name.

CursorPaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
CursorPaginator::cursor() — Method in class CursorPaginator

Get the current cursor being paginated.

Paginator::currentPage() — Method in class Paginator

Determine the current page being paginated.

ProcessResult::command() — Method in class ProcessResult

Get the original command executed by the process.

ClearableQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
ClearableQueue::clear() — Method in class ClearableQueue

Delete all of the jobs from the queue.

Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory

Resolve a queue connection instance.

ConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
Connection::command() — Method in class Connection

Run a command against the Redis database.

ConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
Connector::connect() — Method in class Connector

Create a connection to a Redis cluster.

Connector::connectToCluster() — Method in class Connector

Create a connection to a Redis instance.

Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory

Get a Redis connection by name.

UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the current URL for the request.

CanBeEscapedWhenCastToStringClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator

Get a translation according to an integer value.

Factory::composer() — Method in class Factory

Register a view composer event.

Factory::creator() — Method in class Factory

Register a view creator event.

CookieJarClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
CookieServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
CookieValuePrefixClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
CookieValuePrefix::create() — Method in class CookieValuePrefix

Create a new cookie value prefix for the given cookie name.

$ AddQueuedCookiesToResponse#cookiesProperty in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse

The cookie jar instance.

Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager

Get a connection instance from the global manager.

ClassMorphViolationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
BuildsQueries::chunk() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Chunk the results of the query.

BuildsQueries::chunkMap() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Run a map over each item while chunking.

BuildsQueries::chunkById() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Chunk the results of a query by comparing IDs.

BuildsQueries::chunkByIdDesc() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Chunk the results of a query by comparing IDs in descending order.

BuildsQueries::cursorPaginator() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Create a new cursor paginator instance.

CompilesJsonPathsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
ManagesTransactions::createTransaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Create a transaction within the database.

ManagesTransactions::createSavepoint() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Create a save point within the database.

ManagesTransactions::commit() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Commit the active database transaction.

ConfigurationUrlParserClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
$ Connection#configProperty in class Connection

The database connection configuration options.

Connection::cursor() — Method in class Connection

Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator.

ConnectionInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionInterface::cursor() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator.

ConnectionInterface::commit() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Commit the active database transaction.

ConnectionResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
$ ConnectionResolver#connectionsProperty in class ConnectionResolver

All of the registered connections.

ConnectionResolver::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver

Get a database connection instance.

ConnectionResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionResolverInterface::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface

Get a database connection instance.

ConnectionFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
$ ConnectionFactory#containerProperty in class ConnectionFactory

The IoC container instance.

ConnectionFactory::createSingleConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a single database connection instance.

ConnectionFactory::createReadWriteConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a read / write database connection instance.

ConnectionFactory::createReadPdo() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new PDO instance for reading.

ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolver() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance.

ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolverWithHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance with a specific host or an array of hosts.

ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolverWithoutHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance where there is no configured host.

ConnectionFactory::createConnector() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a connector instance based on the configuration.

ConnectionFactory::createConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new connection instance.

ConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
Connector::createConnection() — Method in class Connector

Create a new PDO connection.

Connector::createPdoConnection() — Method in class Connector

Create a new PDO connection instance.

ConnectorInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface

Establish a database connection.

MySqlConnector::connect() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Establish a database connection.

MySqlConnector::configureConnection() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Configure the given PDO connection.

PostgresConnector::connect() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Establish a database connection.

PostgresConnector::configureIsolationLevel() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Set the connection transaction isolation level.

PostgresConnector::configureTimezone() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Set the timezone on the connection.

PostgresConnector::configureSearchPath() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Set the "search_path" on the database connection.

PostgresConnector::configureSynchronousCommit() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Configure the synchronous_commit setting.

SQLiteConnector::connect() — Method in class SQLiteConnector

Establish a database connection.

SqlServerConnector::connect() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Establish a database connection.

SqlServerConnector::configureIsolationLevel() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Set the connection transaction isolation level.

DbCommand::commandArguments() — Method in class DbCommand

Get the arguments for the database client command.

