- AuthorizationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- $ GateEvaluated#ability — Property in class GateEvaluated
The ability being evaluated.
- $ GateEvaluated#arguments — Property in class GateEvaluated
The arguments given during evaluation.
- $ Gate#abilities — Property in class Gate
All of the defined abilities.
- $ Gate#afterCallbacks — Property in class Gate
All of the registered after callbacks.
- Gate::allowIf() — Method in class Gate
Perform an on-demand authorization check. Throw an authorization exception if the condition or callback is false.
- Gate::authorizeOnDemand() — Method in class Gate
Authorize a given condition or callback.
- Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
- Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::any() — Method in class Gate
Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate
Get all of the defined abilities.
- HandlesAuthorization::allow() — Method in class HandlesAuthorization
Create a new access response.
- $ Response#allowed — Property in class Response
Indicates whether the response was allowed.
- Response::allow() — Method in class Response
Create a new "allow" Response.
- Response::allowed() — Method in class Response
Determine if the response was allowed.
- Response::authorize() — Method in class Response
Throw authorization exception if response was denied.
- AuthManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $ AuthManager#app — Property in class AuthManager
The application instance.
- AuthServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- Authenticatable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- AuthenticationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- Attempting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- Authenticated — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- $ GenericUser#attributes — Property in class GenericUser
All of the user's attributes.
- GuardHelpers::authenticate() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Determine if the current user is authenticated. If not, throw an exception.
- Authenticate — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- $ Authenticate#auth — Property in class Authenticate
The authentication factory instance.
- Authenticate::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticate
Determine if the user is logged in to any of the given guards.
- AuthenticateWithBasicAuth — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- $ AuthenticateWithBasicAuth#auth — Property in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth
The guard factory instance.
- Authorize — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- $ PasswordBrokerManager#app — Property in class PasswordBrokerManager
The application instance.
- SessionGuard::attemptBasic() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate using basic authentication.
- SessionGuard::attempt() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
- SessionGuard::attemptWhen() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate a user with credentials and additional callbacks.
- SessionGuard::attempting() — Method in class SessionGuard
Register an authentication attempt event listener.
- BroadcastController::authenticate() — Method in class BroadcastController
Authenticate the request for channel access.
- $ BroadcastManager#app — Property in class BroadcastManager
The application instance.
- AblyBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- $ AblyBroadcaster#ably — Property in class AblyBroadcaster
The AblyRest SDK instance.
- AblyBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- LogBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- NullBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class NullBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- PusherBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- RedisBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- Batch::add() — Method in class Batch
Add additional jobs to the batch.
- Batch::allowsFailures() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch.
- PendingBatch::add() — Method in class PendingBatch
Add jobs to the batch.
- PendingBatch::allowFailures() — Method in class PendingBatch
Indicate that the batch should not be cancelled when a job within the batch fails.
- PendingBatch::allowsFailures() — Method in class PendingBatch
Determine if the pending batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch.
- $ Queueable#afterCommit — Property in class Queueable
Indicates whether the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- Queueable::allOnConnection() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired connection for the chain.
- Queueable::allOnQueue() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired queue for the chain.
- Queueable::afterCommit() — Method in class Queueable
Indicate that the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- UniqueLock::acquire() — Method in class UniqueLock
Attempt to acquire a lock for the given job.
- UpdatedBatchJobCounts::allJobsHaveRanExactlyOnce() — Method in class UpdatedBatchJobCounts
Determine if all jobs have run exactly once.
- ApcStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ ApcStore#apc — Property in class ApcStore
The APC wrapper instance.
- ApcWrapper — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ ApcWrapper#apcu — Property in class ApcWrapper
Indicates if APCu is supported.
- ArrayLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- ArrayLock::acquire() — Method in class ArrayLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- ArrayStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- CacheLock::acquire() — Method in class CacheLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- $ CacheManager#app — Property in class CacheManager
The application instance.
- DatabaseLock::acquire() — Method in class DatabaseLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- DatabaseStore::add() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- DynamoDbLock::acquire() — Method in class DynamoDbLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- DynamoDbStore::add() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- FileStore::add() — Method in class FileStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- Lock::acquire() — Method in class Lock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- MemcachedLock::acquire() — Method in class MemcachedLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- MemcachedStore::add() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- NoLock::acquire() — Method in class NoLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- RateLimiter::attempt() — Method in class RateLimiter
Attempts to execute a callback if it's not limited.
- RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of attempts for the given key.
- RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of seconds until the "key" is accessible again.
- RedisLock::acquire() — Method in class RedisLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- RedisStore::add() — Method in class RedisStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- Repository::add() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
- Repository::all() — Method in class Repository
Get all of the configuration items for the application.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Application::artisanBinary() — Method in class Application
Determine the proper Artisan executable.
- Application::add() — Method in class Application
Add a command to the console.
- Application::addToParent() — Method in class Application
Add the command to the parent instance.
- CreatesMatchingTest::addTestOptions() — Method in class CreatesMatchingTest
Add the standard command options for generating matching tests.
- InteractsWithIO::argument() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Get the value of a command argument.
- InteractsWithIO::arguments() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Get all of the arguments passed to the command.
- InteractsWithIO::ask() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Prompt the user for input.
- InteractsWithIO::anticipate() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
- InteractsWithIO::askWithCompletion() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
- InteractsWithIO::alert() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string in an alert box.
- ArtisanStarting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- $ ArtisanStarting#artisan — Property in class ArtisanStarting
The Artisan application instance.
- GeneratorCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Determine if the class already exists.
- $ Event#afterCallbacks — Property in class Event
The array of callbacks to be run after the event is finished.
- Event::appendOutputTo() — Method in class Event
Append the output of the command to a given location.
- Event::after() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called after the operation.
- ManagesFrequencies::at() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the command at a given time.
- BoundMethod::addDependencyForCallParameter() — Method in class BoundMethod
Get the dependency for the given call parameter.
- $ Container#aliases — Property in class Container
The registered type aliases.
- $ Container#abstractAliases — Property in class Container
The registered aliases keyed by the abstract name.
- $ Container#afterResolvingCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the after resolving callbacks by class type.
- Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container
Add a contextual binding to the container.
- Container::alias() — Method in class Container
Alias a type to a different name.
- Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new after resolving callback for all types.
- Util::arrayWrap() — Method in class Util
If the given value is not an array and not null, wrap it in one.
- Authorizable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
- Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
- Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::any() — Method in class Gate
Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate
Get all of the defined abilities.
- Authenticatable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- AuthenticatesRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Middleware
- StatefulGuard::attempt() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
- Broadcaster::auth() — Method in class Broadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- Repository::add() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
- Repository::all() — Method in class Repository
Get all of the configuration items for the application.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
- Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel
Get all of the commands registered with the console.
- Container::alias() — Method in class Container
Alias a type to a different name.
- Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container
Add a contextual binding to the container.
- Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new after resolving callback.
- Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem
Append to a file.
- Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- Filesystem::allDirectories() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- CursorPaginator::appends() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- Paginator::appends() — Method in class Paginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- Job::attempts() — Method in class Job
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate the URL to an application asset.
- UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a controller action.
- Session::all() — Method in class Session
Get all of the session data.
- Arrayable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag
Add a message to the bag.
- MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.
- Loader::addNamespace() — Method in class Loader
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Loader::addJsonPath() — Method in class Loader
Add a new JSON path to the loader.
- Validator::after() — Method in class Validator
Add an after validation callback.
- Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- AddQueuedCookiesToResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
- Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager
Register a connection with the manager.
- ManagesTransactions::afterCommit() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Execute the callback after a transaction commits.
- Connection::affectingStatement() — Method in class Connection
Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
- ConnectionInterface::affectingStatement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
- ConnectionResolver::addConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Add a connection to the resolver.
- PostgresConnector::addSslOptions() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Add the SSL options to the DSN.
- $ DatabaseManager#app — Property in class DatabaseManager
The application instance.
- DatabaseManager::availableDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get all of the drivers that are actually available.
- DatabaseTransactionRecord::addCallback() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
Register a callback to be executed after committing.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::addCallback() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Register a transaction callback.
- Builder::addUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class Builder
Add the "updated at" column to an array of values.
- Builder::addTimestampsToUpsertValues() — Method in class Builder
Add timestamps to the inserted values.
- Builder::addUpdatedAtToUpsertColumns() — Method in class Builder
Add the "updated at" column to the updated columns.
- Builder::applyScopes() — Method in class Builder
Apply the scopes to the Eloquent builder instance and return it.
- Builder::addNewWheresWithinGroup() — Method in class Builder
Nest where conditions by slicing them at the given where count.
- Builder::addNestedWiths() — Method in class Builder
Parse the nested relationships in a relation.
- ArrayObject — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsArrayObject — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsEncryptedArrayObject — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsEncryptedCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsStringable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- Attribute — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- Collection::append() — Method in class Collection
Append an attribute across the entire collection.
- $ HasAttributes#attributes — Property in class HasAttributes
The model's attributes.
- $ HasAttributes#attributeCastCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The attributes that have been cast using "Attribute" return type mutators.
- $ HasAttributes#appends — Property in class HasAttributes
The accessors to append to the model's array form.
- $ HasAttributes#attributeMutatorCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The cache of the "Attribute" return type marked mutated attributes for each class.
- HasAttributes::attributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Convert the model's attributes to an array.
- HasAttributes::addDateAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Add the date attributes to the attributes array.
- HasAttributes::addMutatedAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Add the mutated attributes to the attributes array.
- HasAttributes::addCastAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Add the casted attributes to the attributes array.
- HasAttributes::asJson() — Method in class HasAttributes
Encode the given value as JSON.
- HasAttributes::asDecimal() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return a decimal as string.
- HasAttributes::asDate() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return a timestamp as DateTime object with time set to 00:00:00.
- HasAttributes::asDateTime() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return a timestamp as DateTime object.
- HasAttributes::asTimestamp() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return a timestamp as unix timestamp.
- HasAttributes::append() — Method in class HasAttributes
Append attributes to query when building a query.
- HasEvents::addObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents
Add an observable event name.
- HasGlobalScopes::addGlobalScope() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes
Register a new global scope on the model.
- QueriesRelationships::addHasWhere() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add the "has" condition where clause to the query.
- QueriesRelationships::addWhereCountQuery() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a sub-query count clause to this query.
- BelongsToRelationship::attributesFor() — Method in class BelongsToRelationship
Get the parent model attributes and resolvers for the given child model.
- $ Factory#afterMaking — Property in class Factory
The "after making" callbacks that will be applied to the model.
- $ Factory#afterCreating — Property in class Factory
The "after creating" callbacks that will be applied to the model.
- Factory::afterMaking() — Method in class Factory
Add a new "after making" callback to the model definition.
- Factory::afterCreating() — Method in class Factory
Add a new "after creating" callback to the model definition.
- Factory::appNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Get the application namespace for the application.
- Model::all() — Method in class Model
Get all of the models from the database.
- BelongsTo::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- BelongsTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- BelongsTo::associate() — Method in class BelongsTo
Associate the model instance to the given parent.
- $ BelongsToMany#accessor — Property in class BelongsToMany
The name of the accessor to use for the "pivot" relationship.
- BelongsToMany::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- BelongsToMany::addWhereConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the where clause for the relation query.
- BelongsToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- BelongsToMany::as() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Specify the custom pivot accessor to use for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::aliasedPivotColumns() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the pivot columns for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::allRelatedIds() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get all of the IDs for the related models.
- AsPivot — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.
- CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.
- CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManyJoinSubQuery() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Add the join subquery to the given query on the given column and the relationship's foreign key.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::attachNew() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Attach all of the records that aren't in the given current records.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::attach() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Attach a model to the parent.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::attachUsingCustomClass() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Attach a model to the parent using a custom class.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::addTimestampsToAttachment() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Set the creation and update timestamps on an attach record.
- HasManyThrough::addConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- HasManyThrough::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- HasOne::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class HasOne
Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.
- HasOne::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class HasOne
Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.
- HasOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- HasOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphOne::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class MorphOne
Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.
- MorphOne::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class MorphOne
Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.
- MorphOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- MorphOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphTo
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphTo::associate() — Method in class MorphTo
Associate the model instance to the given parent.
- MorphToMany::addWhereConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany
Set the where clause for the relation query.
- MorphToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphToMany::aliasedPivotColumns() — Method in class MorphToMany
Get the pivot columns for the relation.
- Relation::addConstraints() — Method in class Relation
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- Relation::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class Relation
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- Scope::apply() — Method in class Scope
Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::apply() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addRestore() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the restore extension to the builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addWithTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the with-trashed extension to the builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addWithoutTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the without-trashed extension to the builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addOnlyTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the only-trashed extension to the builder.
- MigrationCreator::afterCreate() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Register a post migration create hook.
- $ Builder#aggregate — Property in class Builder
An aggregate function and column to be run.
- Builder::addSelect() — Method in class Builder
Add a new select column to the query.
- Builder::addArrayOfWheres() — Method in class Builder
Add an array of where clauses to the query.
- Builder::addDateBasedWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a date based (year, month, day, time) statement to the query.
- Builder::addNestedWhereQuery() — Method in class Builder
Add another query builder as a nested where to the query builder.
- Builder::addWhereExistsQuery() — Method in class Builder
Add an exists clause to the query.
- Builder::addDynamic() — Method in class Builder
Add a single dynamic where clause statement to the query.
- Builder::applyBeforeQueryCallbacks() — Method in class Builder
Invoke the "before query" modification callbacks.
- Builder::avg() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the average of the values of a given column.
- Builder::average() — Method in class Builder
Alias for the "avg" method.
- Builder::aggregate() — Method in class Builder
Execute an aggregate function on the database.
- Builder::addBinding() — Method in class Builder
Add a binding to the query.
- $ Blueprint#after — Property in class Blueprint
The column to add new columns after.
- Blueprint::addImpliedCommands() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the commands that are implied by the blueprint's state.
- Blueprint::addFluentIndexes() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the index commands fluently specified on columns.
- Blueprint::addFluentCommands() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the fluent commands specified on any columns.
- Blueprint::addColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a new column to the blueprint.
- Blueprint::addColumnDefinition() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a new column definition to the blueprint.
- Blueprint::after() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the columns from the callback after the given column.
- Blueprint::addCommand() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a new command to the blueprint.
- Blueprint::autoIncrementingStartingValues() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the auto-increment column starting values.
- ColumnDefinition::after() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::always() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::autoIncrement() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- Grammar::addModifiers() — Method in class Grammar
Add the column modifiers to the definition.
- SQLiteGrammar::addForeignKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the foreign key syntax for a table creation statement.
- SQLiteGrammar::addPrimaryKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the primary key syntax for a table creation statement.
- MySqlSchemaState::appendMigrationData() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Append the migration data to the schema dump.
- SqliteSchemaState::appendMigrationData() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState
Append the migration data to the schema dump.
- Dispatcher::addInterfaceListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Add the listeners for the event's interfaces to the given array.
- Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem
Append to a file.
- Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- FilesystemAdapter::assertExists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Assert that the given file exists.
- FilesystemAdapter::assertMissing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Assert that the given file does not exist.
- FilesystemAdapter::append() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Append to a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::allFiles() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- FilesystemAdapter::allDirectories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.
- $ FilesystemManager#app — Property in class FilesystemManager
The application instance.
- FilesystemManager::adapt() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Adapt the filesystem implementation.
- AliasLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- $ AliasLoader#aliases — Property in class AliasLoader
The array of class aliases.
- AliasLoader::alias() — Method in class AliasLoader
Add an alias to the loader.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- $ Application#appPath — Property in class Application
The custom application path defined by the developer.
- $ Application#absoluteCachePathPrefixes — Property in class Application
The prefixes of absolute cache paths for use during normalization.
- Application::afterLoadingEnvironment() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run after loading the environment.
- Application::afterBootstrapping() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run after a bootstrapper.
- Application::addAbsoluteCachePathPrefix() — Method in class Application
Add new prefix to list of absolute path prefixes.
- Application::abort() — Method in class Application
Throw an HttpException with the given data.
- Application::addDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
Add an array of services to the application's deferred services.
- Authorizable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
- AuthorizesRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
- AuthorizesRequests::authorize() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Authorize a given action for the current user.
- AuthorizesRequests::authorizeForUser() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Authorize a given action for a user.
- AuthorizesRequests::authorizeResource() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Authorize a resource action based on the incoming request.
- EmailVerificationRequest::authorize() — Method in class EmailVerificationRequest
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
- $ HandleExceptions#app — Property in class HandleExceptions
The application instance.
- $ PendingDispatch#afterResponse — Property in class PendingDispatch
Indicates if the job should be dispatched immediately after sending the response.
- PendingDispatch::allOnConnection() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the desired connection for the chain.
- PendingDispatch::allOnQueue() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the desired queue for the chain.
- PendingDispatch::afterCommit() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Indicate that the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- PendingDispatch::afterResponse() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Indicate that the job should be dispatched after the response is sent to the browser.
- EventMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class EventMakeCommand
Determine if the class already exists.
- ExceptionMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand
Determine if the class already exists.
- $ Kernel#app — Property in class Kernel
The application implementation.
- $ Kernel#artisan — Property in class Kernel
The Artisan application instance.
- Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel
Get all of the commands registered with the console.
- ListenerMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Determine if the class already exists.
- RouteListCommand::asJson() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Convert the given routes to JSON.
- FormRequest::attributes() — Method in class FormRequest
Get custom attributes for validator errors.
- $ Kernel#app — Property in class Kernel
The application implementation.
- Kernel::appendMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Kernel
Append the given middleware to the given middleware group.
- Kernel::appendToMiddlewarePriority() — Method in class Kernel
Append the given middleware to the middleware priority list.
- $ PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance#app — Property in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
The application implementation.
- $ VerifyCsrfToken#app — Property in class VerifyCsrfToken
The application instance.
- $ VerifyCsrfToken#addHttpCookie — Property in class VerifyCsrfToken
Indicates whether the XSRF-TOKEN cookie should be set on the response.
