trait ConfiguresPrompts (View source)
Configure the prompt fallbacks.
Prompt the user until the given validation callback passes.
Validate the given prompt value using the validator.
Get the validator instance that should be used to validate prompts.
Get the validation messages that should be used during prompt validation.
Get the validation attributes that should be used during prompt validation.
Restore the prompts output.
protected void
configurePrompts(InputInterface $input)
Configure the prompt fallbacks.
protected mixed
promptUntilValid(Closure $prompt, bool|string $required, Closure|null $validate)
Prompt the user until the given validation callback passes.
protected ?string
validatePrompt(mixed $value, mixed $rules)
Validate the given prompt value using the validator.
protected Validator
getPromptValidatorInstance(mixed $field, mixed $value, mixed $rules, array $messages = [], array $attributes = [])
Get the validator instance that should be used to validate prompts.
protected array
Get the validation messages that should be used during prompt validation.
protected array
Get the validation attributes that should be used during prompt validation.
protected void
Restore the prompts output.