DbCommand::commandEnvironment() — Method in class DbCommand

Get the environment variables for the database client command.

MigrateCommand::createMissingSqliteDatabase() — Method in class MigrateCommand

Create a missing SQLite database.

MigrateCommand::createMissingMysqlDatabase() — Method in class MigrateCommand

Create a missing MySQL database.

$ MigrateMakeCommand#creatorProperty in class MigrateMakeCommand

The migration creator instance.

$ MigrateMakeCommand#composerProperty in class MigrateMakeCommand

The Composer instance.

$ MonitorCommand#connectionProperty in class MonitorCommand

The connection resolver instance.

TableCommand::columns() — Method in class TableCommand

Get the information regarding the table's columns.

$ DatabaseManager#connectionsProperty in class DatabaseManager

The active connection instances.

DatabaseManager::connection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get a database connection instance.

DatabaseManager::calculateDynamicConnectionName() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Calculate the dynamic connection name for an on-demand connection based on its configuration.

DatabaseManager::connectUsing() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get a database connection instance from the given configuration.

DatabaseManager::configuration() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get the configuration for a connection.

DatabaseManager::configure() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Prepare the database connection instance.

$ DatabaseTransactionRecord#connectionProperty in class DatabaseTransactionRecord

The name of the database connection.

$ DatabaseTransactionRecord#callbacksProperty in class DatabaseTransactionRecord

The callbacks that should be executed after committing.

$ DatabaseTransactionsManager#committedTransactionsProperty in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

All of the committed transactions.

$ DatabaseTransactionsManager#currentTransactionProperty in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

The current transaction.

DatabaseTransactionsManager::commit() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

Commit the root database transaction and execute callbacks.

DatabaseTransactionsManager::callbackApplicableTransactions() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager

Get the transactions that are applicable to callbacks.

DetectsConcurrencyErrors::causedByConcurrencyError() — Method in class DetectsConcurrencyErrors

Determine if the given exception was caused by a concurrency error such as a deadlock or serialization failure.

DetectsLostConnections::causedByLostConnection() — Method in class DetectsLostConnections

Determine if the given exception was caused by a lost connection.

CollectedByClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Attributes
$ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#channelsProperty in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred

The channels that the event should be broadcast on.

$ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#connectionProperty in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred

The queue connection that should be used to queue the broadcast job.

Builder::createOrFirst() — Method in class Builder

Attempt to create the record. If a unique constraint violation occurs, attempt to find the matching record.

Builder::cursor() — Method in class Builder

Get a lazy collection for the given query.

Builder::cursorPaginate() — Method in class Builder

Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.

Builder::create() — Method in class Builder

Save a new model and return the instance.

Builder::createQuietly() — Method in class Builder

Save a new model and return the instance without raising model events.

Builder::callScope() — Method in class Builder

Apply the given scope on the current builder instance.

Builder::callNamedScope() — Method in class Builder

Apply the given named scope on the current builder instance.

Builder::createNestedWhere() — Method in class Builder

Create a where array with nested where conditions.

Builder::combineConstraints() — Method in class Builder

Combine an array of constraints into a single constraint.

Builder::createSelectWithConstraint() — Method in class Builder

Create a constraint to select the given columns for the relation.

Builder::clone() — Method in class Builder

Clone the Eloquent query builder.

ArrayObject::collect() — Method in class ArrayObject

Get a collection containing the underlying array.

AsArrayObject::castUsing() — Method in class AsArrayObject

Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.

AsCollection::castUsing() — Method in class AsCollection

Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.

AsEncryptedArrayObject::castUsing() — Method in class AsEncryptedArrayObject

Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.

AsEncryptedCollection::castUsing() — Method in class AsEncryptedCollection

Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.

AsEnumArrayObject::castUsing() — Method in class AsEnumArrayObject

Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.

AsEnumCollection::castUsing() — Method in class AsEnumCollection

Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.

AsStringable::castUsing() — Method in class AsStringable

Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.

CollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection

Determine if a key exists in the collection.

Collection::countBy() — Method in class Collection

Count the number of items in the collection by a field or using a callback.

Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection

Collapse the collection of items into a single array.

$ HasAttributes#changesProperty in class HasAttributes

The changed model attributes.

$ HasAttributes#castsProperty in class HasAttributes

The attributes that should be cast.

$ HasAttributes#classCastCacheProperty in class HasAttributes

The attributes that have been cast using custom classes.

$ HasAttributes#castTypeCacheProperty in class HasAttributes

The cache of the converted cast types.

HasAttributes::castAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Cast an attribute to a native PHP type.

HasAttributes::castAttributeAsJson() — Method in class HasAttributes

Cast the given attribute to JSON.

HasAttributes::castAttributeAsEncryptedString() — Method in class HasAttributes

Cast the given attribute to an encrypted string.

HasAttributes::currentEncrypter() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the current encrypter being used by the model.

HasAttributes::castAttributeAsHashedString() — Method in class HasAttributes

Cast the given attribute to a hashed string.

HasAttributes::casts() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the attributes that should be cast.

HasAttributes::cacheMutatedAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes

Extract and cache all the mutated attributes of a class.

HasEvents::creating() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a creating model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::created() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a created model event with the dispatcher.

PreventsCircularRecursion::clearRecursiveCallValue() — Method in class PreventsCircularRecursion

Remove an entry from the recursion cache for an object.

QueriesRelationships::canUseExistsForExistenceCheck() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Check if we can run an "exists" query to optimize performance.

BelongsToManyRelationship::createFor() — Method in class BelongsToManyRelationship

Create the attached relationship for the given model.

CrossJoinSequenceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
$ Factory#countProperty in class Factory

The number of models that should be generated.

$ Factory#connectionProperty in class Factory

The name of the database connection that will be used to create the models.

Factory::configure() — Method in class Factory

Configure the factory.

Factory::createOne() — Method in class Factory

Create a single model and persist it to the database.

Factory::createOneQuietly() — Method in class Factory

Create a single model and persist it to the database without dispatching any model events.

Factory::createMany() — Method in class Factory

Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.

Factory::createManyQuietly() — Method in class Factory

Create a collection of models and persist them to the database without dispatching any model events.

Factory::create() — Method in class Factory

Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.

Factory::createQuietly() — Method in class Factory

Create a collection of models and persist them to the database without dispatching any model events.

Factory::createChildren() — Method in class Factory

Create the children for the given model.

Factory::crossJoinSequence() — Method in class Factory

Add a new cross joined sequenced state transformation to the model definition.

Factory::callAfterMaking() — Method in class Factory

Call the "after making" callbacks for the given model instances.

Factory::callAfterCreating() — Method in class Factory

Call the "after creating" callbacks for the given model instances.

Factory::count() — Method in class Factory

Specify how many models should be generated.

Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory

Specify the database connection that should be used to generate models.

Relationship::createFor() — Method in class Relationship

Create the child relationship for the given parent model.

$ Sequence#countProperty in class Sequence

The count of the sequence items.

Sequence::count() — Method in class Sequence

Get the current count of the sequence items.

$ InvalidCastException#columnProperty in class InvalidCastException

The name of the column.

$ InvalidCastException#castTypeProperty in class InvalidCastException

The name of the cast type.

$ Model#connectionProperty in class Model

The connection name for the model.

$ Model#collectionClassProperty in class Model

The Eloquent collection class to use for the model.

Model::clearBootedModels() — Method in class Model

Clear the list of booted models so they will be re-booted.

Model::callNamedScope() — Method in class Model

Apply the given named scope if possible.

Model::childRouteBindingRelationshipName() — Method in class Model

Retrieve the child route model binding relationship name for the given child type.

ModelInspector::columnIsUnique() — Method in class ModelInspector

Determine if the given attribute is unique.

$ BelongsTo#childProperty in class BelongsTo

The child model instance of the relation.

BelongsToMany::createOrFirst() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Attempt to create the record. If a unique constraint violation occurs, attempt to find the matching record.

BelongsToMany::cursorPaginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.

BelongsToMany::chunk() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Chunk the results of the query.