- VerifyCsrfToken::addCookieToResponse() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Add the CSRF token to the response cookies.
- PackageManifest::aliases() — Method in class PackageManifest
Get all of the aliases for all packages.
- $ ProviderRepository#app — Property in class ProviderRepository
The application implementation.
- ArtisanServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- AuthServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
- InteractsWithAuthentication::actingAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Set the currently logged in user for the application.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is authenticated.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertGuest() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is not authenticated.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertAuthenticatedAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is authenticated as the given user.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the given credentials are valid.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertInvalidCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the given credentials are invalid.
- InteractsWithConsole::artisan() — Method in class InteractsWithConsole
Call artisan command and return code.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseHas() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert that a given where condition exists in the database.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert that a given where condition does not exist in the database.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseCount() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the count of table entries.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given record has been deleted.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertSoftDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given record has been "soft deleted".
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertNotSoftDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given record has not been "soft deleted".
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertModelExists() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given model exists in the database.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertModelMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given model does not exist in the database.
- RefreshDatabase::afterRefreshingDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Perform any work that should take place once the database has finished refreshing.
- $ TestCase#app — Property in class TestCase
The Illuminate application instance.
- $ TestCase#afterApplicationCreatedCallbacks — Property in class TestCase
The callbacks that should be run after the application is created.
- TestCase::afterApplicationCreated() — Method in class TestCase
Register a callback to be run after the application is created.
- AbstractHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- Argon2IdHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- Argon2IdHasher::algorithm() — Method in class Argon2IdHasher
Get the algorithm that should be used for hashing.
- ArgonHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- ArgonHasher::algorithm() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Get the algorithm that should be used for hashing.
- Factory::assertSent() — Method in class Factory
Assert that a request / response pair was recorded matching a given truth test.
- Factory::assertSentInOrder() — Method in class Factory
Assert that the given request was sent in the given order.
- Factory::assertNotSent() — Method in class Factory
Assert that a request / response pair was not recorded matching a given truth test.
- Factory::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Factory
Assert that no request / response pair was recorded.
- Factory::assertSentCount() — Method in class Factory
Assert how many requests have been recorded.
- Factory::assertSequencesAreEmpty() — Method in class Factory
Assert that every created response sequence is empty.
- Factory::accept() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::acceptJson() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::asForm() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::asJson() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::asMultipart() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::async() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::attach() — Method in class Factory
- $ PendingRequest#async — Property in class PendingRequest
Whether the requests should be asynchronous.
- PendingRequest::asJson() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate the request contains JSON.
- PendingRequest::asForm() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate the request contains form parameters.
- PendingRequest::attach() — Method in class PendingRequest
Attach a file to the request.
- PendingRequest::asMultipart() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate the request is a multi-part form request.
- PendingRequest::acceptJson() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate that JSON should be returned by the server.
- PendingRequest::accept() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate the type of content that should be returned by the server.
- PendingRequest::async() — Method in class PendingRequest
Toggle asynchronicity in requests.
- Pool::as() — Method in class Pool
Add a request to the pool with a key.
- Pool::asyncRequest() — Method in class Pool
Retrieve a new async pending request.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::accepts() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determines whether the current requests accepts a given content type.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsAnyContentType() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determine if the current request accepts any content type.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determines whether a request accepts JSON.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsHtml() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determines whether a request accepts HTML.
- InteractsWithInput::anyFilled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the request contains a non-empty value for any of the given inputs.
- InteractsWithInput::all() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get all of the input and files for the request.
- InteractsWithInput::allFiles() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get an array of all of the files on the request.
- $ TrustHosts#app — Property in class TrustHosts
The application instance.
- TrustHosts::allSubdomainsOfApplicationUrl() — Method in class TrustHosts
Get a regular expression matching the application URL and all of its subdomains.
- Request::ajax() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is the result of an AJAX call.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::attributes() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Merge the given attributes.
- AnonymousResourceCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
- $ JsonResource#additional — Property in class JsonResource
The additional meta data that should be added to the resource response.
- JsonResource::additional() — Method in class JsonResource
Add additional meta data to the resource response.
- $ LogManager#app — Property in class LogManager
The application instance.
- LogManager::alert() — Method in class LogManager
Action must be taken immediately.
- Logger::alert() — Method in class Logger
Log an alert message to the logs.
- ParsesLogConfiguration::actionLevel() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration
Parse the action level from the given configuration.
- $ MailManager#app — Property in class MailManager
The application instance.
- MailManager::addSesCredentials() — Method in class MailManager
Add the SES credentials to the configuration array.
- $ Mailable#attachments — Property in class Mailable
The attachments for the message.
- $ Mailable#assertionableRenderStrings — Property in class Mailable
The rendered mailable views for testing / assertions.
- Mailable::addressesToArray() — Method in class Mailable
Convert the given recipient arguments to an array.
- Mailable::attach() — Method in class Mailable
Attach a file to the message.
- Mailable::attachFromStorage() — Method in class Mailable
Attach a file to the message from storage.
- Mailable::attachFromStorageDisk() — Method in class Mailable
Attach a file to the message from storage.
- Mailable::attachData() — Method in class Mailable
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
- Mailable::assertSeeInHtml() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text is present in the HTML email body.
- Mailable::assertDontSeeInHtml() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text is not present in the HTML email body.
- Mailable::assertSeeInText() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text is present in the plain-text email body.
- Mailable::assertDontSeeInText() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text is not present in the plain-text email body.
- Mailer::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global from address and name.
- Mailer::alwaysReplyTo() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global reply-to address and name.
- Mailer::alwaysReturnPath() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global return path address.
- Mailer::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global to address and name.
- Mailer::addContent() — Method in class Mailer
Add the content to a given message.
- Message::addAddresses() — Method in class Message
Add a recipient to the message.
- Message::attach() — Method in class Message
Attach a file to the message.
- Message::attachData() — Method in class Message
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
- ArrayTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- MailgunTransport::allContacts() — Method in class MailgunTransport
Get all of the contacts for the message.
- Action — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- AnonymousNotifiable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- MailChannel::additionalMessageData() — Method in class MailChannel
Get additional meta-data to pass along with the view data.
- MailChannel::addressMessage() — Method in class MailChannel
Address the mail message.
- MailChannel::addSender() — Method in class MailChannel
Add the "from" and "reply to" addresses to the message.
- MailChannel::addAttachments() — Method in class MailChannel
Add the attachments to the message.
- $ MailMessage#attachments — Property in class MailMessage
The attachments for the message.
- MailMessage::attach() — Method in class MailMessage
Attach a file to the message.
- MailMessage::attachData() — Method in class MailMessage
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
- MailMessage::arrayOfAddresses() — Method in class MailMessage
Determine if the given "address" is actually an array of addresses.
- $ SimpleMessage#actionText — Property in class SimpleMessage
The text / label for the action.
- $ SimpleMessage#actionUrl — Property in class SimpleMessage
The action URL.
- SimpleMessage::action() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Configure the "call to action" button.
- AbstractCursorPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- AbstractCursorPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::appendArray() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Add an array of query string values.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Add a query string value to the paginator.
- AbstractPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- AbstractPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- AbstractPaginator::appendArray() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add an array of query string values.
- AbstractPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add a query string value to the paginator.
- Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager
Register a connection with the manager.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- $ DynamoDbFailedJobProvider#applicationName — Property in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
The application name.
- DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::all() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- NullFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- InteractsWithQueue::attempts() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- BeanstalkdJob::attempts() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- DatabaseJob::attempts() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- RedisJob::attempts() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- SqsJob::attempts() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- SyncJob::attempts() — Method in class SyncJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- Listener::artisanBinary() — Method in class Listener
Get the Artisan binary.
- Listener::addEnvironment() — Method in class Listener
Add the environment option to the given command.
- $ QueueManager#app — Property in class QueueManager
The application instance.
- QueueManager::after() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the after job event.
- QueueManager::addConnector() — Method in class QueueManager
Add a queue connection resolver.
- ConcurrencyLimiter::acquire() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- DurationLimiter::acquire() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- DurationLimiterBuilder::allow() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder
Set the maximum number of locks that can be obtained per time window.
- $ RedisManager#app — Property in class RedisManager
The application instance.
- AbstractRouteCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- AbstractRouteCollection::addToSymfonyRoutesCollection() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Add a route to the SymfonyRouteCollection instance.
- $ CompiledRouteCollection#attributes — Property in class CompiledRouteCollection
An array of the route attributes keyed by name.
- CompiledRouteCollection::add() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Add a Route instance to the collection.
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::assignExpressionToParameters() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints
Apply the given regular expression to the given parameters.
- ThrottleRequests::addHeaders() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Add the limit header information to the given response.
- Redirector::away() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to an external URL (no validation).
- Redirector::action() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceIndex() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the index method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceCreate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the create method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceStore() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the store method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceShow() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the show method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceEdit() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the edit method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceUpdate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the update method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceDestroy() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the destroy method for a resourceful route.
- $ Route#action — Property in class Route
The route action array.
- Route::allowsTrashedBindings() — Method in class Route
Determines if the route allows "trashed" models to be retrieved when resolving implicit model bindings.
- Route::addGroupNamespaceToStringUses() — Method in class Route
Parse a string based action for the "uses" fluent method.
- $ RouteCollection#allRoutes — Property in class RouteCollection
A flattened array of all of the routes.
- $ RouteCollection#actionList — Property in class RouteCollection
A look-up table of routes by controller action.
- RouteCollection::add() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add a Route instance to the collection.
- RouteCollection::addToCollections() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add the given route to the arrays of routes.
- RouteCollection::addLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add the route to any look-up tables if necessary.
- RouteCollection::addToActionList() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add a route to the controller action dictionary.
- RouteCollectionInterface::add() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Add a Route instance to the collection.
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait::alreadyInParameters() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait
Determine if an object of the given class is in a list of parameters.
- $ RouteRegistrar#attributes — Property in class RouteRegistrar
The attributes to pass on to the router.
- $ RouteRegistrar#allowedAttributes — Property in class RouteRegistrar
The attributes that can be set through this class.
- $ RouteRegistrar#aliases — Property in class RouteRegistrar
The attributes that are aliased.
- RouteRegistrar::attribute() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Set the value for a given attribute.
- RouteRegistrar::apiResource() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Route an API resource to a controller.
- RouteRegistrar::any() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::as() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteUrlGenerator::addPortToDomain() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Add the port to the domain if necessary.
- RouteUrlGenerator::addQueryString() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Add a query string to the URI.
- Router::any() — Method in class Router
Register a new route responding to all verbs.
- Router::apiResources() — Method in class Router
Register an array of API resource controllers.
- Router::apiResource() — Method in class Router
Route an API resource to a controller.
- Router::addRoute() — Method in class Router
Add a route to the underlying route collection.
- Router::actionReferencesController() — Method in class Router
Determine if the action is routing to a controller.
- Router::addWhereClausesToRoute() — Method in class Router
Add the necessary where clauses to the route based on its initial registration.
- Router::aliasMiddleware() — Method in class Router
Register a short-hand name for a middleware.
- $ UrlGenerator#assetRoot — Property in class UrlGenerator
The asset root URL.
- UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate the URL to an application asset.
- UrlGenerator::assetFrom() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate the URL to an asset from a custom root domain such as CDN, etc.
- UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a controller action.
- ArraySessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- DatabaseSessionHandler::addUserInformation() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Add the user information to the session payload.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::addRequestInformation() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Add the request information to the session payload.
- AuthenticateSession — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session\Middleware
- $ AuthenticateSession#auth — Property in class AuthenticateSession
The authentication factory implementation.
- StartSession::addCookieToResponse() — Method in class StartSession
Add the session cookie to the application response.
- $ Store#attributes — Property in class Store
The session attributes.
- Store::ageFlashData() — Method in class Store
Age the flash data for the session.
- Store::all() — Method in class Store
Get all of the session data.
- AggregateServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Arr — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Arr::accessible() — Method in class Arr
Determine whether the given value is array accessible.
- Arr::add() — Method in class Arr
Add an element to an array using "dot" notation if it doesn't exist.
- Collection::all() — Method in class Collection
Get all of the items in the collection.
- Collection::avg() — Method in class Collection
Get the average value of a given key.
- Collection::add() — Method in class Collection
Add an item to the collection.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::addDriverAlias() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Add the given driver alias to the driver aliases array.
- Enumerable::all() — Method in class Enumerable
Get all items in the enumerable.
- Enumerable::average() — Method in class Enumerable
Alias for the "avg" method.
- Enumerable::avg() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the average value of a given key.
- App — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- App::abort() — Method in class App
- Artisan — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Artisan::all() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Auth::attempt() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::aliasComponent() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::aliasInclude() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::auth() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::assertDispatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedAfterResponseTimes() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertNotDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertBatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertBatchCount() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertChained() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedSync() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedSyncTimes() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertNotDispatchedSync() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedWithoutChain() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::add() — Method in class Cache
- Config::all() — Method in class Config
- DB::affectingStatement() — Method in class DB
- DB::afterCommit() — Method in class DB
- Event::assertDispatched() — Method in class Event
- Event::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class Event
- Event::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class Event
- Event::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class Event
- Event::assertListening() — Method in class Event
- $ Facade#app — Property in class Facade
The application instance being facaded.
- File::allFiles() — Method in class File
- File::append() — Method in class File
- Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::allowIf() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::any() — Method in class Gate
- Http::accept() — Method in class Http
- Http::acceptJson() — Method in class Http
- Http::asForm() — Method in class Http
- Http::asJson() — Method in class Http
- Http::asMultipart() — Method in class Http
- Http::async() — Method in class Http
- Http::attach() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertSent() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertSentInOrder() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertNotSent() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertSentCount() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertSequencesAreEmpty() — Method in class Http
- Log::alert() — Method in class Log
- Mail::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::alwaysReplyTo() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::alwaysReturnPath() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNotQueued() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNotSent() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNothingQueued() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertQueued() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertSent() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::assertNotSentTo() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertSentOnDemand() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertSentTo() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertSentOnDemandTimes() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertSentToTimes() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertTimesSent() — Method in class Notification
- Queue::assertNotPushed() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertNothingPushed() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertPushed() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertPushedOn() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertPushedWithChain() — Method in class Queue
- RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
- RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter
- RateLimiter::attempt() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redirect::action() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::away() — Method in class Redirect
- Request::all() — Method in class Request
- Request::allFiles() — Method in class Request
- Request::accepts() — Method in class Request
- Request::acceptsAnyContentType() — Method in class Request
- Request::acceptsHtml() — Method in class Request
- Request::acceptsJson() — Method in class Request
- Request::ajax() — Method in class Request
- Request::anyFilled() — Method in class Request
- Route::apiResource() — Method in class Route
- Route::any() — Method in class Route
- Route::as() — Method in class Route
- Route::apiResources() — Method in class Route
- Session::all() — Method in class Session
- Storage::assertExists() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::assertMissing() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::allDirectories() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::allFiles() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::append() — Method in class Storage
- URL::action() — Method in class URL
- URL::asset() — Method in class URL
- View::addNamespace() — Method in class View
- View::addExtension() — Method in class View
- $ Fluent#attributes — Property in class Fluent
All of the attributes set on the fluent instance.
- InteractsWithTime::availableAt() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp.
- LazyCollection::all() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get all items in the enumerable.
- LazyCollection::avg() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the average value of a given key.
- MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag
Add a message to the message bag.
- MessageBag::addIf() — Method in class MessageBag
Add a message to the message bag if the given conditional is "true".
- MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages for every key in the message bag.
- MessageBag::any() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- $ MultipleInstanceManager#app — Property in class MultipleInstanceManager
The application instance.
- $ ServiceProvider#app — Property in class ServiceProvider
The application instance.
- ServiceProvider::addPublishGroup() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Add a publish group / tag to the service provider.
- Str::after() — Method in class Str
Return the remainder of a string after the first occurrence of a given value.
- Str::afterLast() — Method in class Str
Return the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a given value.
- Str::ascii() — Method in class Str
Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.
- Stringable::after() — Method in class Stringable
Return the remainder of a string after the first occurrence of a given value.
- Stringable::afterLast() — Method in class Stringable
Return the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a given value.
- Stringable::append() — Method in class Stringable
Append the given values to the string.
- Stringable::ascii() — Method in class Stringable
Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.
- BusFake::assertDispatched() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.
- BusFake::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class BusFake
Assert that no jobs were dispatched.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedSync() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was explicitly dispatched synchronously based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedSyncTimes() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was pushed synchronously a number of times.
- BusFake::assertNotDispatchedSync() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched after the response was sent based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedAfterResponseTimes() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was pushed after the response was sent a number of times.
- BusFake::assertNotDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertChained() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a chain of jobs was dispatched.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedWithoutChain() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedWithChainOfObjects() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedWithChainOfClasses() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertBatched() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a batch was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertBatchCount() — Method in class BusFake
Assert the number of batches that have been dispatched.
- EventFake::assertListening() — Method in class EventFake
Assert if an event has a listener attached to it.
- EventFake::assertDispatched() — Method in class EventFake
Assert if an event was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- EventFake::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class EventFake
Assert if an event was dispatched a number of times.
- EventFake::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class EventFake
Determine if an event was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- EventFake::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class EventFake
Assert that no events were dispatched.
- MailFake::assertSent() — Method in class MailFake
Assert if a mailable was sent based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertSentTimes() — Method in class MailFake
Assert if a mailable was sent a number of times.
- MailFake::assertNotOutgoing() — Method in class MailFake
Determine if a mailable was not sent or queued to be sent based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertNotSent() — Method in class MailFake
Determine if a mailable was not sent based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertNothingOutgoing() — Method in class MailFake
Assert that no mailables were sent or queued to be sent.
- MailFake::assertNothingSent() — Method in class MailFake
Assert that no mailables were sent.
- MailFake::assertQueued() — Method in class MailFake
Assert if a mailable was queued based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertQueuedTimes() — Method in class MailFake
Assert if a mailable was queued a number of times.