BelongsToMany::chunkById() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.

BelongsToMany::chunkByIdDesc() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Chunk the results of a query by comparing IDs in descending order.

BelongsToMany::cursor() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get a lazy collection for the given query.

BelongsToMany::create() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Create a new instance of the related model.

BelongsToMany::createMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Create an array of new instances of the related models.

BelongsToMany::createdAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the name of the "created at" column.

CanBeOneOfManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
ComparesRelatedModelsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
ComparesRelatedModels::compareKeys() — Method in class ComparesRelatedModels

Compare the parent key with the related key.

InteractsWithPivotTable::castKeys() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Cast the given keys to integers if they are numeric and string otherwise.

InteractsWithPivotTable::castKey() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Cast the given key to convert to primary key type.

InteractsWithPivotTable::castAttributes() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Cast the given pivot attributes.

SupportsInverseRelations::chaperone() — Method in class SupportsInverseRelations

Instruct Eloquent to link the related models back to the parent after the relationship query has run.

HasOneOrMany::createOrFirst() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Attempt to create the record. If a unique constraint violation occurs, attempt to find the matching record.

HasOneOrMany::create() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create a new instance of the related model.

HasOneOrMany::createQuietly() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create a new instance of the related model without raising any events to the parent model.

HasOneOrMany::createMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create a Collection of new instances of the related model.

HasOneOrMany::createManyQuietly() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create a Collection of new instances of the related model without raising any events to the parent model.

HasOneOrManyThrough::createOrFirst() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough

Attempt to create the record. If a unique constraint violation occurs, attempt to find the matching record.

HasOneOrManyThrough::cursorPaginate() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough

Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.

HasOneOrManyThrough::chunk() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough

Chunk the results of the query.

HasOneOrManyThrough::chunkById() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough

Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.

HasOneOrManyThrough::chunkByIdDesc() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough

Chunk the results of a query by comparing IDs in descending order.

HasOneOrManyThrough::cursor() — Method in class HasOneOrManyThrough

Get a generator for the given query.

MorphTo::createModelByType() — Method in class MorphTo

Create a new model instance by type.

MorphTo::constrain() — Method in class MorphTo

Specify constraints on the query for a given morph type.

$ Relation#constraintsProperty in class Relation

Indicates if the relation is adding constraints.

Relation::createdAt() — Method in class Relation

Get the name of the "created at" column.

ConnectionEstablishedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
ConnectionEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
$ ConnectionEvent#connectionNameProperty in class ConnectionEvent

The name of the connection.

$ ConnectionEvent#connectionProperty in class ConnectionEvent

The database connection instance.

$ DatabaseBusy#connectionNameProperty in class DatabaseBusy

The database connection name.

$ DatabaseBusy#connectionsProperty in class DatabaseBusy

The number of open connections.

$ MigrationsPruned#connectionProperty in class MigrationsPruned

The database connection instance.

$ MigrationsPruned#connectionNameProperty in class MigrationsPruned

The database connection name.

$ ModelsPruned#countProperty in class ModelsPruned

The number of pruned records.

$ QueryExecuted#connectionProperty in class QueryExecuted

The database connection instance.

$ QueryExecuted#connectionNameProperty in class QueryExecuted

The database connection name.

$ SchemaDumped#connectionProperty in class SchemaDumped

The database connection instance.

$ SchemaDumped#connectionNameProperty in class SchemaDumped

The database connection name.

$ SchemaLoaded#connectionProperty in class SchemaLoaded

The database connection instance.

$ SchemaLoaded#connectionNameProperty in class SchemaLoaded

The database connection name.

$ StatementPrepared#connectionProperty in class StatementPrepared

The database connection instance.

$ Grammar#connectionProperty in class Grammar

The connection used for escaping values.

Grammar::columnize() — Method in class Grammar

Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.

$ MigrationServiceProvider#commandsProperty in class MigrationServiceProvider

The commands to be registered.

$ DatabaseMigrationRepository#connectionProperty in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

The name of the database connection to use.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::createRepository() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Create the migration repository data store.