- MailFake::assertNotQueued() — Method in class MailFake
Determine if a mailable was not queued based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertNothingQueued() — Method in class MailFake
Assert that no mailables were queued.
- NotificationFake::assertSentOnDemand() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert if a notification was sent on-demand based on a truth-test callback.
- NotificationFake::assertSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert if a notification was sent based on a truth-test callback.
- NotificationFake::assertSentOnDemandTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert if a notification was sent on-demand a number of times.
- NotificationFake::assertSentToTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert if a notification was sent a number of times.
- NotificationFake::assertNotSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake
Determine if a notification was sent based on a truth-test callback.
- NotificationFake::assertNothingSent() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert that no notifications were sent.
- NotificationFake::assertSentTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert the total amount of times a notification was sent.
- NotificationFake::assertTimesSent() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert the total amount of times a notification was sent.
- QueueFake::assertPushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedTimes() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.
- QueueFake::assertPushedOn() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedWithChain() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedWithoutChain() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedWithChainOfObjects() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedWithChainOfClasses() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertNotPushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Determine if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertNothingPushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert that no jobs were pushed.
- $ EnumeratesValues#average — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#avg — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::average() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Alias for the "avg" method.
- ValidatedInput::all() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get the raw, underlying input array.
- ViewErrorBag::any() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Determine if the default message bag has any messages.
- Assert — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- Assert::assertArraySubset() — Method in class Assert
Asserts that an array has a specified subset.
- Assert::assertFileDoesNotExist() — Method in class Assert
Asserts that a file does not exist.
- Assert::assertDirectoryDoesNotExist() — Method in class Assert
Asserts that a directory does not exist.
- Assert::assertMatchesRegularExpression() — Method in class Assert
Asserts that a string matches a given regular expression.
- AssertableJsonString — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- AssertableJsonString::assertCount() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key.
- AssertableJsonString::assertExact() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response has the exact given JSON.
- AssertableJsonString::assertSimilar() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response has the similar JSON as given.
- AssertableJsonString::assertFragment() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response contains the given JSON fragment.
- AssertableJsonString::assertMissing() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response does not contain the given JSON fragment.
- AssertableJsonString::assertMissingExact() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response does not contain the exact JSON fragment.
- AssertableJsonString::assertPath() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the expected value and type exists at the given path in the response.
- AssertableJsonString::assertStructure() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response has a given JSON structure.
- AssertableJsonString::assertSubset() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response is a superset of the given JSON.
- AssertableJsonString::assertJsonMessage() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Get the assertion message for assertJson.
- ArraySubset — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
- $ CountInDatabase#actualCount — Property in class CountInDatabase
The actual table entries count that will be checked against the expected count.
- AssertableJson — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Fluent
- $ ParallelRunner#applicationResolver — Property in class ParallelRunner
The application resolver callback.
- $ PendingCommand#app — Property in class PendingCommand
The application instance.
- PendingCommand::assertExitCode() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command has the given exit code.
- PendingCommand::assertNotExitCode() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command does not have the given exit code.
- PendingCommand::assertSuccessful() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command has the success exit code.
- PendingCommand::assertFailed() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command does not have the success exit code.
- TestComponent::assertSee() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given string is contained within the rendered component.
- TestComponent::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the rendered component.
- TestComponent::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given string is contained within the rendered component text.
- TestComponent::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the rendered component text.
- TestComponent::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given string is not contained within the rendered component.
- TestComponent::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given string is not contained within the rendered component text.
- TestResponse::assertSuccessful() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a successful status code.
- TestResponse::assertOk() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a 200 status code.
- TestResponse::assertCreated() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a 201 status code.
- TestResponse::assertNoContent() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the given status code and no content.
- TestResponse::assertNotFound() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a not found status code.
- TestResponse::assertForbidden() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a forbidden status code.
- TestResponse::assertUnauthorized() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has an unauthorized status code.
- TestResponse::assertUnprocessable() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a 422 status code.
- TestResponse::assertStatus() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the given status code.
- TestResponse::assertRedirect() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given URI.
- TestResponse::assertRedirectContains() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert whether the response is redirecting to a URI that contains the given URI.
- TestResponse::assertRedirectToSignedRoute() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given signed route.
- TestResponse::assertHeader() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given header and equals the optional value.
- TestResponse::assertHeaderMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response does not contain the given header.
- TestResponse::assertLocation() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the current location header matches the given URI.
- TestResponse::assertDownload() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response offers a file download.
- TestResponse::assertPlainCookie() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value.
- TestResponse::assertCookie() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value.
- TestResponse::assertCookieExpired() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and is expired.
- TestResponse::assertCookieNotExpired() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and is not expired.
- TestResponse::assertCookieMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response does not contain the given cookie.
- TestResponse::assertSee() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string or array of strings are contained within the response.
- TestResponse::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response.
- TestResponse::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string or array of strings are contained within the response text.
- TestResponse::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response text.
- TestResponse::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string or array of strings are not contained within the response.
- TestResponse::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string or array of strings are not contained within the response text.
- TestResponse::assertJson() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response is a superset of the given JSON.
- TestResponse::assertJsonPath() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the expected value and type exists at the given path in the response.
- TestResponse::assertExactJson() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the exact given JSON.
- TestResponse::assertSimilarJson() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the similar JSON as given.
- TestResponse::assertJsonFragment() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response contains the given JSON fragment.
- TestResponse::assertJsonMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response does not contain the given JSON fragment.
- TestResponse::assertJsonMissingExact() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response does not contain the exact JSON fragment.
- TestResponse::assertJsonStructure() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a given JSON structure.
- TestResponse::assertJsonCount() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key.
- TestResponse::assertJsonValidationErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the given JSON validation errors.
- TestResponse::assertJsonValidationErrorFor() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert the response has any JSON validation errors for the given key.
- TestResponse::assertJsonMissingValidationErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has no JSON validation errors for the given keys.
- TestResponse::assertViewIs() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response view equals the given value.
- TestResponse::assertViewHas() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response view has a given piece of bound data.
- TestResponse::assertViewHasAll() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response view has a given list of bound data.
- TestResponse::assertViewMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.
- TestResponse::assertValid() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given keys do not have validation errors.
- TestResponse::assertInvalid() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the given validation errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHas() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has a given value.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasAll() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has a given list of values.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasInput() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has a given value in the flashed input array.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has the given errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionDoesntHaveErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session is missing the given errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasNoErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has no errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasErrorsIn() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has the given errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session does not have a given key.
- TestView::assertSee() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given string is contained within the view.
- TestView::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the view.
- TestView::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given string is contained within the view text.
- TestView::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the view text.
- TestView::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given string is not contained within the view.
- TestView::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given string is not contained within the view text.
- ArrayLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- ArrayLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- ArrayLoader::addJsonPath() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Add a new JSON path to the loader.
- ArrayLoader::addMessages() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Add messages to the loader.
- FileLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class FileLoader
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- FileLoader::addJsonPath() — Method in class FileLoader
Add a new JSON path to the loader.
- Translator::addLines() — Method in class Translator
Add translation lines to the given locale.
- Translator::addNamespace() — Method in class Translator
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Translator::addJsonPath() — Method in class Translator
Add a new JSON path to the loader.
- ValidatesAttributes::anyFailingRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Determine if any of the given attributes fail the required test.
- ValidatesAttributes::allFailingRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Determine if all of the given attributes fail the required test.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::addConditions() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Add the given conditions to the query.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::addWhere() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Add a "where" clause to the given query.
- Factory::addExtensions() — Method in class Factory
Add the extensions to a validator instance.
- $ Validator#after — Property in class Validator
All of the registered "after" callbacks.
- Validator::after() — Method in class Validator
Add an after validation callback.
- Validator::addFailure() — Method in class Validator
Add a failed rule and error message to the collection.
- Validator::attributesThatHaveMessages() — Method in class Validator
Generate an array of all attributes that have messages.
- Validator::attributes() — Method in class Validator
Get the data under validation.
- Validator::addRules() — Method in class Validator
Parse the given rules and merge them into current rules.
- Validator::addExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom validator extensions.
- Validator::addImplicitExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom implicit validator extensions.
- Validator::addDependentExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom dependent validator extensions.
- Validator::addExtension() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom validator extension.
- Validator::addImplicitExtension() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom implicit validator extension.
- Validator::addDependentExtension() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom dependent validator extension.
- Validator::addReplacers() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom validator message replacers.
- Validator::addReplacer() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom validator message replacer.
- Validator::addCustomAttributes() — Method in class Validator
Add custom attributes to the validator.
- Validator::addCustomValues() — Method in class Validator
Add the custom values for the validator.
- AnonymousComponent — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- AppendableAttributeValue — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- BladeCompiler::appendFilePath() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Append the file path to the compiled string.
- $ ComponentTagCompiler#aliases — Property in class ComponentTagCompiler
The component class aliases.
- ComponentTagCompiler::attributesToString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Convert an array of attributes to a string.
- CompilesEchos::addBladeCompilerVariable() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Add an instance of the blade echo handler to the start of the compiled string.
- CompilesEchos::applyEchoHandler() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Apply the echo handler for the value if it exists.
- $ Component#attributes — Property in class Component
The component attributes.
- $ ComponentAttributeBag#attributes — Property in class ComponentAttributeBag
The raw array of attributes.
- $ ComponentSlot#attributes — Property in class ComponentSlot
The slot attribute bag.
- ManagesEvents::addViewEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Add an event for a given view.
- ManagesEvents::addClassEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Register a class based view composer.
- ManagesEvents::addEventListener() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Add a listener to the event dispatcher.
- ManagesLayouts::appendSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Stop injecting content into a section and append it.
- ManagesLoops::addLoop() — Method in class ManagesLoops
Add new loop to the stack.
- Factory::addLocation() — Method in class Factory
Add a location to the array of view locations.
- Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Factory::addExtension() — Method in class Factory
Register a valid view extension and its engine.
- FileViewFinder::addLocation() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Add a location to the finder.
- FileViewFinder::addNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Add a namespace hint to the finder.
- FileViewFinder::addExtension() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Register an extension with the view finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addLocation() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a location to the finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a namespace hint to the finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addExtension() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a valid view extension to the finder.
- $ Gate#beforeCallbacks — Property in class Gate
All of the registered before callbacks.
- Gate::buildAbilityCallback() — Method in class Gate
Create the ability callback for a callback string.
- Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
- ResetPassword::buildMailMessage() — Method in class ResetPassword
Get the reset password notification mail message for the given URL.
- VerifyEmail::buildMailMessage() — Method in class VerifyEmail
Get the verify email notification mail message for the given URL.
- $ PasswordBrokerManager#brokers — Property in class PasswordBrokerManager
The array of created "drivers".
- PasswordBrokerManager::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Attempt to get the broker from the local cache.
- SessionGuard::basic() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.
- SessionGuard::basicCredentials() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the credential array for an HTTP Basic request.
- BroadcastController — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- AblyBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- AblyBroadcaster::buildAblyMessage() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Build an Ably message object for broadcasting.
- Broadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- $ Broadcaster#bindingRegistrar — Property in class Broadcaster
The binding registrar instance.
- Broadcaster::binder() — Method in class Broadcaster
Get the model binding registrar instance.
- LogBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- NullBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class NullBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- PusherBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- RedisBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- RedisBroadcaster::broadcastMultipleChannelsScript() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Get the Lua script for broadcasting to multiple channels.
- $ InteractsWithBroadcasting#broadcastConnection — Property in class InteractsWithBroadcasting
The broadcaster connection to use to broadcast the event.
- InteractsWithBroadcasting::broadcastVia() — Method in class InteractsWithBroadcasting
Broadcast the event using a specific broadcaster.
- InteractsWithBroadcasting::broadcastConnections() — Method in class InteractsWithBroadcasting
Get the broadcaster connections the event should be broadcast on.
- InteractsWithSockets::broadcastToEveryone() — Method in class InteractsWithSockets
Broadcast the event to everyone.
- Batch — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- BatchFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- BatchRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- Batchable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- $ Batchable#batchId — Property in class Batchable
The batch ID (if applicable).
- Batchable::batch() — Method in class Batchable
Get the batch instance for the job, if applicable.
- Batchable::batching() — Method in class Batchable
Determine if the batch is still active and processing.
- BusServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- Dispatcher::batch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a new batch of queueable jobs.
- BatchDispatched — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus\Events
- $ BatchDispatched#batch — Property in class BatchDispatched
The batch instance.
- Queueable::beforeCommit() — Method in class Queueable
Indicate that the job should not wait until database transactions have been committed before dispatching.
- Lock::block() — Method in class Lock
Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
- Lock::betweenBlockedAttemptsSleepFor() — Method in class Lock
Specify the number of milliseconds to sleep in between blocked lock acquisition attempts.
- Limit::by() — Method in class Limit
Set the key of the rate limit.
- $ Application#bootstrappers — Property in class Application
The console application bootstrappers.
- Application::bootstrap() — Method in class Application
Bootstrap the console application.
- BufferedConsoleOutput — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- $ BufferedConsoleOutput#buffer — Property in class BufferedConsoleOutput
The current buffer.
- GeneratorCommand::buildClass() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- CommandBuilder::buildCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder
Build the command for the given event.
- CommandBuilder::buildForegroundCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder
Build the command for running the event in the foreground.
- CommandBuilder::buildBackgroundCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder
Build the command for running the event in the background.
- $ Event#beforeCallbacks — Property in class Event
The array of callbacks to be run before the event is started.
- Event::buildCommand() — Method in class Event
Build the command string.
- Event::before() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called before the operation.
- ManagesFrequencies::between() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run between start and end time.
- BoundMethod — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- $ Container#bindings — Property in class Container
The container's bindings.
- $ Container#buildStack — Property in class Container
The stack of concretions currently being built.
- $ Container#beforeResolvingCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the before resolving callbacks by class type.
- Container::bound() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Container::bind() — Method in class Container
Register a binding with the container.
- Container::bindMethod() — Method in class Container
Bind a callback to resolve with Container::call.
- Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container
Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Container::build() — Method in class Container
Instantiate a concrete instance of the given type.
- Container::beforeResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new before resolving callback for all types.
- Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
- PasswordBrokerFactory::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerFactory
Get a password broker instance by name.
- SupportsBasicAuth::basic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth
Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.
- Broadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- Broadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class Broadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- HasBroadcastChannel::broadcastChannelRoute() — Method in class HasBroadcastChannel
Get the broadcast channel route definition that is associated with the given entity.
- HasBroadcastChannel::broadcastChannel() — Method in class HasBroadcastChannel
Get the broadcast channel name that is associated with the given entity.
- ShouldBroadcast::broadcastOn() — Method in class ShouldBroadcast
Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
- QueueingDispatcher::batch() — Method in class QueueingDispatcher
Create a new batch of queueable jobs.
- Lock::block() — Method in class Lock
Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.
- BindingResolutionException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Container::bound() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Container::bind() — Method in class Container
Register a binding with the container.
- Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container
Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Application::basePath() — Method in class Application
Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
- Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the bootstrap directory.
- Application::boot() — Method in class Application
Boot the application's service providers.
- Application::booting() — Method in class Application
Register a new boot listener.
- Application::booted() — Method in class Application
Register a new "booted" listener.
- Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application
Run the given array of bootstrap classes.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
- Mailable::bcc() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Mailer::bcc() — Method in class Mailer
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- BindingRegistrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- BindingRegistrar::bind() — Method in class BindingRegistrar
Add a new route parameter binder.
- Manager::bootEloquent() — Method in class Manager
Bootstrap Eloquent so it is ready for usage.
- BuildsQueries — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
- ManagesTransactions::beginTransaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Start a new database transaction.
- $ Connection#beforeExecutingCallbacks — Property in class Connection
All of the callbacks that should be invoked before a query is executed.
- Connection::bindValues() — Method in class Connection
Bind values to their parameters in the given statement.
- Connection::beforeExecuting() — Method in class Connection
Register a hook to be run just before a database query is executed.
- ConnectionInterface::beginTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Start a new database transaction.
- SqlServerConnector::buildConnectString() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Build a connection string from the given arguments.
- SqlServerConnector::buildHostString() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Build a host string from the given configuration.
- FactoryMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- BaseCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- DatabaseServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::begin() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Start a new database transaction.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The channels the event should broadcast on.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastAs() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The name the event should broadcast as.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastWith() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
Get the data that should be sent with the broadcasted event.
- BroadcastsEvents — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- BroadcastsEvents::bootBroadcastsEvents() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Boot the event broadcasting trait.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastCreated() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was created.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastUpdated() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was updated.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastTrashed() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was trashed.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastRestored() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was restored.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastDeleted() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was deleted.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastIfBroadcastChannelsExistForEvent() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast the given event instance if channels are configured for the model event.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Get the channels that model events should broadcast on.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastConnection() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Get the queue connection that should be used to broadcast model events.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastQueue() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Get the queue that should be used to broadcast model events.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastAfterCommit() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Determine if the model event broadcast queued job should be dispatched after all transactions are committed.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- HasRelationships::belongsTo() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define an inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
- HasRelationships::belongsToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a many-to-many relationship.
- BelongsToManyRelationship — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- BelongsToRelationship — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- $ HigherOrderBuilderProxy#builder — Property in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy
The collection being operated on.
- $ Model#booted — Property in class Model
The array of booted models.
- Model::bootIfNotBooted() — Method in class Model
Check if the model needs to be booted and if so, do it.
- Model::booting() — Method in class Model
Perform any actions required before the model boots.
- Model::boot() — Method in class Model
Bootstrap the model and its traits.
- Model::bootTraits() — Method in class Model
Boot all of the bootable traits on the model.
- Model::booted() — Method in class Model
Perform any actions required after the model boots.
- Model::broadcastChannelRoute() — Method in class Model
Get the broadcast channel route definition that is associated with the given entity.
- Model::broadcastChannel() — Method in class Model
Get the broadcast channel name that is associated with the given entity.
- BelongsTo — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- BelongsToMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- BelongsToMany::buildDictionary() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::baseAttachRecord() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Create a new pivot attachment record.
- HasManyThrough::buildDictionary() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.
- HasOneOrMany::buildDictionary() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.
- MorphTo::buildDictionary() — Method in class MorphTo
Build a dictionary with the models.
- MorphToMany::baseAttachRecord() — Method in class MorphToMany
Create a new pivot attachment record.
- Relation::buildMorphMapFromModels() — Method in class Relation
Builds a table-keyed array from model class names.
- SoftDeletes::bootSoftDeletes() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Boot the soft deleting trait for a model.
- $ QueryExecuted#bindings — Property in class QueryExecuted
The array of query bindings.
- Connection::beginTransaction() — Method in class Connection
Begin a new database transaction.
- SqlServerConnection::beginTransaction() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Begin a new database transaction.
- PostgresConnection::bindValues() — Method in class PostgresConnection
Bind values to their parameters in the given statement.
- $ QueryException#bindings — Property in class QueryException
The bindings for the query.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
- $ Builder#bindings — Property in class Builder
The current query value bindings.
- $ Builder#beforeQueryCallbacks — Property in class Builder
The callbacks that should be invoked before the query is executed.
- $ Builder#bitwiseOperators — Property in class Builder
All of the available bitwise operators.
- Builder::beforeQuery() — Method in class Builder
Register a closure to be invoked before the query is executed.
- $ Grammar#bitwiseOperators — Property in class Grammar
The grammar specific bitwise operators.
- $ PostgresGrammar#bitwiseOperators — Property in class PostgresGrammar
The grammar specific bitwise operators.
- Blueprint — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- Blueprint::build() — Method in class Blueprint
Execute the blueprint against the database.
- Blueprint::bigIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::bigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::boolean() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new boolean column on the table.
- Blueprint::binary() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new binary column on the table.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- Builder::build() — Method in class Builder
Execute the blueprint to build / modify the table.
- Builder::blueprintResolver() — Method in class Builder
Set the Schema Blueprint resolver callback.
- $ ForeignIdColumnDefinition#blueprint — Property in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition
The schema builder blueprint instance.
- MySqlSchemaState::baseDumpCommand() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Get the base dump command arguments for MySQL as a string.
- MySqlSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Get the base variables for a dump / load command.
- PostgresSchemaState::baseDumpCommand() — Method in class PostgresSchemaState
Get the base dump command arguments for PostgreSQL as a string.
- PostgresSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class PostgresSchemaState
Get the base variables for a dump / load command.
- SqliteSchemaState::baseCommand() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState
Get the base sqlite command arguments as a string.
- SqliteSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState
Get the base variables for a dump / load command.
- $ CallQueuedListener#backoff — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.
- Dispatcher::broadcastWhen() — Method in class Dispatcher
Check if the event should be broadcasted by the condition.
- Dispatcher::broadcastEvent() — Method in class Dispatcher
Broadcast the given event class.
- Filesystem::basename() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the trailing name component from a file path.
- FilesystemAdapter::buildTemporaryUrlsUsing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Define a custom temporary URL builder callback.
- FilesystemManager::build() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Build an on-demand disk.
- $ Application#basePath — Property in class Application
The base path for the Laravel installation.
- $ Application#booted — Property in class Application
Indicates if the application has "booted".
- $ Application#bootingCallbacks — Property in class Application
The array of booting callbacks.
- $ Application#bootedCallbacks — Property in class Application
The array of booted callbacks.
- Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application
Run the given array of bootstrap classes.
- Application::beforeBootstrapping() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run before a bootstrapper.
- Application::bindPathsInContainer() — Method in class Application
Bind all of the application paths in the container.
- Application::basePath() — Method in class Application
Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
- Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the bootstrap directory.
- Application::bound() — Method in class Application
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Application::boot() — Method in class Application
Boot the application's service providers.
- Application::bootProvider() — Method in class Application
Boot the given service provider.
- Application::booting() — Method in class Application
Register a new boot listener.
- Application::booted() — Method in class Application
Register a new "booted" listener.
- BootProviders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- BootProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class BootProviders
Bootstrap the given application.
- HandleExceptions::bootstrap() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Bootstrap the given application.
- LoadConfiguration::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadConfiguration
Bootstrap the given application.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables
Bootstrap the given application.
- RegisterFacades::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterFacades
Bootstrap the given application.
- RegisterProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterProviders
Bootstrap the given application.
- SetRequestForConsole::bootstrap() — Method in class SetRequestForConsole
Bootstrap the given application.
- PendingDispatch::beforeCommit() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Indicate that the job should not wait until database transactions have been committed before dispatching.
- ChannelMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- ComponentMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- $ Kernel#bootstrappers — Property in class Kernel
The bootstrap classes for the application.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.
- Kernel::bootstrappers() — Method in class Kernel
Get the bootstrap classes for the application.
- ListenerMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- MailMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- NotificationMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- ObserverMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- PolicyMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- RouteCacheCommand::buildRouteCacheFile() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
Build the route cache file.
- RuleMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class RuleMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- ViewCacheCommand::bladeFilesIn() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand
Get the Blade files in the given path.
- Dispatchable::broadcast() — Method in class Dispatchable
Broadcast the event with the given arguments.
- $ Kernel#bootstrappers — Property in class Kernel
The bootstrap classes for the application.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
- Kernel::bootstrappers() — Method in class Kernel
Get the bootstrap classes for the application.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::bypassResponse() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
Redirect the user back to the root of the application with a maintenance mode bypass cookie.
- $ PackageManifest#basePath — Property in class PackageManifest
The base path.
- PackageManifest::build() — Method in class PackageManifest
Build the manifest and write it to disk.
- FormRequestServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FormRequestServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application services.
- FoundationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Boot the service provider.
- EventServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Boot any application services.
- RouteServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Bootstrap any application services.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::be() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Set the currently logged in user for the application.
- InteractsWithViews::blade() — Method in class InteractsWithViews
Render the contents of the given Blade template string.
- DatabaseTransactions::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions
Handle database transactions on the specified connections.
- RefreshDatabase::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Begin a database transaction on the testing database.
- $ TestCase#beforeApplicationDestroyedCallbacks — Property in class TestCase
The callbacks that should be run before the application is destroyed.
- TestCase::beforeApplicationDestroyed() — Method in class TestCase
Register a callback to be run before the application is destroyed.
- Wormhole::back() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel back to the current time.
- BcryptHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- Factory::baseUrl() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::beforeSending() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::bodyFormat() — Method in class Factory
- $ PendingRequest#baseUrl — Property in class PendingRequest
The base URL for the request.
- $ PendingRequest#bodyFormat — Property in class PendingRequest
The request body format.
- $ PendingRequest#beforeSendingCallbacks — Property in class PendingRequest
The callbacks that should execute before the request is sent.
- PendingRequest::baseUrl() — Method in class PendingRequest
Set the base URL for the pending request.
- PendingRequest::bodyFormat() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the body format of the request.
- PendingRequest::beforeSending() — Method in class PendingRequest
Add a new "before sending" callback to the request.
- PendingRequest::buildClient() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the Guzzle client.
- PendingRequest::buildHandlerStack() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the Guzzle client handler stack.
- PendingRequest::buildBeforeSendingHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the before sending handler.
- PendingRequest::buildRecorderHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the recorder handler.
- PendingRequest::buildStubHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the stub handler.
- Request::body() — Method in class Request
Get the body of the request.
- Response::body() — Method in class Response
Get the body of the response.
- InteractsWithInput::bearerToken() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get the bearer token from the request headers.
- InteractsWithInput::boolean() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input as a boolean value.
- LogManager::build() — Method in class LogManager
Build an on-demand log channel.
- $ Mailable#bcc — Property in class Mailable
The "bcc" recipients of the message.
- Mailable::buildView() — Method in class Mailable
Build the view for the message.
- Mailable::buildMarkdownView() — Method in class Mailable
Build the Markdown view for the message.
- Mailable::buildViewData() — Method in class Mailable
Build the view data for the message.
- Mailable::buildMarkdownText() — Method in class Mailable
Build the text view for a Markdown message.
- Mailable::buildFrom() — Method in class Mailable
Add the sender to the message.
- Mailable::buildRecipients() — Method in class Mailable
Add all of the recipients to the message.
- Mailable::buildSubject() — Method in class Mailable
Set the subject for the message.
- Mailable::buildAttachments() — Method in class Mailable
Add all of the attachments to the message.
- Mailable::buildDiskAttachments() — Method in class Mailable
Add all of the disk attachments to the message.
- Mailable::bcc() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Mailable::buildViewDataUsing() — Method in class Mailable
Register a callback to be called while building the view data.
- Mailer::bcc() — Method in class Mailer
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- Message::bcc() — Method in class Message
Add a blind carbon copy to the message.
- $ PendingMail#bcc — Property in class PendingMail
The "bcc" recipients of the message.
- PendingMail::bcc() — Method in class PendingMail
Set the recipients of the message.
- SendQueuedMailable::backoff() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable
Get the number of seconds before a released mailable will be available.
- Transport::beforeSendPerformed() — Method in class Transport
Iterate through registered plugins and execute plugins' methods.
- BroadcastChannel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Channels
- DatabaseChannel::buildPayload() — Method in class DatabaseChannel
Build an array payload for the DatabaseNotification Model.
- MailChannel::buildView() — Method in class MailChannel
Build the notification's view.
- MailChannel::buildMessage() — Method in class MailChannel
Build the mail message.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastWith() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Get the data that should be sent with the broadcasted event.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastType() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Get the type of the notification being broadcast.
- BroadcastMessage — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
- $ MailMessage#bcc — Property in class MailMessage
The "bcc" information for the message.
- MailMessage::bcc() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the bcc address for the mail message.
- Notification::broadcastOn() — Method in class Notification
Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
- $ NotificationSender#bus — Property in class NotificationSender
The Bus dispatcher instance.
- NotificationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class NotificationServiceProvider
Boot the application services.
- SendQueuedNotifications::backoff() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Get the number of seconds before a released notification will be available.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::buildFragment() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Build the full fragment portion of a URL.
- AbstractPaginator::buildFragment() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Build the full fragment portion of a URL.
- PaginationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class PaginationServiceProvider
Bootstrap any application services.
- BeanstalkdQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ BeanstalkdQueue#blockFor — Property in class BeanstalkdQueue
The maximum number of seconds to block for a job.
- Manager::bulk() — Method in class Manager
Push a new an array of jobs onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- BatchesTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- DatabaseQueue::bulk() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- DatabaseQueue::buildDatabaseRecord() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Create an array to insert for the given job.
- BeanstalkdJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- BeanstalkdJob::bury() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Bury the job in the queue.
- Job::backoff() — Method in class Job
The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#byJob — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
Indicates whether the throttle key should use the job's UUID.
- ThrottlesExceptions::backoff() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Specify the number of minutes a job should be delayed when it is released (before it has reached its max exceptions).
- ThrottlesExceptions::by() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Set the value that the rate limiter should be keyed by.
- ThrottlesExceptions::byJob() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Indicate that the throttle key should use the job's UUID.
- Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- QueueManager::before() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the before job event.
- $ RedisQueue#blockFor — Property in class RedisQueue
The maximum number of seconds to block for a job.
- RedisQueue::bulk() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- $ WorkerOptions#backoff — Property in class WorkerOptions
The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.
- PhpRedisConnection::blpop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Removes and returns the first element of the list stored at key.
- PhpRedisConnection::brpop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Removes and returns the last element of the list stored at key.
- PhpRedisConnector::buildClusterConnectionString() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Build a single cluster seed string from an array.
- ConcurrencyLimiter::block() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter
Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::block() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available.
- DurationLimiter::block() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
- DurationLimiterBuilder::block() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder
Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available.
- ControllerMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- ControllerMakeCommand::buildParentReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Build the replacements for a parent controller.
- ControllerMakeCommand::buildModelReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Build the model replacement values.
- ControllerMakeCommand::buildFormRequestReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Build the model replacement values.
- ThrottleRequests::buildException() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Create a 'too many attempts' exception.
- Redirector::back() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the previous location.
- $ Route#bindingFields — Property in class Route
The fields that implicit binding should use for a given parameter.
- Route::bind() — Method in class Route
Bind the route to a given request for execution.
- Route::bindingFieldFor() — Method in class Route
Get the binding field for the given parameter.
- Route::bindingFields() — Method in class Route
Get the binding fields for the route.
- Route::block() — Method in class Route
Specify that the route should not allow concurrent requests from the same session.
- RouteParameterBinder::bindPathParameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder
Get the parameter matches for the path portion of the URI.
- RouteParameterBinder::bindHostParameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder
Extract the parameter list from the host part of the request.
- $ RouteUri#bindingFields — Property in class RouteUri
The fields that should be used when resolving bindings.
- $ Router#binders — Property in class Router
The registered route value binders.
- Router::bind() — Method in class Router
Add a new route parameter binder.
- SessionManager::buildSession() — Method in class SessionManager
Build the session instance.
- SessionManager::buildEncryptedSession() — Method in class SessionManager
Build the encrypted session instance.
- SessionManager::blockDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Get the name of the cache store / driver that should be used to acquire session locks.
- App::basePath() — Method in class App
- App::bootstrapPath() — Method in class App
- App::boot() — Method in class App
- App::booted() — Method in class App
- App::booting() — Method in class App
- App::bootstrapWith() — Method in class App
- Blade — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Broadcast — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Bus — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Bus::batch() — Method in class Bus
- DB::beginTransaction() — Method in class DB
- DB::beforeExecuting() — Method in class DB
- File::basename() — Method in class File
- Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
- Http::baseUrl() — Method in class Http
- Http::beforeSending() — Method in class Http
- Http::bodyFormat() — Method in class Http
- Log::build() — Method in class Log
- Mail::bcc() — Method in class Mail
- Password::broker() — Method in class Password
- Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
- Redirect::back() — Method in class Redirect
- Request::bearerToken() — Method in class Request
- Route::bind() — Method in class Route
- Storage::build() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::buildTemporaryUrlsUsing() — Method in class Storage
- $ ServiceProvider#bootingCallbacks — Property in class ServiceProvider
All of the registered booting callbacks.
- $ ServiceProvider#bootedCallbacks — Property in class ServiceProvider
All of the registered booted callbacks.
- ServiceProvider::booting() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register a booting callback to be run before the "boot" method is called.
- ServiceProvider::booted() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register a booted callback to be run after the "boot" method is called.
- Str::before() — Method in class Str
Get the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a given value.
- Str::beforeLast() — Method in class Str
Get the portion of a string before the last occurrence of a given value.
- Str::between() — Method in class Str
Get the portion of a string between two given values.
- Stringable::basename() — Method in class Stringable
Get the trailing name component of the path.
- Stringable::before() — Method in class Stringable
Get the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a given value.
- Stringable::beforeLast() — Method in class Stringable
Get the portion of a string before the last occurrence of a given value.
- Stringable::between() — Method in class Stringable
Get the portion of a string between two given values.
- BatchRepositoryFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- BusFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- $ BusFake#batches — Property in class BusFake
The batches that have been dispatched.
- BusFake::batched() — Method in class BusFake
Get all of the pending batches matching a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::batch() — Method in class BusFake
Create a new batch of queueable jobs.
- MailFake::bcc() — Method in class MailFake
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- $ PendingBatchFake#bus — Property in class PendingBatchFake
The fake bus instance.
- $ PendingChainFake#bus — Property in class PendingChainFake
The fake bus instance.
- QueueFake::bulk() — Method in class QueueFake
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- $ ViewErrorBag#bags — Property in class ViewErrorBag
The array of the view error bags.
- TestDatabases::bootTestDatabase() — Method in class TestDatabases
Boot a test database.
- ParallelTestingServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class ParallelTestingServiceProvider
Boot the application's service providers.
- $ TestResponse#baseResponse — Property in class TestResponse
The response to delegate to.
- BladeCompiler — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- $ ComponentTagCompiler#blade — Property in class ComponentTagCompiler
The Blade compiler instance.
- $ ComponentTagCompiler#boundAttributes — Property in class ComponentTagCompiler
The "bind:" attributes that have been compiled for the current component.
- ManagesEvents::buildClassEventCallback() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Build a class based container callback Closure.
- DynamicComponent::bindings() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Get the names of the variables that should be bound to the component.
- $ Gate#container — Property in class Gate
The container instance.
- Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::canBeCalledWithUser() — Method in class Gate
Determine whether the callback/method can be called with the given user.
- Gate::callbackAllowsGuests() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the callback allows guests.
- Gate::callAuthCallback() — Method in class Gate
Resolve and call the appropriate authorization callback.
- Gate::callBeforeCallbacks() — Method in class Gate
Call all of the before callbacks and return if a result is given.
- Gate::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class Gate
Call all of the after callbacks with check result.
- Gate::callPolicyBefore() — Method in class Gate
Call the "before" method on the given policy, if applicable.
- Gate::callPolicyMethod() — Method in class Gate
Call the appropriate method on the given policy.
- $ Response#code — Property in class Response
The response code.
- Response::code() — Method in class Response
Get the response code / reason.
- $ AuthManager#customCreators — Property in class AuthManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- AuthManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class AuthManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- AuthManager::createSessionDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Create a session based authentication guard.
- AuthManager::createTokenDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Create a token based authentication guard.
- ClearResetsCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Console
- CreatesUserProviders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $ CreatesUserProviders#customProviderCreators — Property in class CreatesUserProviders
The registered custom provider creators.
- CreatesUserProviders::createUserProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Create the user provider implementation for the driver.
- CreatesUserProviders::createDatabaseProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Create an instance of the database user provider.
- CreatesUserProviders::createEloquentProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Create an instance of the Eloquent user provider.
- $ DatabaseUserProvider#conn — Property in class DatabaseUserProvider
The active database connection.
- EloquentUserProvider::createModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Create a new instance of the model.
- $ Attempting#credentials — Property in class Attempting
The credentials for the user.