$ Migration#connectionProperty in class Migration

The name of the database connection to use.

$ MigrationCreator#customStubPathProperty in class MigrationCreator

The custom app stubs directory.

MigrationCreator::create() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Create a new migration at the given path.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::createRepository() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Create the migration repository data store.

$ Migrator#connectionProperty in class Migrator

The name of the default connection.

$ MultipleRecordsFoundException#countProperty in class MultipleRecordsFoundException

The number of records found.

$ QueryException#connectionNameProperty in class QueryException

The database connection name.

$ Builder#connectionProperty in class Builder

The database connection instance.

$ Builder#columnsProperty in class Builder

The columns that should be returned.

Builder::createSub() — Method in class Builder

Creates a subquery and parse it.

Builder::crossJoin() — Method in class Builder

Add a "cross join" clause to the query.

Builder::crossJoinSub() — Method in class Builder

Add a subquery cross join to the query.

Builder::cursorPaginate() — Method in class Builder

Get a paginator only supporting simple next and previous links.

Builder::cloneForPaginationCount() — Method in class Builder

Clone the existing query instance for usage in a pagination subquery.

Builder::cursor() — Method in class Builder

Get a lazy collection for the given query.

Builder::count() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve the "count" result of the query.

Builder::castBinding() — Method in class Builder

Cast the given binding value.

Builder::cleanBindings() — Method in class Builder

Remove all of the expressions from a list of bindings.

Builder::clone() — Method in class Builder

Clone the query.

Builder::cloneWithout() — Method in class Builder

Clone the query without the given properties.

Builder::cloneWithoutBindings() — Method in class Builder

Clone the query without the given bindings.

Grammar::compileSelect() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a select query into SQL.

Grammar::compileComponents() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the components necessary for a select clause.

Grammar::compileAggregate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an aggregated select clause.

Grammar::compileColumns() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "select *" portion of the query.

Grammar::compileFrom() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "from" portion of the query.

Grammar::compileJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "join" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileJoinLateral() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "lateral join" clause.

Grammar::compileWheres() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "where" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileWheresToArray() — Method in class Grammar

Get an array of all the where clauses for the query.

Grammar::concatenateWhereClauses() — Method in class Grammar

Format the where clause statements into one string.

Grammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileJsonOverlaps() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "JSON overlaps" statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileJsonValueCast() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "JSON value cast" statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileGroups() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "group by" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileHavings() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "having" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileHaving() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a single having clause.

Grammar::compileBasicHaving() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a basic having clause.

Grammar::compileHavingBetween() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "between" having clause.

Grammar::compileHavingNull() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a having null clause.

Grammar::compileHavingNotNull() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a having not null clause.

Grammar::compileHavingBit() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a having clause involving a bit operator.

Grammar::compileHavingExpression() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a having clause involving an expression.

Grammar::compileNestedHavings() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a nested having clause.

Grammar::compileOrders() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "order by" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileOrdersToArray() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the query orders to an array.

Grammar::compileRandom() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the random statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileLimit() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "limit" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileGroupLimit() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a group limit clause.

Grammar::compileRowNumber() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a row number clause.

Grammar::compileOffset() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "offset" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileUnions() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "union" queries attached to the main query.

Grammar::compileUnion() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a single union statement.

Grammar::compileUnionAggregate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a union aggregate query into SQL.

Grammar::compileExists() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an exists statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsert() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsertUsing() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert statement using a subquery into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsertOrIgnoreUsing() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert ignore statement using a subquery into SQL.

Grammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an update statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the columns for an update statement.

Grammar::compileUpdateWithoutJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an update statement without joins into SQL.

Grammar::compileUpdateWithJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an update statement with joins into SQL.

Grammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileDelete() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a delete statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a delete statement without joins into SQL.

Grammar::compileDeleteWithJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a delete statement with joins into SQL.

Grammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileLock() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

Grammar::compileThreadCount() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a query to get the number of open connections for a database.

Grammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.

Grammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.