- CurrentDeviceLogout — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- $ Failed#credentials — Property in class Failed
The credentials provided by the attempter.
- GuardHelpers::check() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Determine if the current user is authenticated.
- $ ResetPassword#createUrlCallback — Property in class ResetPassword
The callback that should be used to create the reset password URL.
- ResetPassword::createUrlUsing() — Method in class ResetPassword
Set a callback that should be used when creating the reset password button URL.
- $ VerifyEmail#createUrlCallback — Property in class VerifyEmail
The callback that should be used to create the verify email URL.
- VerifyEmail::createUrlUsing() — Method in class VerifyEmail
Set a callback that should be used when creating the email verification URL.
- CanResetPassword — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- $ DatabaseTokenRepository#connection — Property in class DatabaseTokenRepository
The database connection instance.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::create() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Create a new token record.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::createNewToken() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Create a new token for the user.
- PasswordBroker::createToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Create a new password reset token for the given user.
- PasswordBrokerManager::createTokenRepository() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Create a token repository instance based on the given configuration.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::create() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Create a new token.
- $ RequestGuard#callback — Property in class RequestGuard
The guard callback.
- $ SessionGuard#cookie — Property in class SessionGuard
The Illuminate cookie creator service.
- SessionGuard::createRecaller() — Method in class SessionGuard
Create a "remember me" cookie for a given ID.
- SessionGuard::clearUserDataFromStorage() — Method in class SessionGuard
Remove the user data from the session and cookies.
- SessionGuard::cycleRememberToken() — Method in class SessionGuard
Refresh the "remember me" token for the user.
- $ BroadcastManager#customCreators — Property in class BroadcastManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- BroadcastManager::connection() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get a driver instance.
- BroadcastManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- BroadcastManager::createPusherDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- BroadcastManager::createAblyDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- BroadcastManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- BroadcastManager::createLogDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- BroadcastManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- $ Broadcaster#channels — Property in class Broadcaster
The registered channel authenticators.
- $ Broadcaster#channelOptions — Property in class Broadcaster
The registered channel options.
- Broadcaster::channel() — Method in class Broadcaster
Register a channel authenticator.
- Broadcaster::channelNameMatchesPattern() — Method in class Broadcaster
Check if the channel name from the request matches a pattern from registered channels.
- $ RedisBroadcaster#connection — Property in class RedisBroadcaster
The Redis connection to use for broadcasting.
- Channel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- $ Batch#createdAt — Property in class Batch
The date indicating when the batch was created.
- $ Batch#cancelledAt — Property in class Batch
The date indicating when the batch was cancelled.
- Batch::cancel() — Method in class Batch
Cancel the batch.
- Batch::canceled() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has been cancelled.
- Batch::cancelled() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has been cancelled.
- BatchRepository::cancel() — Method in class BatchRepository
Cancel the batch that has the given ID.
- $ DatabaseBatchRepository#connection — Property in class DatabaseBatchRepository
The database connection instance.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::cancel() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Cancel the batch that has the given ID.
- $ Dispatcher#container — Property in class Dispatcher
The container implementation.
- Dispatcher::chain() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a new chain of queueable jobs.
- Dispatcher::commandShouldBeQueued() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the given command should be queued.
- $ PendingBatch#container — Property in class PendingBatch
The IoC container instance.
- PendingBatch::catch() — Method in class PendingBatch
Add a callback to be executed after the first failing job in the batch.
- PendingBatch::catchCallbacks() — Method in class PendingBatch
Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.
- PendingBatch::connection() — Method in class PendingBatch
Get the connection used by the pending batch.
- $ Queueable#connection — Property in class Queueable
The name of the connection the job should be sent to.
- $ Queueable#chainConnection — Property in class Queueable
The name of the connection the chain should be sent to.
- $ Queueable#chainQueue — Property in class Queueable
The name of the queue the chain should be sent to.
- $ Queueable#chainCatchCallbacks — Property in class Queueable
The callbacks to be executed on chain failure.
- $ Queueable#chained — Property in class Queueable
The jobs that should run if this job is successful.
- Queueable::chain() — Method in class Queueable
Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.
- $ UniqueLock#cache — Property in class UniqueLock
The cache repository implementation.
- ArrayStore::calculateExpiration() — Method in class ArrayStore
Get the expiration time of the key.
- CacheLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- CacheManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ CacheManager#customCreators — Property in class CacheManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- CacheManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class CacheManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- CacheManager::createApcDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the APC cache driver.
- CacheManager::createArrayDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the array cache driver.
- CacheManager::createFileDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the file cache driver.
- CacheManager::createMemcachedDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the Memcached cache driver.
- CacheManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the Null cache driver.
- CacheManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the Redis cache driver.
- CacheManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the database cache driver.
- CacheManager::createDynamodbDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the DynamoDB cache driver.
- CacheServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- CacheTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
- $ CacheTableCommand#composer — Property in class CacheTableCommand
- CacheTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class CacheTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the table.
- ClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
- $ ClearCommand#cache — Property in class ClearCommand
The cache manager instance.
- ClearCommand::cache() — Method in class ClearCommand
Get the cache instance for the command.
- $ ForgetCommand#cache — Property in class ForgetCommand
The cache manager instance.
- $ DatabaseLock#connection — Property in class DatabaseLock
The database connection instance.
- $ DatabaseStore#connection — Property in class DatabaseStore
The database connection instance.
- CacheEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- CacheHit — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- CacheMissed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- MemcachedConnector::connect() — Method in class MemcachedConnector
Create a new Memcached connection.
- MemcachedConnector::createMemcachedInstance() — Method in class MemcachedConnector
Create the Memcached instance.
- MemcachedStore::calculateExpiration() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Get the expiration time of the key.
- $ RateLimiter#cache — Property in class RateLimiter
The cache store implementation.
- RateLimiter::clear() — Method in class RateLimiter
Clear the hits and lockout timer for the given key.
- RateLimiter::cleanRateLimiterKey() — Method in class RateLimiter
Clean the rate limiter key from unicode characters.
- $ RedisStore#connection — Property in class RedisStore
The Redis connection instance that should be used to manage locks.
- RedisStore::connection() — Method in class RedisStore
Get the Redis connection instance.
- Repository::clear() — Method in class Repository
- {@inheritdoc}
- Application::call() — Method in class Application
Run an Artisan console command by name.
- Command — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Command::configureUsingFluentDefinition() — Method in class Command
Configure the console command using a fluent definition.
- CallsCommands — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
- CallsCommands::call() — Method in class CallsCommands
Call another console command.
- CallsCommands::callSilent() — Method in class CallsCommands
Call another console command without output.
- CallsCommands::callSilently() — Method in class CallsCommands
Call another console command without output.
- CallsCommands::createInputFromArguments() — Method in class CallsCommands
Create an input instance from the given arguments.
- CallsCommands::context() — Method in class CallsCommands
Get all of the context passed to the command.
- CreatesMatchingTest — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
- InteractsWithIO::confirm() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Confirm a question with the user.
- InteractsWithIO::choice() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.
- InteractsWithIO::comment() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string as comment output.
- ConfirmableTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- ConfirmableTrait::confirmToProceed() — Method in class ConfirmableTrait
Confirm before proceeding with the action.
- CommandFinished — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- $ CommandFinished#command — Property in class CommandFinished
The command name.
- CommandStarting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- $ CommandStarting#command — Property in class CommandStarting
The command name.
- CacheAware — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- CacheEventMutex — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ CacheEventMutex#cache — Property in class CacheEventMutex
The cache repository implementation.
- CacheEventMutex::create() — Method in class CacheEventMutex
Attempt to obtain an event mutex for the given event.
- CacheSchedulingMutex — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ CacheSchedulingMutex#cache — Property in class CacheSchedulingMutex
The cache factory implementation.
- CacheSchedulingMutex::create() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex
Attempt to obtain a scheduling mutex for the given event.
- CallbackEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ CallbackEvent#callback — Property in class CallbackEvent
The callback to call.
- CommandBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ Event#command — Property in class Event
The command string.
- Event::callBeforeCallbacks() — Method in class Event
Call all of the "before" callbacks for the event.
- Event::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class Event
Call all of the "after" callbacks for the event.
- Event::callAfterCallbacksWithExitCode() — Method in class Event
Call all of the "after" callbacks for the event.
- EventMutex::create() — Method in class EventMutex
Attempt to obtain an event mutex for the given event.
- ManagesFrequencies::cron() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
The Cron expression representing the event's frequency.
- Schedule::call() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new callback event to the schedule.
- Schedule::command() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new Artisan command event to the schedule.
- Schedule::compileParameters() — Method in class Schedule
Compile parameters for a command.
- Schedule::compileArrayInput() — Method in class Schedule
Compile array input for a command.
- SchedulingMutex::create() — Method in class SchedulingMutex
Attempt to obtain a scheduling mutex for the given event.
- BoundMethod::call() — Method in class BoundMethod
Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
- BoundMethod::callClass() — Method in class BoundMethod
Call a string reference to a class using Class@method syntax.
- BoundMethod::callBoundMethod() — Method in class BoundMethod
Call a method that has been bound to the container.
- Container — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- $ Container#contextual — Property in class Container
The contextual binding map.
- Container::callMethodBinding() — Method in class Container
Get the method binding for the given method.
- Container::call() — Method in class Container
Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
- ContextualBindingBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- $ ContextualBindingBuilder#container — Property in class ContextualBindingBuilder
The underlying container instance.
- $ ContextualBindingBuilder#concrete — Property in class ContextualBindingBuilder
The concrete instance.
- $ RewindableGenerator#count — Property in class RewindableGenerator
The number of tagged services.
- RewindableGenerator::count() — Method in class RewindableGenerator
Get the total number of tagged services.
- Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity has a given ability.
- Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
- CanResetPassword — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Guard::check() — Method in class Guard
Determine if the current user is authenticated.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Get a broadcaster implementation by name.
- Application::call() — Method in class Application
Run an Artisan console command by name.
- Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel
Run an Artisan console command by name.
- CircularDependencyException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Container — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Container::call() — Method in class Container
Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
- ContextualBindingBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Castable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- Castable::castUsing() — Method in class Castable
Get the name of the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- CastsAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- CastsInboundAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- $ ModelIdentifier#class — Property in class ModelIdentifier
The class name of the model.
- $ ModelIdentifier#connection — Property in class ModelIdentifier
The connection name of the model.
- Cloud — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a file to a new location.
- Application::configPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the application configuration files.
- CachesConfiguration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- CachesConfiguration::configurationIsCached() — Method in class CachesConfiguration
Determine if the application configuration is cached.
- CachesRoutes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- Hasher::check() — Method in class Hasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- Mailable::cc() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Factory::channel() — Method in class Factory
Get a channel instance by name.
- CursorPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
- CursorPaginator::cursor() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get the current cursor being paginated.
- Paginator::currentPage() — Method in class Paginator
Determine the current page being paginated.
- ClearableQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- ClearableQueue::clear() — Method in class ClearableQueue
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Resolve a queue connection instance.
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
- Connection::command() — Method in class Connection
Run a command against the Redis database.
- Connector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
- Connector::connect() — Method in class Connector
Create a connection to a Redis cluster.
- Connector::connectToCluster() — Method in class Connector
Create a connection to a Redis instance.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Get a Redis connection by name.
- UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the current URL for the request.
- CanBeEscapedWhenCastToString — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator
Get a translation according to an integer value.
- Factory::composer() — Method in class Factory
Register a view composer event.
- Factory::creator() — Method in class Factory
Register a view creator event.
- CookieJar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
- CookieServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
- CookieValuePrefix — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
- CookieValuePrefix::create() — Method in class CookieValuePrefix
Create a new cookie value prefix for the given cookie name.
- $ AddQueuedCookiesToResponse#cookies — Property in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse
The cookie jar instance.
- Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager
Get a connection instance from the global manager.
- ClassMorphViolationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- BuildsQueries::chunk() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Chunk the results of the query.
- BuildsQueries::chunkMap() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Run a map over each item while chunking.
- BuildsQueries::chunkById() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Chunk the results of a query by comparing IDs.
- BuildsQueries::cursorPaginator() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Create a new cursor paginator instance.
- ManagesTransactions::createTransaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Create a transaction within the database.
- ManagesTransactions::createSavepoint() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Create a save point within the database.
- ManagesTransactions::commit() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Commit the active database transaction.
- ConfigurationUrlParser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- $ Connection#config — Property in class Connection
The database connection configuration options.
- Connection::cursor() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator.
- ConnectionInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- ConnectionInterface::cursor() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator.
- ConnectionInterface::commit() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Commit the active database transaction.
- ConnectionResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- $ ConnectionResolver#connections — Property in class ConnectionResolver
All of the registered connections.
- ConnectionResolver::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Get a database connection instance.
- ConnectionResolverInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- ConnectionResolverInterface::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
Get a database connection instance.
- ConnectionFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- $ ConnectionFactory#container — Property in class ConnectionFactory
The IoC container instance.
- ConnectionFactory::createSingleConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a single database connection instance.
- ConnectionFactory::createReadWriteConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a read / write database connection instance.
- ConnectionFactory::createReadPdo() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new PDO instance for reading.
- ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolver() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance.
- ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolverWithHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance with a specific host or an array of hosts.
- ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolverWithoutHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance where there is no configured host.
- ConnectionFactory::createConnector() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a connector instance based on the configuration.
- ConnectionFactory::createConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new connection instance.
- Connector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- Connector::createConnection() — Method in class Connector
Create a new PDO connection.
- Connector::createPdoConnection() — Method in class Connector
Create a new PDO connection instance.
- ConnectorInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface
Establish a database connection.
- MySqlConnector::connect() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Establish a database connection.
- MySqlConnector::configureIsolationLevel() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Set the connection transaction isolation level.
- MySqlConnector::configureEncoding() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Set the connection character set and collation.
- MySqlConnector::configureTimezone() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Set the timezone on the connection.
- PostgresConnector::connect() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Establish a database connection.
- PostgresConnector::configureIsolationLevel() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the connection transaction isolation level.
- PostgresConnector::configureEncoding() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the connection character set and collation.
- PostgresConnector::configureTimezone() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the timezone on the connection.
- PostgresConnector::configureSchema() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the schema on the connection.
- PostgresConnector::configureApplicationName() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the schema on the connection.
- PostgresConnector::configureSynchronousCommit() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Configure the synchronous_commit setting.
- SQLiteConnector::connect() — Method in class SQLiteConnector
Establish a database connection.
- SqlServerConnector::connect() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Establish a database connection.
- DbCommand::commandArguments() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the arguments for the database client command.
- DbCommand::commandEnvironment() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the environment variables for the database client command.
- $ MigrateMakeCommand#creator — Property in class MigrateMakeCommand
The migration creator instance.
- $ MigrateMakeCommand#composer — Property in class MigrateMakeCommand
The Composer instance.
- $ DatabaseManager#connections — Property in class DatabaseManager
The active connection instances.
- DatabaseManager::connection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get a database connection instance.
- DatabaseManager::configuration() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get the configuration for a connection.
- DatabaseManager::configure() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Prepare the database connection instance.
- $ DatabaseTransactionRecord#connection — Property in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
The name of the database connection.
- $ DatabaseTransactionRecord#callbacks — Property in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
The callbacks that should be executed after committing.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::commit() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Commit the active database transaction.
- DetectsConcurrencyErrors::causedByConcurrencyError() — Method in class DetectsConcurrencyErrors
Determine if the given exception was caused by a concurrency error such as a deadlock or serialization failure.
- DetectsLostConnections::causedByLostConnection() — Method in class DetectsLostConnections
Determine if the given exception was caused by a lost connection.
- $ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#channels — Property in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The channels that the event should be broadcast on.
- $ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#connection — Property in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The queue connection that should be used to queue the broadcast job.
- Builder::cursor() — Method in class Builder
Get a lazy collection for the given query.
- Builder::cursorPaginate() — Method in class Builder
Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.
- Builder::create() — Method in class Builder
Save a new model and return the instance.
- Builder::callScope() — Method in class Builder
Apply the given scope on the current builder instance.
- Builder::callNamedScope() — Method in class Builder
Apply the given named scope on the current builder instance.
- Builder::createNestedWhere() — Method in class Builder
Create a where array with nested where conditions.
- Builder::createSelectWithConstraint() — Method in class Builder
Create a constraint to select the given columns for the relation.
- Builder::clone() — Method in class Builder
Clone the Eloquent query builder.
- ArrayObject::collect() — Method in class ArrayObject
Get a collection containing the underlying array.
- AsArrayObject::castUsing() — Method in class AsArrayObject
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsCollection::castUsing() — Method in class AsCollection
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsEncryptedArrayObject::castUsing() — Method in class AsEncryptedArrayObject
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsEncryptedCollection::castUsing() — Method in class AsEncryptedCollection
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsStringable::castUsing() — Method in class AsStringable
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- Collection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
Determine if a key exists in the collection.
- Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection
Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
- $ HasAttributes#changes — Property in class HasAttributes
The changed model attributes.
- $ HasAttributes#casts — Property in class HasAttributes
The attributes that should be cast.
- $ HasAttributes#classCastCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The attributes that have been cast using custom classes.
- HasAttributes::castAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Cast an attribute to a native PHP type.
- HasAttributes::castAttributeAsJson() — Method in class HasAttributes
Cast the given attribute to JSON.
- HasAttributes::castAttributeAsEncryptedString() — Method in class HasAttributes
Cast the given attribute to an encrypted string.
- HasAttributes::cacheMutatedAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes
Extract and cache all the mutated attributes of a class.
- HasEvents::creating() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a creating model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::created() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a created model event with the dispatcher.
- QueriesRelationships::canUseExistsForExistenceCheck() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Check if we can run an "exists" query to optimize performance.
- BelongsToManyRelationship::createFor() — Method in class BelongsToManyRelationship
Create the attached relationship for the given model.
- CrossJoinSequence — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- $ Factory#count — Property in class Factory
The number of models that should be generated.
- $ Factory#connection — Property in class Factory
The name of the database connection that will be used to create the models.
- Factory::configure() — Method in class Factory
Configure the factory.
- Factory::createOne() — Method in class Factory
Create a single model and persist it to the database.
- Factory::createOneQuietly() — Method in class Factory
Create a single model and persist it to the database.
- Factory::createMany() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.
- Factory::createManyQuietly() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.
- Factory::create() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.
- Factory::createQuietly() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.
- Factory::createChildren() — Method in class Factory
Create the children for the given model.
- Factory::crossJoinSequence() — Method in class Factory
Add a new cross joined sequenced state transformation to the model definition.
- Factory::callAfterMaking() — Method in class Factory
Call the "after making" callbacks for the given model instances.
- Factory::callAfterCreating() — Method in class Factory
Call the "after creating" callbacks for the given model instances.
- Factory::count() — Method in class Factory
Specify how many models should be generated.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Specify the database connection that should be used to generate models.
- Relationship::createFor() — Method in class Relationship
Create the child relationship for the given parent model.
- $ Sequence#count — Property in class Sequence
The count of the sequence items.
- Sequence::count() — Method in class Sequence
Get the current count of the sequence items.
- $ InvalidCastException#column — Property in class InvalidCastException
The name of the column.
- $ InvalidCastException#castType — Property in class InvalidCastException
The name of the cast type.
- $ Model#connection — Property in class Model
The connection name for the model.
- Model::clearBootedModels() — Method in class Model
Clear the list of booted models so they will be re-booted.
- Model::callNamedScope() — Method in class Model
Apply the given named scope if possible.
- $ BelongsTo#child — Property in class BelongsTo
The child model instance of the relation.
- BelongsToMany::cursorPaginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.
- BelongsToMany::chunk() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Chunk the results of the query.
- BelongsToMany::chunkById() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.
- BelongsToMany::cursor() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get a lazy collection for the given query.
- BelongsToMany::create() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create a new instance of the related model.
- BelongsToMany::createMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create an array of new instances of the related models.
- BelongsToMany::createdAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the name of the "created at" column.
- CanBeOneOfMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- ComparesRelatedModels — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- ComparesRelatedModels::compareKeys() — Method in class ComparesRelatedModels
Compare the parent key with the related key.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::castKeys() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Cast the given keys to integers if they are numeric and string otherwise.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::castKey() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Cast the given key to convert to primary key type.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::castAttributes() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Cast the given pivot attributes.
- HasManyThrough::cursorPaginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.
- HasManyThrough::chunk() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Chunk the results of the query.
- HasManyThrough::chunkById() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.
- HasManyThrough::cursor() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get a generator for the given query.
- HasOneOrMany::create() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a new instance of the related model.
- HasOneOrMany::createMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a Collection of new instances of the related model.
- MorphTo::createModelByType() — Method in class MorphTo
Create a new model instance by type.
- MorphTo::constrain() — Method in class MorphTo
Specify constraints on the query for a given morph type.
- $ Relation#constraints — Property in class Relation
Indicates if the relation is adding constraints.
- Relation::createdAt() — Method in class Relation
Get the name of the "created at" column.
- ConnectionEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- $ ConnectionEvent#connectionName — Property in class ConnectionEvent
The name of the connection.
- $ ConnectionEvent#connection — Property in class ConnectionEvent
The database connection instance.
- $ ModelsPruned#count — Property in class ModelsPruned
The number of pruned records.
- $ QueryExecuted#connection — Property in class QueryExecuted
The database connection instance.
- $ QueryExecuted#connectionName — Property in class QueryExecuted
The database connection name.
- $ SchemaDumped#connection — Property in class SchemaDumped
The database connection instance.
- $ SchemaDumped#connectionName — Property in class SchemaDumped
The database connection name.
- $ SchemaLoaded#connection — Property in class SchemaLoaded
The database connection instance.
- $ SchemaLoaded#connectionName — Property in class SchemaLoaded
The database connection name.
- $ StatementPrepared#connection — Property in class StatementPrepared
The database connection instance.
- Grammar::columnize() — Method in class Grammar
Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.
- $ MigrationServiceProvider#commands — Property in class MigrationServiceProvider
The commands to be registered.
- $ DatabaseMigrationRepository#connection — Property in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
The name of the database connection to use.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::createRepository() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Create the migration repository data store.
- $ Migration#connection — Property in class Migration
The name of the database connection to use.
- $ MigrationCreator#customStubPath — Property in class MigrationCreator
The custom app stubs directory.
- MigrationCreator::create() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Create a new migration at the given path.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::createRepository() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Create the migration repository data store.
- $ Migrator#connection — Property in class Migrator
The name of the default connection.
- ConnectsToDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO\Concerns
- ConnectsToDatabase::connect() — Method in class ConnectsToDatabase
Create a new database connection.
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO
- $ Connection#connection — Property in class Connection
The underlying PDO connection.
- Connection::createStatement() — Method in class Connection
Create a new statement instance.
- Connection::commit() — Method in class Connection
Commit a database transaction.
- $ SqlServerConnection#connection — Property in class SqlServerConnection
The underlying connection instance.
- SqlServerConnection::commit() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Commit a database transaction.
- SqlServerDriver::connect() — Method in class SqlServerDriver
- $ Builder#connection — Property in class Builder
The database connection instance.
- $ Builder#columns — Property in class Builder
The columns that should be returned.
- Builder::createSub() — Method in class Builder
Creates a subquery and parse it.
- Builder::crossJoin() — Method in class Builder
Add a "cross join" clause to the query.
- Builder::crossJoinSub() — Method in class Builder
Add a subquery cross join to the query.
- Builder::cursorPaginate() — Method in class Builder
Get a paginator only supporting simple next and previous links.
- Builder::cloneForPaginationCount() — Method in class Builder
Clone the existing query instance for usage in a pagination subquery.
- Builder::cursor() — Method in class Builder
Get a lazy collection for the given query.
- Builder::count() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the "count" result of the query.
- Builder::castBinding() — Method in class Builder
Cast the given binding value.
- Builder::cleanBindings() — Method in class Builder
Remove all of the expressions from a list of bindings.
- Builder::clone() — Method in class Builder
Clone the query.
- Builder::cloneWithout() — Method in class Builder
Clone the query without the given properties.
- Builder::cloneWithoutBindings() — Method in class Builder
Clone the query without the given bindings.
- Grammar::compileSelect() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a select query into SQL.
- Grammar::compileComponents() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the components necessary for a select clause.
- Grammar::compileAggregate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an aggregated select clause.
- Grammar::compileColumns() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "select *" portion of the query.
- Grammar::compileFrom() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "from" portion of the query.
- Grammar::compileJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "join" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileWheres() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "where" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileWheresToArray() — Method in class Grammar
Get an array of all the where clauses for the query.
- Grammar::concatenateWhereClauses() — Method in class Grammar
Format the where clause statements into one string.
- Grammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileGroups() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "group by" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileHavings() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "having" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileHaving() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a single having clause.
- Grammar::compileBasicHaving() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a basic having clause.
- Grammar::compileHavingBetween() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "between" having clause.
- Grammar::compileOrders() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "order by" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileOrdersToArray() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the query orders to an array.
- Grammar::compileRandom() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the random statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileLimit() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "limit" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileOffset() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "offset" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileUnions() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "union" queries attached to the main query.
- Grammar::compileUnion() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a single union statement.
- Grammar::compileUnionAggregate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a union aggregate query into SQL.
- Grammar::compileExists() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an exists statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsert() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsertUsing() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert statement using a subquery into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the columns for an update statement.
- Grammar::compileUpdateWithoutJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an update statement without joins into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpdateWithJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an update statement with joins into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileDelete() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a delete statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a delete statement without joins into SQL.
- Grammar::compileDeleteWithJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a delete statement with joins into SQL.
- Grammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileLock() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- Grammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.
- Grammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.
- Grammar::concatenate() — Method in class Grammar
Concatenate an array of segments, removing empties.
- MySqlGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileRandom() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the random statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileInsert() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an insert statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the columns for an update statement.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileJsonUpdateColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Prepare a JSON column being updated using the JSON_SET function.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUpdateWithoutJoins() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an update statement without joins into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a delete query that does not use joins.
- PostgresGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the "select *" portion of the query.
- PostgresGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileHaving() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a single having clause.
- PostgresGrammar::compileHavingBitwise() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a having clause involving a bitwise operator.
- PostgresGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the columns for an update statement.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileJsonUpdateColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Prepares a JSON column being updated using the JSONB_SET function.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateFrom() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an update from statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateWheres() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the additional where clauses for updates with joins.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateJoinWheres() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the "join" clause where clauses for an update.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a delete statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the columns for an update statement.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonPatch() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "JSON" patch statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a delete statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSelect() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a select query into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the "select *" portion of the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileFrom() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the "from" portion of the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileHaving() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a single having clause.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileHavingBitwise() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a having clause involving a bitwise operator.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileAnsiOffset() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create a full ANSI offset clause for the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileOver() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the over statement for a table expression.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileTableExpression() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a common table expression for a query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRowConstraint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the limit / offset row constraint for a query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a delete statement without joins into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRandom() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the random statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileLimit() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the "limit" portions of the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileOffset() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the "offset" portions of the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile an exists statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoins() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile an update statement with joins into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.
- $ Blueprint#columns — Property in class Blueprint
The columns that should be added to the table.
- $ Blueprint#commands — Property in class Blueprint
The commands that should be run for the table.
- $ Blueprint#charset — Property in class Blueprint
The default character set that should be used for the table.
- $ Blueprint#collation — Property in class Blueprint
The collation that should be used for the table.
- Blueprint::commandsNamed() — Method in class Blueprint
Get all of the commands matching the given names.
- Blueprint::creating() — Method in class Blueprint
Determine if the blueprint has a create command.
- Blueprint::create() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table needs to be created.
- Blueprint::char() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new char column on the table.
- Blueprint::computed() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new generated, computed column on the table.
- Blueprint::createIndexName() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a default index name for the table.
- Blueprint::createCommand() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new Fluent command.
- $ Builder#connection — Property in class Builder
The database connection instance.
- Builder::createDatabase() — Method in class Builder
Create a database in the schema.
- Builder::create() — Method in class Builder
Create a new table on the schema.
- Builder::createBlueprint() — Method in class Builder
Create a new command set with a Closure.
- ColumnDefinition — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- ColumnDefinition::change() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Change the column
- ColumnDefinition::charset() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::collation() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::comment() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ForeignIdColumnDefinition::constrained() — Method in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition
Create a foreign key constraint on this column referencing the "id" column of the conventionally related table.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::cascadeOnUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Indicate that updates should cascade.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::cascadeOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Indicate that deletes should cascade.
- ChangeColumn — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- ChangeColumn::compile() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
- ChangeColumn::calculateDoctrineTextLength() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Calculate the proper column length to force the Doctrine text type.
- Grammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a create database command.
- Grammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a drop database if exists command.
- Grammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a rename column command.
- Grammar::compileChange() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
- Grammar::compileFulltext() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a fulltext index key command.
- Grammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a drop fulltext index command.
- Grammar::compileForeign() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a foreign key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a create database command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop database if exists command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of tables.
- MySqlGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a create table command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreateTable() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the main create table clause.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreateEncoding() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Append the character set specifications to a command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreateEngine() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Append the engine specifications to a command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an add column command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileAutoIncrementStartingValues() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the auto-incrementing column starting values.
- MySqlGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileFullText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a fulltext index key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a spatial index key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileKey() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an index creation command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop fulltext index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop spatial index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a rename index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.
- MySqlGrammar::compileGetAllTables() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all table names.
- MySqlGrammar::compileGetAllViews() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all view names.
- MySqlGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
- PostgresGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a create database command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop database if exists command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- PostgresGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- PostgresGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a create table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a column addition command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileAutoIncrementStartingValues() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the auto-incrementing column starting values.
- PostgresGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileFulltext() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a fulltext index key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a spatial index key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a foreign key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all types.
- PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllTables() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all table names.
- PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllViews() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all view names.
- PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all type names.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop fulltext index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop spatial index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a rename index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
- PostgresGrammar::compileComment() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a comment command.
- RenameColumn::compile() — Method in class RenameColumn
Compile a rename column command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a create table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile alter table commands for adding columns.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a spatial index key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a foreign key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileRebuild() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to rebuild the database.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop spatial index command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a rename index command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileEnableWriteableSchema() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to enable a writable schema.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDisableWriteableSchema() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to disable a writable schema.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a create database command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop database if exists command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a create table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a column addition table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a spatial index key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropDefaultConstraint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop default constraint command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop spatial index command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a rename index command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllForeignKeys() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the command to drop all foreign keys.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the command to drop all views.
- MySqlBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Create a database in the schema.
- MySqlSchemaState::connectionString() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Generate a basic connection string (--socket, --host, --port, --user, --password) for the database.
- PostgresBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Create a database in the schema.
- SQLiteBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder
Create a database in the schema.
- $ SchemaState#connection — Property in class SchemaState
The connection instance.
- SqlServerBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder
Create a database in the schema.
- $ Seeder#container — Property in class Seeder
The container instance.
- $ Seeder#command — Property in class Seeder
The console command instance.
- Seeder::call() — Method in class Seeder
Run the given seeder class.
- Seeder::callWith() — Method in class Seeder
Run the given seeder class.
- Seeder::callSilent() — Method in class Seeder
Silently run the given seeder class.
- $ Encrypter#cipher — Property in class Encrypter
The algorithm used for encryption.
- CallQueuedListener — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- $ CallQueuedListener#class — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The listener class name.
- $ Dispatcher#container — Property in class Dispatcher
The IoC container instance.
- Dispatcher::createClassListener() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a class based listener using the IoC container.
- Dispatcher::createClassCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create the class based event callable.
- Dispatcher::createQueuedHandlerCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a callable for putting an event handler on the queue.
- Dispatcher::createCallbackForListenerRunningAfterCommits() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a callable for dispatching a listener after database transactions.
- Dispatcher::createListenerAndJob() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create the listener and job for a queued listener.
- $ QueuedClosure#closure — Property in class QueuedClosure
The underlying Closure.
- $ QueuedClosure#connection — Property in class QueuedClosure
The name of the connection the job should be sent to.
- $ QueuedClosure#catchCallbacks — Property in class QueuedClosure
All of the "catch" callbacks for the queued closure.
- QueuedClosure::catch() — Method in class QueuedClosure
Specify a callback that should be invoked if the queued listener job fails.
- Cache — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- Filesystem::chmod() — Method in class Filesystem
Get or set UNIX mode of a file or directory.
- Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a file to a new location.
- Filesystem::copyDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a directory from one location to another.
- Filesystem::cleanDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Empty the specified directory of all files and folders.
- FilesystemAdapter::copy() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Copy a file to a new location.
- FilesystemAdapter::concatPathToUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Concatenate a path to a URL.
- $ FilesystemManager#customCreators — Property in class FilesystemManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- FilesystemManager::cloud() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get a default cloud filesystem instance.
- FilesystemManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- FilesystemManager::createLocalDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the local driver.
- FilesystemManager::createFtpDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the ftp driver.
- FilesystemManager::createSftpDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the sftp driver.
- FilesystemManager::createS3Driver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the Amazon S3 driver.
- FilesystemManager::createFlysystem() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create a Flysystem instance with the given adapter.
- FilesystemManager::createCacheStore() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create a cache store instance.
- LockableFile::createResource() — Method in class LockableFile
Create the file resource.
- LockableFile::close() — Method in class LockableFile
Close the file.
- Application::configPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the application configuration files.
- Application::configurationIsCached() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application configuration is cached.
- Application::currentLocale() — Method in class Application
Get the current application locale.
- Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity has the given abilities.
- Authorizable::canAny() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity has any of the given abilities.
- Authorizable::cant() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity does not have the given abilities.
- Authorizable::cannot() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity does not have the given abilities.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables::checkForSpecificEnvironmentFile() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables
Detect if a custom environment file matching the APP_ENV exists.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables::createDotenv() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables
Create a Dotenv instance.
- $ PendingChain#chain — Property in class PendingChain
The jobs to be chained.
- $ PendingChain#connection — Property in class PendingChain
The name of the connection the chain should be sent to.
- $ PendingChain#catchCallbacks — Property in class PendingChain
The callbacks to be executed on failure.
- PendingChain::catch() — Method in class PendingChain
Add a callback to be executed on job failure.
- PendingChain::catchCallbacks() — Method in class PendingChain
Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered.
- PendingClosureDispatch::catch() — Method in class PendingClosureDispatch
Add a callback to be executed if the job fails.
- PendingDispatch::chain() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.
- ComposerScripts — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- ComposerScripts::clearCompiled() — Method in class ComposerScripts
Clear the cached Laravel bootstrapping files.
- CastMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ChannelMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ClearCompiledCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ClosureCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ ClosureCommand#callback — Property in class ClosureCommand
The command callback.
- ComponentMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConfigCacheCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConfigClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConsoleMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ Kernel#commands — Property in class Kernel
The Artisan commands provided by the application.
- $ Kernel#commandsLoaded — Property in class Kernel
Indicates if the Closure commands have been loaded.
- Kernel::commands() — Method in class Kernel
Register the commands for the application.
- Kernel::command() — Method in class Kernel
Register a Closure based command with the application.
- Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel
Run an Artisan console command by name.
- ModelMakeCommand::createFactory() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a model factory for the model.
- ModelMakeCommand::createMigration() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a migration file for the model.
- ModelMakeCommand::createSeeder() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a seeder file for the model.
- ModelMakeCommand::createController() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a controller for the model.
- ModelMakeCommand::createPolicy() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a policy file for the model.
- ResourceMakeCommand::collection() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand
Determine if the command is generating a resource collection.
- $ RouteListCommand#compactColumns — Property in class RouteListCommand
The columns to display when using the "compact" flag.