Grammar::concatenate() — Method in class Grammar

Concatenate an array of segments, removing empties.

MariaDbGrammar::compileJoinLateral() — Method in class MariaDbGrammar

Compile a "lateral join" clause.

MariaDbGrammar::compileJsonValueCast() — Method in class MariaDbGrammar

Compile a "JSON value cast" statement into SQL.

MariaDbGrammar::compileThreadCount() — Method in class MariaDbGrammar

Compile a query to get the number of open connections for a database.

MySqlGrammar::compileIndexHint() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the index hints for the query.

MySqlGrammar::compileGroupLimit() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a group limit clause.

MySqlGrammar::compileLegacyGroupLimit() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a group limit clause for MySQL < 8.0.

MySqlGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnoreUsing() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement using a subquery into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonOverlaps() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a "JSON overlaps" statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonValueCast() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a "JSON value cast" statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileRandom() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the random statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileInsert() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an insert statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the columns for an update statement.

MySqlGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileJoinLateral() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a "lateral join" clause.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonUpdateColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Prepare a JSON column being updated using the JSON_SET function.

MySqlGrammar::compileUpdateWithoutJoins() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an update statement without joins into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a delete query that does not use joins.

MySqlGrammar::compileThreadCount() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a query to get the number of open connections for a database.

$ PostgresGrammar#customOperatorsProperty in class PostgresGrammar

The Postgres grammar specific custom operators.

$ PostgresGrammar#cascadeTruncateProperty in class PostgresGrammar

Indicates if the cascade option should be used when truncating.

PostgresGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the "select *" portion of the query.

PostgresGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileHaving() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a single having clause.

PostgresGrammar::compileHavingBitwise() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a having clause involving a bitwise operator.

PostgresGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnoreUsing() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement using a subquery into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an update statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the columns for an update statement.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileJoinLateral() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a "lateral join" clause.

PostgresGrammar::compileJsonUpdateColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Prepares a JSON column being updated using the JSONB_SET function.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateFrom() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an update from statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateWheres() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the additional where clauses for updates with joins.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateJoinWheres() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the "join" clause where clauses for an update.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a delete statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileThreadCount() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a query to get the number of open connections for a database.

PostgresGrammar::customOperators() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Set any Postgres grammar specific custom operators.

PostgresGrammar::cascadeOnTrucate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Enable or disable the "cascade" option when compiling the truncate statement.

SQLiteGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileIndexHint() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the index hints for the query.

SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileGroupLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a group limit clause.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile an update statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnoreUsing() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement using a subquery into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the columns for an update statement.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonPatch() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "JSON" patch statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a delete statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileSelect() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a select query into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the "select *" portion of the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileFrom() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the "from" portion of the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileIndexHint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the index hints for the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonValueCast() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "JSON value cast" statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileHaving() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a single having clause.

SqlServerGrammar::compileHavingBitwise() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a having clause involving a bitwise operator.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a delete statement without joins into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRandom() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the random statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileLimit() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the "limit" portions of the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRowNumber() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a row number clause.

SqlServerGrammar::compileOffset() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the "offset" portions of the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile an exists statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoins() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile an update statement with joins into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileJoinLateral() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "lateral join" clause.

SqlServerGrammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.

SqlServerGrammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.

SqlServerGrammar::compileThreadCount() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a query to get the number of open connections for a database.

SQLiteConnection::configureForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Enable or disable foreign key constraints if configured.

SQLiteConnection::configureBusyTimeout() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Set the busy timeout if configured.

SQLiteConnection::configureJournalMode() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Set the journal mode if configured.

SQLiteConnection::configureSynchronous() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Set the synchronous mode if configured.

$ Blueprint#columnsProperty in class Blueprint

The columns that should be added to the table.

$ Blueprint#commandsProperty in class Blueprint

The commands that should be run for the table.

$ Blueprint#charsetProperty in class Blueprint

The default character set that should be used for the table.

$ Blueprint#collationProperty in class Blueprint

The collation that should be used for the table.