- ServeCommand::canTryAnotherPort() — Method in class ServeCommand
Check if the command has reached its max amount of port tries.
- VendorPublishCommand::createParentDirectory() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Create the directory to house the published files if needed.
- ViewCacheCommand::compileViews() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand
Compile the given view files.
- DiscoverEvents::classFromFile() — Method in class DiscoverEvents
Extract the class name from the given file path.
- $ Handler#container — Property in class Handler
The container implementation.
- Handler::context() — Method in class Handler
Get the default context variables for logging.
- Handler::convertValidationExceptionToResponse() — Method in class Handler
Create a response object from the given validation exception.
- Handler::convertExceptionToResponse() — Method in class Handler
Create a Symfony response for the given exception.
- Handler::convertExceptionToArray() — Method in class Handler
Convert the given exception to an array.
- $ ReportableHandler#callback — Property in class ReportableHandler
The underlying callback.
- $ FormRequest#container — Property in class FormRequest
The container instance.
- FormRequest::createDefaultValidator() — Method in class FormRequest
Create the default validator instance.
- MaintenanceModeBypassCookie::create() — Method in class MaintenanceModeBypassCookie
Create a new maintenance mode bypass cookie.
- CheckForMaintenanceMode — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- ConvertEmptyStringsToNull — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- TransformsRequest::clean() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Clean the request's data.
- TransformsRequest::cleanParameterBag() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Clean the data in the parameter bag.
- TransformsRequest::cleanArray() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Clean the data in the given array.
- TransformsRequest::cleanValue() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Clean the given value.
- PackageManifest::config() — Method in class PackageManifest
Get all of the values for all packages for the given configuration name.
- ProviderRepository::compileManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Compile the application service manifest file.
- ProviderRepository::createProvider() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Create a new provider instance.
- $ ArtisanServiceProvider#commands — Property in class ArtisanServiceProvider
The commands to be registered.
- ComposerServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- ConsoleSupportServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- InteractsWithDatabase::castAsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Cast a JSON string to a database compatible type.
- InteractsWithViews::component() — Method in class InteractsWithViews
Render the given view component.
- DatabaseTransactions::connectionsToTransact() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions
The database connections that should have transactions.
- RefreshDatabase::connectionsToTransact() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
The database connections that should have transactions.
- $ TestCase#callbackException — Property in class TestCase
The exception thrown while running an application destruction callback.
- TestCase::createApplication() — Method in class TestCase
Creates the application.
- TestCase::callBeforeApplicationDestroyedCallbacks() — Method in class TestCase
Execute the application's pre-destruction callbacks.
- CanConfigureMigrationCommands — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Traits
- AbstractHasher::check() — Method in class AbstractHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- Argon2IdHasher::check() — Method in class Argon2IdHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- ArgonHasher::check() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- BcryptHasher::check() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- BcryptHasher::cost() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Extract the cost value from the options array.
- HashManager::createBcryptDriver() — Method in class HashManager
Create an instance of the Bcrypt hash Driver.
- HashManager::createArgonDriver() — Method in class HashManager
Create an instance of the Argon2i hash Driver.
- HashManager::createArgon2idDriver() — Method in class HashManager
Create an instance of the Argon2id hash Driver.
- HashManager::check() — Method in class HashManager
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- ConnectionException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- ConnectionFailed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client\Events
- Factory::contentType() — Method in class Factory
- $ PendingRequest#client — Property in class PendingRequest
The Guzzle client instance.
- $ PendingRequest#cookies — Property in class PendingRequest
The request cookies.
- PendingRequest::contentType() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the request's content type.
- PendingRequest::createClient() — Method in class PendingRequest
Create new Guzzle client.
- Response::collect() — Method in class Response
Get the JSON decoded body of the response as a collection.
- Response::clientError() — Method in class Response
Determine if the response indicates a client error occurred.
- Response::cookies() — Method in class Response
Get the response cookies.
- Response::close() — Method in class Response
Close the stream and any underlying resources.
- InteractsWithInput::collect() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input from the request as a collection.
- InteractsWithInput::cookie() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve a cookie from the request.
- InteractsWithInput::convertUploadedFiles() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Convert the given array of Symfony UploadedFiles to custom Laravel UploadedFiles.
- CheckResponseForModifications — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- $ Request#convertedFiles — Property in class Request
All of the converted files for the request.
- Request::capture() — Method in class Request
Create a new Illuminate HTTP request from server variables.
- Request::createFrom() — Method in class Request
Create a new request instance from the given Laravel request.
- Request::createFromBase() — Method in class Request
Create an Illuminate request from a Symfony instance.
- CollectsResources — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
- CollectsResources::collectResource() — Method in class CollectsResources
Map the given collection resource into its individual resources.
- CollectsResources::collects() — Method in class CollectsResources
Get the resource that this resource collects.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
- $ AnonymousResourceCollection#collects — Property in class AnonymousResourceCollection
The name of the resource being collected.
- JsonResource::collection() — Method in class JsonResource
Create a new anonymous resource collection.
- $ ResourceCollection#collects — Property in class ResourceCollection
The resource that this resource collects.
- $ ResourceCollection#collection — Property in class ResourceCollection
The mapped collection instance.
- ResourceCollection::count() — Method in class ResourceCollection
Return the count of items in the resource collection.
- ResourceResponse::calculateStatus() — Method in class ResourceResponse
Calculate the appropriate status code for the response.
- ResponseTrait::content() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Get the content of the response.
- ResponseTrait::cookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Add a cookie to the response.
- File::create() — Method in class File
Create a new fake file.
- File::createWithContent() — Method in class File
Create a new fake file with content.
- FileFactory::create() — Method in class FileFactory
Create a new fake file.
- FileFactory::createWithContent() — Method in class FileFactory
Create a new fake file with content.
- UploadedFile::clientExtension() — Method in class UploadedFile
Get the file's extension supplied by the client.
- UploadedFile::createFromBase() — Method in class UploadedFile
Create a new file instance from a base instance.
- $ MessageLogged#context — Property in class MessageLogged
The log context.
- $ LogManager#channels — Property in class LogManager
The array of resolved channels.
- $ LogManager#customCreators — Property in class LogManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- LogManager::channel() — Method in class LogManager
Get a log channel instance.
- LogManager::createEmergencyLogger() — Method in class LogManager
Create an emergency log handler to avoid white screens of death.
- LogManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class LogManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- LogManager::createCustomDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create a custom log driver instance.
- LogManager::createStackDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an aggregate log driver instance.
- LogManager::createSingleDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the single file log driver.
- LogManager::createDailyDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the daily file log driver.
- LogManager::createSlackDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the Slack log driver.
- LogManager::createSyslogDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the syslog log driver.
- LogManager::createErrorlogDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the "error log" log driver.
- LogManager::createMonologDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of any handler available in Monolog.
- LogManager::configurationFor() — Method in class LogManager
Get the log connection configuration.
- LogManager::critical() — Method in class LogManager
Critical conditions.
- $ Logger#context — Property in class Logger
Any context to be added to logs.
- Logger::critical() — Method in class Logger
Log a critical message to the logs.
- $ MailManager#customCreators — Property in class MailManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- MailManager::createSwiftMailer() — Method in class MailManager
Create the SwiftMailer instance for the given configuration.
- MailManager::createTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create a new transport instance.
- MailManager::createSmtpTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the SMTP Swift Transport driver.
- MailManager::configureSmtpTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Configure the additional SMTP driver options.
- MailManager::createSendmailTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Sendmail Swift Transport driver.
- MailManager::createSesTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Amazon SES Swift Transport driver.
- MailManager::createMailTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Mail Swift Transport driver.
- MailManager::createMailgunTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Mailgun Swift Transport driver.
- MailManager::createPostmarkTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Postmark Swift Transport driver.
- MailManager::createFailoverTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Failover Swift Transport driver.
- MailManager::createLogTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Log Swift Transport driver.
- MailManager::createArrayTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Array Swift Transport Driver.
- $ Mailable#cc — Property in class Mailable
The "cc" recipients of the message.
- $ Mailable#callbacks — Property in class Mailable
The callbacks for the message.
- Mailable::cc() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Mailer::cc() — Method in class Mailer
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- Mailer::createMessage() — Method in class Mailer
Create a new message instance.
- $ Markdown#componentPaths — Property in class Markdown
The registered component paths.
- Markdown::componentPaths() — Method in class Markdown
Get the component paths.
- Message::cc() — Method in class Message
Add a carbon copy to the message.
- Message::createAttachmentFromPath() — Method in class Message
Create a Swift Attachment instance.
- Message::createAttachmentFromData() — Method in class Message
Create a Swift Attachment instance from data.
- $ PendingMail#cc — Property in class PendingMail
The "cc" recipients of the message.
- PendingMail::cc() — Method in class PendingMail
Set the recipients of the message.
- $ MailgunTransport#client — Property in class MailgunTransport
Guzzle client instance.
- ChannelManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- ChannelManager::channel() — Method in class ChannelManager
Get a channel instance.
- ChannelManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Create an instance of the database driver.
- ChannelManager::createBroadcastDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Create an instance of the broadcast driver.
- ChannelManager::createMailDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Create an instance of the mail driver.
- ChannelManager::createDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Create a new driver instance.
- $ NotificationTableCommand#composer — Property in class NotificationTableCommand
- NotificationTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class NotificationTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the notifications.
- $ DatabaseNotification#casts — Property in class DatabaseNotification
The attributes that should be cast to native types.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::channelName() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Get the broadcast channel name for the event.
- $ NotificationFailed#channel — Property in class NotificationFailed
The channel name.
- $ NotificationSending#channel — Property in class NotificationSending
The channel name.
- $ NotificationSent#channel — Property in class NotificationSent
The channel name.
- $ MailMessage#cc — Property in class MailMessage
The "cc" information for the message.
- $ MailMessage#callbacks — Property in class MailMessage
The callbacks for the message.
- MailMessage::cc() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the cc address for the mail message.
- $ SendQueuedNotifications#channels — Property in class SendQueuedNotifications
All of the channels to send the notification to.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#cursorName — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The cursor string variable used to store the page.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#cursor — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The current cursor.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#currentCursorResolver — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The current cursor resolver callback.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::cursor() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the current cursor being paginated.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::currentCursorResolver() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Set the current cursor resolver callback.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::count() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the number of items for the current page.
- $ AbstractPaginator#currentPage — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The current page being "viewed".
- $ AbstractPaginator#currentPathResolver — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The current path resolver callback.
- $ AbstractPaginator#currentPageResolver — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The current page resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the current page.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPathResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the current request path resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPageResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the current page resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::count() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of items for the current page.
- Cursor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- CursorPaginationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- CursorPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- UrlWindow::currentPage() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the current page from the paginator.
- $ Hub#container — Property in class Hub
The container implementation.
- $ Pipeline#container — Property in class Pipeline
The container implementation.
- Pipeline::carry() — Method in class Pipeline
Get a Closure that represents a slice of the application onion.
- CallQueuedClosure — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ CallQueuedClosure#closure — Property in class CallQueuedClosure
The serializable Closure instance.
- CallQueuedClosure::create() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure
Create a new job instance.
- CallQueuedHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ CallQueuedHandler#container — Property in class CallQueuedHandler
The container instance.
- CallQueuedHandler::call() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Handle the queued job.
- Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager
Get a connection instance from the global manager.
- BeanstalkdConnector::connect() — Method in class BeanstalkdConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- ConnectorInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface
Establish a queue connection.
- $ DatabaseConnector#connections — Property in class DatabaseConnector
Database connections.
- DatabaseConnector::connect() — Method in class DatabaseConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- NullConnector::connect() — Method in class NullConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- $ RedisConnector#connection — Property in class RedisConnector
The connection name.
- RedisConnector::connect() — Method in class RedisConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- SqsConnector::connect() — Method in class SqsConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- SyncConnector::connect() — Method in class SyncConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- $ BatchesTableCommand#composer — Property in class BatchesTableCommand
- BatchesTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class BatchesTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the table.
- ClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- $ FailedTableCommand#composer — Property in class FailedTableCommand
- FailedTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the table.
- $ RestartCommand#cache — Property in class RestartCommand
The cache store implementation.
- $ TableCommand#composer — Property in class TableCommand
- TableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class TableCommand
Create a base migration file for the table.
- $ WorkCommand#cache — Property in class WorkCommand
The cache store implementation.
- DatabaseQueue::clear() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
- $ JobExceptionOccurred#connectionName — Property in class JobExceptionOccurred
The connection name.
- $ JobFailed#connectionName — Property in class JobFailed
The connection name.
- $ JobProcessed#connectionName — Property in class JobProcessed
The connection name.
- $ JobProcessing#connectionName — Property in class JobProcessing
The connection name.
- $ JobQueued#connectionName — Property in class JobQueued
The connection name.
- $ Looping#connectionName — Property in class Looping
The connection name.
- $ QueueBusy#connection — Property in class QueueBusy
The connection name.
- $ Job#container — Property in class Job
The IoC container instance.
- $ Job#connectionName — Property in class Job
The name of the connection the job belongs to.
- $ Listener#commandPath — Property in class Listener
The command working path.
- Listener::createCommand() — Method in class Listener
Create the command with the listener options.
- LuaScripts::clear() — Method in class LuaScripts
Get the Lua script for removing all jobs from the queue.
- $ Queue#container — Property in class Queue
The IoC container instance.
- $ Queue#connectionName — Property in class Queue
The connection name for the queue.
- $ Queue#createPayloadCallbacks — Property in class Queue
The create payload callbacks.
- Queue::createPayload() — Method in class Queue
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
- Queue::createPayloadArray() — Method in class Queue
Create a payload array from the given job and data.
- Queue::createObjectPayload() — Method in class Queue
Create a payload for an object-based queue handler.
- Queue::createStringPayload() — Method in class Queue
Create a typical, string based queue payload array.
- Queue::createPayloadUsing() — Method in class Queue
Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads.
- $ QueueManager#connections — Property in class QueueManager
The array of resolved queue connections.
- $ QueueManager#connectors — Property in class QueueManager
The array of resolved queue connectors.
- QueueManager::connected() — Method in class QueueManager
Determine if the driver is connected.
- QueueManager::connection() — Method in class QueueManager
Resolve a queue connection instance.
- QueueServiceProvider::configureSerializableClosureUses() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Configure serializable closures uses.
- $ RedisQueue#connection — Property in class RedisQueue
The connection name.
- RedisQueue::createPayloadArray() — Method in class RedisQueue
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
- RedisQueue::clear() — Method in class RedisQueue
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
- SqsQueue::clear() — Method in class SqsQueue
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
- $ Worker#cache — Property in class Worker
The cache repository implementation.
- Worker::calculateBackoff() — Method in class Worker
Calculate the backoff for the given job.
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
- $ Connection#client — Property in class Connection
The Redis client.
- Connection::createSubscription() — Method in class Connection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- Connection::client() — Method in class Connection
Get the underlying Redis client.
- Connection::command() — Method in class Connection
Run a command against the Redis database.
- PacksPhpRedisValues::compressed() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if compression is enabled.
- $ PhpRedisConnection#connector — Property in class PhpRedisConnection
The connection creation callback.
- $ PhpRedisConnection#config — Property in class PhpRedisConnection
The connection configuration array.
- PhpRedisConnection::createSubscription() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- PhpRedisConnection::command() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Run a command against the Redis database.
- $ PredisConnection#client — Property in class PredisConnection
The Predis client.
- PredisConnection::createSubscription() — Method in class PredisConnection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- PhpRedisConnector::connect() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Create a new clustered PhpRedis connection.
- PhpRedisConnector::connectToCluster() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Create a new clustered PhpRedis connection.
- PhpRedisConnector::createClient() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Create the Redis client instance.
- PhpRedisConnector::createRedisClusterInstance() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Create a new redis cluster instance.
- PredisConnector::connect() — Method in class PredisConnector
Create a new clustered Predis connection.
- PredisConnector::connectToCluster() — Method in class PredisConnector
Create a new clustered Predis connection.
- CommandExecuted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Events
- $ CommandExecuted#command — Property in class CommandExecuted
The Redis command that was executed.
- $ CommandExecuted#connection — Property in class CommandExecuted
The Redis connection instance.
- $ CommandExecuted#connectionName — Property in class CommandExecuted
The Redis connection name.
- ConcurrencyLimiter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
- $ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#connection — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
The Redis connection.
- DurationLimiter::clear() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Clear the limiter.
- $ DurationLimiterBuilder#connection — Property in class DurationLimiterBuilder
The Redis connection.
- $ RedisManager#customCreators — Property in class RedisManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- $ RedisManager#config — Property in class RedisManager
The Redis server configurations.
- $ RedisManager#connections — Property in class RedisManager
The Redis connections.
- RedisManager::connection() — Method in class RedisManager
Get a Redis connection by name.
- RedisManager::configure() — Method in class RedisManager
Configure the given connection to prepare it for commands.
- RedisManager::connector() — Method in class RedisManager
Get the connector instance for the current driver.
- RedisManager::connections() — Method in class RedisManager
Return all of the created connections.
- AbstractRouteCollection::checkForAlternateVerbs() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Determine if any routes match on another HTTP verb.
- AbstractRouteCollection::compile() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Compile the routes for caching.
- AbstractRouteCollection::count() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Count the number of items in the collection.
- CompiledRouteCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ CompiledRouteCollection#compiled — Property in class CompiledRouteCollection
The compiled routes collection.
- $ CompiledRouteCollection#container — Property in class CompiledRouteCollection
The container instance used by the route.
- ControllerMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
- ControllerDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Contracts
- Controller — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Controller::callAction() — Method in class Controller
Execute an action on the controller.
- ControllerDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ ControllerDispatcher#container — Property in class ControllerDispatcher
The container instance.
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- ThrottleRequests::calculateRemainingAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Calculate the number of remaining attempts.
- ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::calculateRemainingAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
Calculate the number of remaining attempts.
- $ PendingResourceRegistration#controller — Property in class PendingResourceRegistration
The resource controller.
- Redirector::createRedirect() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response.
- $ Route#controller — Property in class Route
The controller instance.
- $ Route#computedMiddleware — Property in class Route
The computed gathered middleware.
- $ Route#compiled — Property in class Route
The compiled version of the route.
- $ Route#container — Property in class Route
The container instance used by the route.
- Route::compileRoute() — Method in class Route
Compile the route into a Symfony CompiledRoute instance.
- Route::compileParameterNames() — Method in class Route
Get the parameter names for the route.
- Route::can() — Method in class Route
Specify that the "Authorize" / "can" middleware should be applied to the route with the given options.
- Route::controllerMiddleware() — Method in class Route
Get the middleware for the route's controller.
- Route::controllerDispatcher() — Method in class Route
Get the dispatcher for the route's controller.
- RouteAction::containsSerializedClosure() — Method in class RouteAction
Determine if the given array actions contain a serialized Closure.
- RouteBinding::createClassBinding() — Method in class RouteBinding
Create a class based binding using the IoC container.
- RouteRegistrar::compileAction() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Compile the action into an array including the attributes.
- RouteRegistrar::controller() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- $ Router#container — Property in class Router
The IoC container instance.
- $ Router#current — Property in class Router
The currently dispatched route instance.
- $ Router#currentRequest — Property in class Router
The request currently being dispatched.
- Router::createRoute() — Method in class Router
Create a new route instance.
- Router::convertToControllerAction() — Method in class Router
Add a controller based route action to the action array.
- Router::current() — Method in class Router
Get the currently dispatched route instance.
- Router::currentRouteName() — Method in class Router
Get the current route name.
- Router::currentRouteNamed() — Method in class Router
Determine if the current route matches a pattern.
- Router::currentRouteAction() — Method in class Router
Get the current route action.
- Router::currentRouteUses() — Method in class Router
Determine if the current route action matches a given action.
- $ UrlGenerator#cachedRoot — Property in class UrlGenerator
A cached copy of the URL root for the current request.
- $ UrlGenerator#cachedScheme — Property in class UrlGenerator
A cached copy of the URL scheme for the current request.
- UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the current URL for the request.
- ArraySessionHandler::close() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- ArraySessionHandler::calculateExpiration() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
Get the expiration time of the session.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ CacheBasedSessionHandler#cache — Property in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
The cache repository instance.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ SessionTableCommand#composer — Property in class SessionTableCommand
- SessionTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class SessionTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the session.
- CookieSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ CookieSessionHandler#cookie — Property in class CookieSessionHandler
The cookie jar instance.
- CookieSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ DatabaseSessionHandler#connection — Property in class DatabaseSessionHandler
The database connection instance.
- $ DatabaseSessionHandler#container — Property in class DatabaseSessionHandler
The container instance.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::close() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::close() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ StartSession#cacheFactoryResolver — Property in class StartSession
The callback that can resolve an instance of the cache factory.
- StartSession::collectGarbage() — Method in class StartSession
Remove the garbage from the session if necessary.
- StartSession::configHitsLottery() — Method in class StartSession
Determine if the configuration odds hit the lottery.
- StartSession::cache() — Method in class StartSession
Resolve the given cache driver.
- NullSessionHandler::close() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- SessionManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class SessionManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- SessionManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the "null" session driver.
- SessionManager::createArrayDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the "array" session driver.
- SessionManager::createCookieDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the "cookie" session driver.
- SessionManager::createFileDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the file session driver.
- SessionManager::createNativeDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the file session driver.
- SessionManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the database session driver.
- SessionManager::createApcDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the APC session driver.
- SessionManager::createMemcachedDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the Memcached session driver.
- SessionManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the Redis session driver.
- SessionManager::createDynamodbDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the DynamoDB session driver.
- SessionManager::createCacheBased() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of a cache driven driver.
- SessionManager::createCacheHandler() — Method in class SessionManager
Create the cache based session handler instance.
- Arr::collapse() — Method in class Arr
Collapse an array of arrays into a single array.
- Arr::crossJoin() — Method in class Arr
Cross join the given arrays, returning all possible permutations.
- Carbon — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Collection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection
Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
- Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item exists in the collection.
- Collection::crossJoin() — Method in class Collection
Cross join with the given lists, returning all possible permutations.
- Collection::containsOneItem() — Method in class Collection
Determine if the collection contains a single item.
- Collection::combine() — Method in class Collection
Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.
- Collection::concat() — Method in class Collection
Push all of the given items onto the collection.
- Collection::chunk() — Method in class Collection
Chunk the collection into chunks of the given size.
- Collection::chunkWhile() — Method in class Collection
Chunk the collection into chunks with a callback.
- Collection::count() — Method in class Collection
Count the number of items in the collection.
- Collection::countBy() — Method in class Collection
Count the number of items in the collection by a field or using a callback.
- Composer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- ConfigurationUrlParser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ DateFactory#callable — Property in class DateFactory
This callable may be used to intercept date creation.
- DateFactory::create() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromDate() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTime() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTimeString() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTimestamp() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTimestampMs() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTimestampUTC() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createMidnightDate() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createSafe() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::collapse() — Method in class Enumerable
Collapse the items into a single enumerable.
- Enumerable::containsStrict() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if an item exists, using strict comparison.
- Enumerable::contains() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.
- Enumerable::crossJoin() — Method in class Enumerable
Cross join with the given lists, returning all possible permutations.
- Enumerable::combine() — Method in class Enumerable
Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.
- Enumerable::concat() — Method in class Enumerable
Push all of the given items onto the collection.
- Enumerable::chunk() — Method in class Enumerable
Chunk the collection into chunks of the given size.
- Enumerable::chunkWhile() — Method in class Enumerable
Chunk the collection into chunks with a callback.
- Enumerable::countBy() — Method in class Enumerable
Count the number of items in the collection using a given truth test.
- Enumerable::collect() — Method in class Enumerable
Collect the values into a collection.
- App::configurationIsCached() — Method in class App
- App::configPath() — Method in class App
- App::currentLocale() — Method in class App
- Artisan::command() — Method in class Artisan
- Artisan::call() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth::createUserProvider() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::check() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::check() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::compileString() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::compile() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::component() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::components() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::componentNamespace() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::channel() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::connection() — Method in class Broadcast
- ;
- Bus::chain() — Method in class Bus
- Cache — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Config — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Cookie — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Crypt — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- DB::connection() — Method in class DB
- DB::commit() — Method in class DB
- Date::create() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromDate() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTime() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTimeString() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTimestamp() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTimestampMs() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTimestampUTC() — Method in class Date
- Date::createMidnightDate() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromFormat() — Method in class Date
- Date::createSafe() — Method in class Date
- Event::createClassListener() — Method in class Event
- Facade::createFreshMockInstance() — Method in class Facade
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
- Facade::createMock() — Method in class Facade
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
- Facade::clearResolvedInstance() — Method in class Facade
Clear a resolved facade instance.
- Facade::clearResolvedInstances() — Method in class Facade
Clear all of the resolved instances.
- File::cleanDirectory() — Method in class File
- File::copy() — Method in class File
- File::copyDirectory() — Method in class File
- File::chmod() — Method in class File
- Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
- Hash::check() — Method in class Hash
- Http::contentType() — Method in class Http
- Lang::choice() — Method in class Lang
- Log::channel() — Method in class Log
- Log::critical() — Method in class Log
- Notification::channel() — Method in class Notification
- Password::createToken() — Method in class Password
- RateLimiter::clear() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redis::connection() — Method in class Redis
- Request::capture() — Method in class Request
- Request::createFrom() — Method in class Request
- Request::createFromBase() — Method in class Request
- Request::cookie() — Method in class Request
- Route::current() — Method in class Route
- Route::controller() — Method in class Route
- Route::currentRouteAction() — Method in class Route
- Route::currentRouteName() — Method in class Route
- Schema::connection() — Method in class Schema
Get a schema builder instance for a connection.
- Schema::create() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::createDatabase() — Method in class Schema
- Storage::cloud() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::copy() — Method in class Storage
- URL::current() — Method in class URL
- View::composer() — Method in class View
- View::creator() — Method in class View
- $ HigherOrderCollectionProxy#collection — Property in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy
The collection being operated on.
- $ HigherOrderWhenProxy#collection — Property in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
The collection being operated on.
- $ HigherOrderWhenProxy#condition — Property in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
The condition for proxying.
- InteractsWithTime::currentTime() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp.
- Js::convertDataToJavaScriptExpression() — Method in class Js
Convert the given data to a JavaScript expression.
- Js::convertJsonToJavaScriptExpression() — Method in class Js
Convert the given JSON to a JavaScript expression.
- LazyCollection::collapse() — Method in class LazyCollection
Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
- LazyCollection::contains() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.
- LazyCollection::crossJoin() — Method in class LazyCollection
Cross join the given iterables, returning all possible permutations.
- LazyCollection::countBy() — Method in class LazyCollection
Count the number of items in the collection by a field or using a callback.
- LazyCollection::containsOneItem() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if the collection contains a single item.
- LazyCollection::combine() — Method in class LazyCollection
Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.
- LazyCollection::concat() — Method in class LazyCollection
Push all of the given items onto the collection.
- LazyCollection::chunk() — Method in class LazyCollection
Chunk the collection into chunks of the given size.
- LazyCollection::chunkWhile() — Method in class LazyCollection
Chunk the collection into chunks with a callback.
- LazyCollection::count() — Method in class LazyCollection
Count the number of items in the collection.
- $ Manager#container — Property in class Manager
The container instance.
- $ Manager#config — Property in class Manager
The configuration repository instance.
- $ Manager#customCreators — Property in class Manager
The registered custom driver creators.
- Manager::createDriver() — Method in class Manager
Create a new driver instance.
- Manager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class Manager
Call a custom driver creator.
- MessageBag::checkFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the appropriate format based on the given format.
- MessageBag::count() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the number of messages in the message bag.
- $ MultipleInstanceManager#customCreators — Property in class MultipleInstanceManager
The registered custom instance creators.
- MultipleInstanceManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Call a custom instance creator.
- ServiceProvider::callBootingCallbacks() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Call the registered booting callbacks.
- ServiceProvider::callBootedCallbacks() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Call the registered booted callbacks.
- ServiceProvider::callAfterResolving() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Setup an after resolving listener, or fire immediately if already resolved.
- ServiceProvider::commands() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register the package's custom Artisan commands.
- $ Str#camelCache — Property in class Str
The cache of camel-cased words.
- Str::camel() — Method in class Str
Convert a value to camel case.
- Str::contains() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string contains a given substring.
- Str::containsAll() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string contains all array values.
- Str::createUuidsUsing() — Method in class Str
Set the callable that will be used to generate UUIDs.
- Str::createUuidsNormally() — Method in class Str
Indicate that UUIDs should be created normally and not using a custom factory.
- Stringable::classBasename() — Method in class Stringable
Get the basename of the class path.
- Stringable::camel() — Method in class Stringable
Convert a value to camel case.
- Stringable::contains() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string contains a given substring.
- Stringable::containsAll() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string contains all array values.
- BatchRepositoryFake::cancel() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Cancel the batch that has the given ID.
- $ BusFake#commands — Property in class BusFake
The commands that have been dispatched.
- $ BusFake#commandsSync — Property in class BusFake
The commands that have been dispatched synchronously.
- $ BusFake#commandsAfterResponse — Property in class BusFake
The commands that have been dispatched after the response has been sent.
- BusFake::chain() — Method in class BusFake
Create a new chain of queueable jobs.
- $ MailFake#currentMailer — Property in class MailFake
The mailer currently being used to send a message.
- NotificationFake::channel() — Method in class NotificationFake
Get a channel instance by name.
- QueueFake::connection() — Method in class QueueFake
Resolve a queue connection instance.
- Timebox::call() — Method in class Timebox
Invoke the given callback within the specified timebox minimum.
- CapsuleManagerTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- $ CapsuleManagerTrait#container — Property in class CapsuleManagerTrait
The container instance.
- Conditionable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- $ EnumeratesValues#contains — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::containsStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Determine if an item exists, using strict comparison.
- EnumeratesValues::collect() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Collect the values into a collection.
- ReflectsClosures::closureParameterTypes() — Method in class ReflectsClosures
Get the class names / types of the parameters of the given Closure.
- ValidatedInput::collect() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get the input as a collection.
- ViewErrorBag::count() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Get the number of messages in the default bag.
- AssertableJsonString::count() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Get the total number of items in the underlying JSON array.
- CountInDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
- $ SeeInOrder#content — Property in class SeeInOrder
The string under validation.
- Has::count() — Method in class Has
Assert that the prop is of the expected size.
- ParallelRunner::createApplication() — Method in class ParallelRunner
Creates the application.
- $ ParallelTesting#container — Property in class ParallelTesting
The container instance.
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpProcessCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "setUp" process callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpTestCaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "setUp" test case callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpTestDatabaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "setUp" test database callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::callTearDownProcessCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "tearDown" process callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::callTearDownTestCaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "tearDown" test case callbacks.
- $ PendingCommand#command — Property in class PendingCommand
The command to run.
- $ TestComponent#component — Property in class TestComponent
The original component.
- MessageSelector::choose() — Method in class MessageSelector
Select a proper translation string based on the given number.
- Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator
Get a translation according to an integer value.
- ClosureValidationRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ ClosureValidationRule#callback — Property in class ClosureValidationRule
The callback that validates the attribute.
- FormatsMessages::callReplacer() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Call a custom validator message replacer.
- FormatsMessages::callClassBasedReplacer() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Call a class based validator message replacer.
- ValidatesAttributes::compareDates() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Compare a given date against another using an operator.
- ValidatesAttributes::checkDateTimeOrder() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Given two date/time strings, check that one is after the other.
- ValidatesAttributes::convertValuesToBoolean() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Convert the given values to boolean if they are string "true" / "false".
- ValidatesAttributes::convertValuesToNull() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Convert the given values to null if they are string "null".
- ValidatesAttributes::compare() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Determine if a comparison passes between the given values.
- ConditionalRules — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ ConditionalRules#condition — Property in class ConditionalRules
The boolean condition indicating if the rules should be added to the attribute.
- $ DatabasePresenceVerifier#connection — Property in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
The database connection to use.
- $ Factory#container — Property in class Factory
The IoC container instance.
- $ DatabaseRule#column — Property in class DatabaseRule
The column to check on.
- $ Dimensions#constraints — Property in class Dimensions
The constraints for the dimensions rule.
- $ Password#compromisedThreshold — Property in class Password
The number of times a password can appear in data leaks before being consider compromised.
- $ Password#customRules — Property in class Password
Additional validation rules that should be merged into the default rules during validation.
- $ RequiredIf#condition — Property in class RequiredIf
The condition that validates the attribute.
- $ Validator#container — Property in class Validator
The container instance.
- $ Validator#currentRule — Property in class Validator
The current rule that is validating.
- $ Validator#customMessages — Property in class Validator
The array of custom error messages.
- $ Validator#customAttributes — Property in class Validator
The array of custom attribute names.
- $ Validator#customValues — Property in class Validator
The array of custom displayable values.
- Validator::callExtension() — Method in class Validator
Call a custom validator extension.
- Validator::callClassBasedExtension() — Method in class Validator
Call a class based validator extension.
- $ BladeCompiler#customDirectives — Property in class BladeCompiler
All custom "directive" handlers.
- $ BladeCompiler#conditions — Property in class BladeCompiler
All custom "condition" handlers.
- $ BladeCompiler#compilers — Property in class BladeCompiler
All of the available compiler functions.
- $ BladeCompiler#contentTags — Property in class BladeCompiler
Array of opening and closing tags for regular echos.
- $ BladeCompiler#classComponentAliases — Property in class BladeCompiler
The array of class component aliases and their class names.
- $ BladeCompiler#classComponentNamespaces — Property in class BladeCompiler
The array of class component namespaces to autoload from.
- $ BladeCompiler#compilesComponentTags — Property in class BladeCompiler
Indicates if component tags should be compiled.
- BladeCompiler::compile() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Compile the view at the given path.
- BladeCompiler::compileString() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Compile the given Blade template contents.
- Compiler — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- $ Compiler#cachePath — Property in class Compiler
Get the cache path for the compiled views.
- CompilerInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- CompilerInterface::compile() — Method in class CompilerInterface
Compile the view at the given path.
- ComponentTagCompiler — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- ComponentTagCompiler::compile() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the component and slot tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileOpeningTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the opening tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileSelfClosingTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the self-closing tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::componentString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the Blade component string for the given component and attributes.
- ComponentTagCompiler::componentClass() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Get the component class for a given component alias.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileClosingTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the closing tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileSlots() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the slot tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileAttributeEchos() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile any Blade echo statements that are present in the attribute string.
- CompilesAuthorizations — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileCan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the can statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileCannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the cannot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileCanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the canany statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the else-can statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the else-cannot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the else-canany statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the end-can statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the end-cannot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the end-canany statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesClasses — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesClasses::compileClass() — Method in class CompilesClasses
Compile the conditional class statement into valid PHP.
- CompilesComments — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesComments::compileComments() — Method in class CompilesComments
Compile Blade comments into an empty string.
- CompilesComponents — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- $ CompilesComponents#componentHashStack — Property in class CompilesComponents
The component name hash stack.
- CompilesComponents::compileComponent() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the component statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileClassComponentOpening() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile a class component opening.
- CompilesComponents::compileEndComponent() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileEndComponentClass() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileSlot() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the slot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileEndSlot() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the end-slot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileComponentFirst() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the component-first statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileEndComponentFirst() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the end-component-first statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileProps() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the prop statement into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileAware() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the aware statement into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesConditionals::compileAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the if-auth statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileElseAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the else-auth statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-auth statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEnv() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the env statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndEnv() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-env statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileProduction() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the production statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndProduction() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-production statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the if-guest statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileElseGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the else-guest statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-guest statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileHasSection() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the has-section statements into valid PHP.