Blueprint::commandsNamed() — Method in class Blueprint

Get all of the commands matching the given names.

Blueprint::creating() — Method in class Blueprint

Determine if the blueprint has a create command.

Blueprint::create() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the table needs to be created.

Blueprint::charset() — Method in class Blueprint

Specify the character set that should be used for the table.

Blueprint::collation() — Method in class Blueprint

Specify the collation that should be used for the table.

Blueprint::char() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new char column on the table.

Blueprint::computed() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new generated, computed column on the table.

Blueprint::comment() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a comment to the table.

Blueprint::createIndexName() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a default index name for the table.

Blueprint::createCommand() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new Fluent command.

$ BlueprintState#connectionProperty in class BlueprintState

The connection instance.

$ Builder#connectionProperty in class Builder

The database connection instance.

Builder::createDatabase() — Method in class Builder

Create a database in the schema.

Builder::create() — Method in class Builder

Create a new table on the schema.

Builder::createBlueprint() — Method in class Builder

Create a new command set with a Closure.

ColumnDefinitionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
ColumnDefinition::change() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Change the column

ColumnDefinition::charset() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::collation() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Specify a collation for the column

ColumnDefinition::comment() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ForeignIdColumnDefinition::constrained() — Method in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition

Create a foreign key constraint on this column referencing the "id" column of the conventionally related table.

ForeignKeyDefinition::cascadeOnUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition

Indicate that updates should cascade.

ForeignKeyDefinition::cascadeOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition

Indicate that deletes should cascade.

Grammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a create database command.

Grammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a drop database if exists command.

Grammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a rename column command.

Grammar::compileChange() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.

Grammar::compileFulltext() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a fulltext index key command.

Grammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a drop fulltext index command.

Grammar::compileForeign() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a foreign key command.

Grammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a drop foreign key command.

MariaDbGrammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class MariaDbGrammar

Compile a rename column command.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a create database command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop database if exists command.

MySqlGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the query to determine if the given table exists.

MySqlGrammar::compileTables() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the query to determine the tables.

MySqlGrammar::compileViews() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the query to determine the views.

MySqlGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the query to determine the columns.

MySqlGrammar::compileIndexes() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the query to determine the indexes.

MySqlGrammar::compileForeignKeys() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the query to determine the foreign keys.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a create table command.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreateTable() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the main create table clause.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreateEncoding() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Append the character set specifications to a command.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreateEngine() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Append the engine specifications to a command.

MySqlGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an add column command.

MySqlGrammar::compileAutoIncrementStartingValues() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the auto-incrementing column starting values.

MySqlGrammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a rename column command.

MySqlGrammar::compileLegacyRenameColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a rename column command for legacy versions of MySQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileChange() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.

MySqlGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a primary key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a unique key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a plain index key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileFullText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a fulltext index key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a spatial index key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileKey() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an index creation command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop table command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop table (if exists) command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop column command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop primary key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop unique key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop index command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop fulltext index command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop spatial index command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop foreign key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a rename table command.

MySqlGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a rename index command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.

MySqlGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.

MySqlGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.

MySqlGrammar::compileTableComment() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a table comment command.

PostgresGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a create database command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop database if exists command.

PostgresGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine if the given table exists.

PostgresGrammar::compileTables() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine the tables.

PostgresGrammar::compileViews() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine the views.

PostgresGrammar::compileTypes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine the user-defined types.

PostgresGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine the columns.

PostgresGrammar::compileIndexes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine the indexes.

PostgresGrammar::compileForeignKeys() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine the foreign keys.

PostgresGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a create table command.

PostgresGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a column addition command.

PostgresGrammar::compileAutoIncrementStartingValues() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the auto-incrementing column starting values.

PostgresGrammar::compileChange() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.

PostgresGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a primary key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a unique key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a plain index key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileFulltext() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a fulltext index key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a spatial index key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a foreign key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop table command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop table (if exists) command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all types.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllDomains() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all domains.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop column command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop primary key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop unique key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop index command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop fulltext index command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop spatial index command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop foreign key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a rename table command.

PostgresGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a rename index command.

PostgresGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.

PostgresGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.

PostgresGrammar::compileComment() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a comment command.

PostgresGrammar::compileTableComment() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a table comment command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileSqlCreateStatement() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine the SQL text that describes the given object.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDbstatExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine if the dbstat table is available.

SQLiteGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine if the given table exists.

SQLiteGrammar::compileTables() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine the tables.

SQLiteGrammar::compileViews() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine the views.

SQLiteGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine the columns.

SQLiteGrammar::compileIndexes() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine the indexes.

SQLiteGrammar::compileForeignKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine the foreign keys.

SQLiteGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a create table command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile alter table commands for adding columns.

SQLiteGrammar::compileAlter() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile alter table command into a series of SQL statements.

SQLiteGrammar::compileChange() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.

SQLiteGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a primary key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a unique key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a plain index key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a spatial index key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a foreign key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop table command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop table (if exists) command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.

SQLiteGrammar::compileRebuild() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to rebuild the database.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop column command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop primary key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop unique key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop index command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop spatial index command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop foreign key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a rename table command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a rename index command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.

SQLiteGrammar::compileSetBusyTimeout() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the command to set the busy timeout.

SQLiteGrammar::compileSetJournalMode() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the command to set the journal mode.

SQLiteGrammar::compileSetSynchronous() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the command to set the synchronous mode.

SQLiteGrammar::compileEnableWriteableSchema() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to enable a writable schema.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDisableWriteableSchema() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to disable a writable schema.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDefaultSchema() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a query to determine the name of the default schema.

SqlServerGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a create database command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop database if exists command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the query to determine if the given table exists.

SqlServerGrammar::compileTables() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the query to determine the tables.

SqlServerGrammar::compileViews() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the query to determine the views.

SqlServerGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the query to determine the columns.

SqlServerGrammar::compileIndexes() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the query to determine the indexes.

SqlServerGrammar::compileForeignKeys() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the query to determine the foreign keys.

SqlServerGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a create table command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a column addition table command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a rename column command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileChange() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.

SqlServerGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a primary key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a unique key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a plain index key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a spatial index key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDefault() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a default command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop table command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop table (if exists) command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop column command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropDefaultConstraint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop default constraint command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop primary key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop unique key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop index command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop spatial index command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop foreign key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a rename table command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a rename index command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllForeignKeys() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the command to drop all foreign keys.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the command to drop all views.

MySqlBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class MySqlBuilder

Create a database in the schema.

MySqlSchemaState::connectionString() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState

Generate a basic connection string (--socket, --host, --port, --user, --password) for the database.

PostgresBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Create a database in the schema.

SQLiteBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder

Create a database in the schema.

$ SchemaState#connectionProperty in class SchemaState

The connection instance.

SqlServerBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder

Create a database in the schema.

$ Seeder#containerProperty in class Seeder

The container instance.

$ Seeder#commandProperty in class Seeder

The console command instance.

$ Seeder#calledProperty in class Seeder

Seeders that have been called at least one time.

Seeder::call() — Method in class Seeder

Run the given seeder class.

Seeder::callWith() — Method in class Seeder

Run the given seeder class.

Seeder::callSilent() — Method in class Seeder

Silently run the given seeder class.

Seeder::callOnce() — Method in class Seeder

Run the given seeder class once.

$ Encrypter#cipherProperty in class Encrypter

The algorithm used for encryption.

CallQueuedListenerClass in namespace Illuminate\Events
$ CallQueuedListener#classProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The listener class name.

$ Dispatcher#containerProperty in class Dispatcher

The IoC container instance.

Dispatcher::createClassListener() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a class based listener using the IoC container.

Dispatcher::createClassCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create the class based event callable.

Dispatcher::createQueuedHandlerCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a callable for putting an event handler on the queue.

Dispatcher::createCallbackForListenerRunningAfterCommits() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a callable for dispatching a listener after database transactions.

Dispatcher::createListenerAndJob() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create the listener and job for a queued listener.
